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研究生: 吳佳伶
Chia-Ling Wu
論文名稱: 在新冠肺炎衝擊下, ESG對企業價值的影響
The Impact of ESG on Firm Value after Covid-19
指導教授: 陳俊男
Chun-Nan Chen
口試委員: 林軒竹
C.P. Shieh
Jen-Wei Cheng
Chun-Nan Chen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 財務金融研究所
Graduate Institute of Finance
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 27
中文關鍵詞: 企業價值ESGCOVID-19
外文關鍵詞: Firm Value, ESG, COVID-19
相關次數: 點閱:477下載:14
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社會責任已經是許多企業導入且將其融入自身經營策略,期盼在獲取收益的同時能夠與社會共同創造更大價值,形成良好的經濟循環並達到永續經營之目的。隨著多年來企業相應投入永續投資的行列,各界對於企業投入社會責任所帶來的影響有不同見解,本研究旨在瞭解環境、社會及公司治理(Environmental, Social and Governance, ESG)對企業價值之關聯性。

Social responsibility has already been introduced by many companies and combined their business strategies, hoping to create greater value with the society while earning benefits, becoming a good economic cycle, and develop continuously.
As companies have invested in sustainable investments over the years, their different points of view to the impact of CSR. This paper investigates the affect of Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance (Environmental, Social and Governance, ESG) performance on firm value. At the end of 2019, the new coronavirus (Covid-19) outbreak is continuing to grow and caused large-scale economic shock, which led to companies shot down. Therefore, the goal of this paper is to analyze impact of ESG on corporate value after the impact.
Well recognized ESG valuation mechanism is not available so far, this research uses the Corporate Governance Center of the TSE (Taiwan Stock Exchange) as the basis to measure ESG performance, transfer ranks of the evaluation grades from 1 to 7. Research samples are from Taiwan listed companies during 2016 to 2020. The regression analysis was performed by using the Least Square Method.
Empirical results exhibit there are significantly negative relationship between ESG and firm value, in other words, means the lower the ESG rating, the lower the firm value, which rejects the hypothesis one of this paper. In addition, the dummy variable of the impact of Covid-19 is significantly positive influence on firm value.
However, the interaction effects of Covid-19 impact and ESG rating has significantly negative influence to the firm value, which also rejects the hypothesis two of this paper. The possible reason is that governments from all over the world have accordingly announced monetary easing policies. In addition, the Taiwanese government has promoted business continuity plan to reduce supply chain interruptions, layoffs, etc., so that money has been heavily invested in the stock market, the value of the firm has increased significantly.

中文摘要 I ABSTRACT II 誌 謝 III 目錄 IV 圖目錄 V 表目錄 VI 第壹章 緒論1 第一節 研究動機及目的1 第二節 研究流程與架構3 第貳章 文獻探討與假說建立4 第一節 企業由CSR轉變至ESG之相關文獻4 第二節 ESG公司評鑑對企業價值為正向影響之相關文獻6 第三節 ESG與企業價值負向影響之相關文獻8 第四節 新冠肺炎與ESG關聯性之文獻 9 第參章 研究方法與實證模型10 第一節 樣本篩選與資料來源10 第二節 研究方法與實證模型11 第三節 變數定義 13 第肆章 實證結果及分析17 第一節 敘述性統計17 第二節 相關係數分析18 第三節 實證結果 20 第伍章 結論與建議22 第一節 研究結果 22 第二節 研究限制與未來建議方向22 第陸章 參考文獻 24 中文文獻 24 英文文獻 25 網站 27

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