簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 辛永森
Yung-sen Hsin
論文名稱: 台灣股價指數期貨預測-平滑支撐向量迴歸與灰預測之應用
Prediction of Taiwan Stock Index Futures - Using Smooth Support Vector Regression and Grey Forecasting
指導教授: 余尚武
Shang-wu Yu
口試委員: 盧瑞山
Rui-Shan Lu
Cheng-Huang Hung
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 資訊管理系
Department of Information Management
論文出版年: 2008
畢業學年度: 96
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 95
中文關鍵詞: 當日沖銷價差人工智慧灰色理論馬可夫鏈傅立葉平滑支撐向量迴歸
外文關鍵詞: day trading, price spread, AI, grey theory, markov chain, fourier, smooth support vector regression
相關次數: 點閱:346下載:14
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The people often make a decision about the investment strategy or investment time rely on TV set, magazine or friend. Hence, this research is tried using the day trading strategy of applied price spread method and artificial intelligence technique to offer investors a simple way to make money.
The research mainly focuses on the trading strategy of Taiwan Futures market during July 1998 to September 2007. First, we observed the variation in price spread between Futures and Spot, and then predicted the future trend of price spread by using the smooth support vector regression and grey prediction. The research results are as follows:
1. The improved grey prediction’s performance is really better than traditional grey prediction, and furthermore the result of using smooth support vector regression performs better than the improved grey prediction.
2. The common trading strategy usually predicts only forward one step, but this research found that predicting forward two steps have better ability to discern the trend of variation.
3. When an obvious trend appears on the market, the predict activities with tools can make the correct decision effectively. On the other hand, when the market is backing and filling, the predict tools are useless. Within this condition, suggests using the buy and hold method into market instead.
4. There exists a moderately correlation between the variation in price spread and the prediction result. When coefficient of variation of price spread is getting lower, the trading strategy this research proposed is more profitable.
5. Day trading strategy is a good strategy for Stock Index Future in Taiwan. It can help investors earn profits.

第1章 緒論 1 1.1 研究動機 1 1.2 研究背景 3 1.3 研究目的 4 1.4 研究對象 4 1.5 研究架構 6 第2章 文獻探討 9 2.1 股價指數與指數期貨之關聯性 9 2.1.1 期貨與現貨之價格關係探討 9 2.1.2 價差與股價變動之相關性 13 2.1.3 相關文獻探討 14 2.2 支撐向量機 16 2.2.1 SSVM與SSVR 21 2.2.2 相關文獻探討 23 2.3 灰色理論 25 2.3.1 灰預測 26 2.3.2 相關文獻探討 34 第3章 研究方法 36 3.1 研究架構與流程 36 3.2 研究資料 39 3.2.1 資料取用區段 39 3.2.2 交易成本 40 3.3 研究變數 45 3.3.1 輸入與輸出變數 45 3.3.2 輸入資料前置處理 48 3.3.3 評估之指標 49 3.4 交易策略 51 3.5 SSVR建構 52 3.5.1 核函數選擇 52 3.5.2 輸入變數與建模資料長度選擇 53 3.5.3 最佳化參數方法選擇 54 3.5.4 建構預測方式 54 3.6 灰色建構 55 3.6.1 GM建構 55 3.6.2 MFGM建構 56 3.6.3 輸入變數與建模資料長度選擇 56 3.6.4 建構預測方式 57 3.7 不使用預測方法建構 57 3.7.1 省略預測之交易策略 57 3.7.2 持有到期方法 58 第4章 實證分析 59 4.1 SSVR實證分析 59 4.1.1 輸入變數之決定 59 4.1.2 建模資料長度之決定 63 4.1.3 最佳化參數之設定 64 4.1.4 預測結果分析 65 4.2 GM實證分析 66 4.2.1 建模資料長度之決定 66 4.2.2 預測結果分析 67 4.3 MFGM實證分析 68 4.3.1 建模資料長度之決定 68 4.3.2 預測結果分析 69 4.4 不使用預測方法實證分析 70 4.5 綜合比較 74 第5章 結論與建議 82 5.1 研究結論 82 5.2 研究建議 83 5.3 管理意涵 84 5.4 研究限制 84 參考文獻 85 中文部份 85 英文部分 86

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