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研究生: 游又勳
論文名稱: 應用於智能家庭之智慧型監控系統
Design of an Intelligent Surveillance System for Smart Home Applications
指導教授: 吳傳嘉
Chwan-Chia Wu
口試委員: 黎碧煌
Bih-Hwang Lee
Chun-Ming Chang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 116
中文關鍵詞: 樹莓派安卓電腦視覺
外文關鍵詞: Raspberry Pi, Android, Computer vision
相關次數: 點閱:414下載:0
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本論文利用Raspberry Pi 3硬體實作出一套影像辨識系統,與一套Android App進行系統整合。實作上分為兩部分,第一部分為在樹莓派上實作出影像辨識系統,首先透過裝置上的攝影機讀取影像後,以影像去除背景、二值化、侵蝕及膨脹技術對於物體影像處理作為偵測,再透過影像模組作為物體辨識,並且排除居家寵物造成判別錯誤的可能性;第二部分則實作Android App功能包含帳戶管理、多方登入驗證、接收推播訊息、影像接收及影像串流,最後整合樹莓派以及Android App達到遠端啟動、接收訊息。

In recent years, thanks to the development of the Internet of Thing, advancement of cloud technology and the growth of smart home product results make the home surveillance market more business opportunities. Because of the deep learning, the development of artificial intelligence improve computer vision ability, as well as the gradual computerization of embedded systems, combine the two to achieve a computer vision camera. Nowadays, people have already got a smartphone, and they can instantly grasp the home situation with the mobile applications. This research uses Raspberry Pi 3 hardware to make an implements computer vision system, and an Android application system integration. The implementation is divided into two parts, The first part is to make a computer vision system on the Raspberry Pi. First, after reading the image through the camera on the device, the image remove background, threshold, erode and dilate techniques for object image processing as detection. Finally, through the image module as object recognition and rule out the possibility that the home pet will make a discriminating error. The second part of the implementation of Android App features account management, multi-party login verification, receiving push messages, image reception, and video streaming. Finally integrated Raspberry Pi and Android App to remotely start and receive messages.

摘要 I ABSTRACT II 誌謝 III 目錄 IV 圖索引 VII 表索引 XIII 第一章、 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景 1 1.2 研究動機及目的 3 1.3 研究內容 5 1.4 章節架構 5 第二章、 系統軟體架構介紹 6 2.1 ANDROID 6 2.2 樹莓派 6 2.3 開發環境簡介 8 2.3.1 Java 8 2.3.2 Android Studio 9 2.3.3 PHP 10 2.3.4 Apache HTTP Server 11 2.3.5 Python 12 2.3.6 OpenCV 12 2.4 FIREBASE 14 2.4.1 Authentication 14 2.4.2 Realtime Database 20 2.4.3 Cloud Storage 21 2.4.4 Cloud Message 22 第三章、 影像處理背景知識 24 3.1 影像處理背景知識 24 3.2 背景減法 24 3.3 影像二值化 25 3.4 影像型態學 26 3.4.1 膨脹 27 3.4.2 侵蝕 28 第四章、 系統設計 30 4.1 用戶端(CLIENT) 30 4.1.1 用戶端系統設計 30 4.1.2 信箱註冊 35 4.1.3 帳戶登入、授權、驗證 36 4.1.4 雲端推播接收 50 4.1.5 影像接收 53 4.1.6 攝影機控制架構 55 4.2 攝影機 57 4.2.1 攝影機系統架構 58 4.2.2 影像辨識 59 4.2.3 雲端推播 63 4.2.4 雲端檔案及資料庫更新 63 第五章、 實作成果 65 5.1 用戶端(CLIENT) 65 5.2 信箱註冊 65 5.2.1 帳戶登入、授權、驗證 68 5.2.2 雲端推播 78 5.2.3 影像接收 80 5.2.4 攝影機-辨識功能啟動 82 5.2.5 攝影機-影像串流 85 5.3 攝影機 86 5.3.1 影像辨識 86 5.3.2 雲端推播 92 5.3.3 雲端檔案及資料庫更新 93 第六章、 結論與未來展望 96 6.1 結論 96 6.2 未來展望 96 參考文獻 98

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