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研究生: 陳冠宇
Guan-yu Chen
論文名稱: 應用決策樹評估氣體絕緣開關絕緣狀態之研究
Development of Decision Tree for the Insulation Status Assessment of Gas Insulated Switchgear
指導教授: 吳瑞南
Ruay-Nan Wu
口試委員: 張宏展
Hong-Chan Chang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2015
畢業學年度: 103
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 78
中文關鍵詞: 局部放電氣體絕緣開關群集分析狀態評估特徵萃取
外文關鍵詞: partial discharge, gas insulated switchgear, cluster Analysis, status assessment, feature extraction
相關次數: 點閱:371下載:6
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In this thesis, we conducted partial discharge (PD) tests with single gas insulated switchgear (GIS) apparatus including different four prefabricated defects, trying to find out a common insulation deterioration the rules. During the trial in order to capture the partial discharge signals partial discharge device, we can extract 104 characteristic parameters include the resulting signal after noise suppression, data transformation, feature extraction and using moving average method. We find out that the feature of the sum of discharge from positive region- center of phase distribution has the same phenomenon in all the defects. The center towards to the first quadrant (0 degrees) as the data increased and turned again before breakdown.
Then using k-means to cluster data and he cluster's center point (turning point) items defined them as medium or late term of aging that use them to train the decision trees, so that the completion of four flawed decision tree model. To comply with the unknown defect diagnosis mechanism under the gas insulated switchgear, the use of fourth of the split point defects (phase) corresponding to the turning point, re-train a decision tree to tree complete model. Find out that the 6 characteristic parameters: fractal dimension, the sum of discharge from negative region - center of phase distribution, the sum of discharge from negative region - center of height distribution, the sum of discharge from negative height standard distribution, the area of the discharge from negative initial phase, the sum of discharge from positive region center of height distribution to be used. Use the features above we can get the overall success rate of GIS:95.8%. To finish the development for the insulation status assessment of high voltage gas insulated switchgear.

中文摘要I ABSTRACTII 誌謝IV 目錄V 圖目錄VIII 表目錄XI 第一章緒論1 1.1研究背景與動機1 1.2研究方法與步驟2 1.3章節概述5 第二章局部放電原理與氣體絕緣開關試驗介紹7 2.1局部放電簡介8 2.1.1局部放電種類介紹8 2.1.2 局部放電相關名詞定義8 2.1.3局部放電原理10 2.2局部放電檢測試驗 11 2.3氣體絕緣開關(GIS)簡介14 2.4本試驗架構14 2.5絕緣劣化之試驗規劃16 2.5.1加壓試驗規劃18 第三章局部放電資料處理與分析19 3.1局部放電資料的建立19 3.2 特徵值22 3.3放電演進圖譜萃取特徵參量的處理方式23 第四章局部放電數據分析30 4.1特徵趨勢圖30 4.2移動平均法32 4.2.1特徵趨勢圖在移動平均法上之應用33 4.3第一階段特徵篩選 37 4.3.1特徵篩選之規則 37 4.4 k平均法39 4.4.1基本之k- 平均法簡介39 4.4.2 k -平均法找出特徵轉折點41 第五章 氣體絕緣開關絕緣診斷系統44 5.1決策樹 44 5.2決策樹(第一版)54 5.2.1瑕疵GIS1(第一版決策樹)54 5.2.2瑕疵GIS2(第一版決策樹)55 5.2.3瑕疵GIS3(第一版決策樹)56 5.2.4瑕疵GIS4(第一版決策樹)57 5.3決策樹(第二版) 58 5.3.1 瑕疵GIS1(第二版決策樹) 59 5.3.2 瑕疵GIS2(第二版決策樹) 60 5.3.3 瑕疵GIS3(第二版決策樹)61 5.3.4 瑕疵GIS4(第二版決策樹)62 5.4結果與討論63 5.4.1決策樹模型(第一版)及(第二版)比較 63 5.5 決策樹(合成版)64 5.6 結果與討論67 5.6.1 氣體絕緣開關絕緣評估規則67 5.6.2 合成版決策樹規則之驗證68 第六章 結論與未來研究方向69 6.1結論69 6.2未來研究方向70 參考文獻71 附錄75

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