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指導教授: 賴祐吉
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 資訊工程系
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 76
中文關鍵詞: MangaSegmentationVectorizationScreentoneProcedural Shading
外文關鍵詞: Manga, Segmentation, Vectorization, Screentone, Procedural Shading
相關次數: 點閱:342下載:1
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  • Manga are popular artistic form that have gained worldwide audience. Traditional scan-based digitization cannot properly and efficiently deliver the Manga artwork on electronic displays with different resolutions and screen sizes. Therefore, this research aims to design a pipeline to transform a raster Manga object to a vector representation for resolution independent rendering and interactive manipulation. The Manga object is decomposed into Manga elements including borders and shading regions using the line tracing approach and the cartoon+texture filter. To remove jagged edges, the borders are polished with the curve based Gaussian refiner. After the vectorization process is done, users can lay down scribbles to form of contextual components that can be edited independently from the original object. The final results are generated by rendering the borders with the curve-based shader and the shading regions with procedural texture along with their extracted properties. Our proposed vector representation can be not only magnified infinitely but also manipulated easily to generate interesting results: Deform the Bézier curves and triangle mesh for various animation effects. Users can easily change the pattern types or edit the pattern properties. A virtual light can be added to change the shading.

    Manga are popular artistic form that have gained worldwide audience. Traditional scan-based digitization cannot properly and efficiently deliver the Manga artwork on electronic displays with different resolutions and screen sizes. Therefore, this research aims to design a pipeline to transform a raster Manga object to a vector representation for resolution independent rendering and interactive manipulation. The Manga object is decomposed into Manga elements including borders and shading regions using the line tracing approach and the cartoon+texture filter. To remove jagged edges, the borders are polished with the curve based Gaussian refiner. After the vectorization process is done, users can lay down scribbles to form of contextual components that can be edited independently from the original object. The final results are generated by rendering the borders with the curve-based shader and the shading regions with procedural texture along with their extracted properties. Our proposed vector representation can be not only magnified infinitely but also manipulated easily to generate interesting results: Deform the Bézier curves and triangle mesh for various animation effects. Users can easily change the pattern types or edit the pattern properties. A virtual light can be added to change the shading.

    Abstract Acknowledgment Table of contents List of Tables List of Figures 1 Introduction 1.1 Objectives 1.2 Contributions 1.3 Organization 2 Related Works 2.1 Computational Cartoon and Comics 2.2 Texture-based Segmentation 2.3 Image Vectorization 3 Overview 4 Manga Element Decomposition 4.1 Screentone Detection 4.2 Border Detection 4.3 Element Boundaries Refinement 4.4 Pattern Identification 4.5 Pattern Property Extraction 5 Vectorization 5.1 Bézier Curves Construction 5.2 Manga Object Triangulation 6 Contextual Component Construction 6.1 Border Segment Decomposition 6.2 Component Selection 7 Rendering 7.1 Resolution Independent Curve Rendering 7.1.1 Curve Categorization 7.1.2 Finding k, l, and m 7.1.3 Solving Degenerate Cases 7.1.4 Applying Anti-Aliasing 7.2 Procedural Shader 8 Manipulation 8.1 Screentone Editing 8.2 Lighting Effect 8.3 Deformation 9 Results 10 Conclusion and Future Work 10.1 Conclusion 10.2 Future Work References

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