簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 吳笛
Ti Wu
論文名稱: 親子成長紀錄應用程式功能選單介面之研究
A Study on the Function Menu Interface of Parent-Child Growth Record Application
指導教授: 陳建雄
Chien-Hsiung Chen
口試委員: 吳志富
Chih-Fu Wu
Tung-Jung Sung
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 設計系
Department of Design
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 135
中文關鍵詞: 親子成長紀錄少子化親子商機使用者經驗介面功能選單互動設計
外文關鍵詞: Child's growth record, Lower birth rate, Parent-child business opportunities, User experience, Function menu interface, Interaction design
相關次數: 點閱:315下載:8
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  本研究包含兩部分實驗:(1)前導性實驗設計:調查現有親子成長紀錄應用程式做為前導性實驗樣本,了解目前親子成長紀錄應用程式之優缺點,包含功能操作及系統使用性與介面互動滿意度,並透過訪談與觀察得知使用者需求與建議;(2)驗證實驗:透過文獻探討之理論為依據,驗證實驗採3 (功能選單介面配置) X 2 (使用者經驗之高、低) 之雙因子組間方式進行模擬與驗證,包含任務操作時間績效、系統使用性尺度量表(SUS)、使用者互動滿意度問卷(QUIS)、使用者主觀感受量表,再將實驗結果作個別與整體的分析探討,並提出結論與建議。

  Under the lower birth rate in today’s society, each child is the most precious gift for parents. Parents also want to record the growth of their children to save precious memories, and share every important moment with their relatives and friends. Through the mobile APPlication, parents can promptly record children's growth. In this way, the pain point of papers, namely the portability is solved. The purpose of this study is to explore the usability of child's growth record mobile APPlications, to understand whether its interface allows users to quickly and easily achieve various record purposes, and thereby effectively completes operational tasks. In addition, this study provides suggestions for future redersign on the operation of the child's growth record mobile APPlications based on the research results.
  This study is composed of two experiments. (1) Pilot experiment: Investigate the existing child's growth record mobile APPlications as the pilot experiment samples to understand the advantages and disadvantages of the current mobile APPlications, including functional operation, system usability, and satisfaction of interface interaction. A better understanding of user needs and suggestions is gained through interviews and observations. (2) Confirmatory experiment: Based on the theory of literature discussion, the confirmatory experiment uses two-way analysis of variance, i.e., 3 (function menu interface configuration) X 2 (high and low user experience) for simulation and confirmation, including time-based task performance, system usability scale (SUS), the questionnaire for user interaction satisfaction (QUIS), and user subjective perception scale. The results are analyzed individually and as a whole. Conclusions and recommendations are further proposed.
  The following conclusions can be drawn from the research results. (1) The interface should be sorted and classified, and common functions can be unified and streamlined to provide users with a more intuitive browsing experience and interaction on mobile devices; (2) Function menus placed on a prominent place on the homepage can allow users to quickly understand the functions provided by the mobile APPlication; (3) The interface design details, such as icons, explanatory texts, and the placement, need to be obvious and easy for users to understand to provide a user-friendly service; (4) "Diary" function is the most important function of the child's growth record mobile APPlications. It is placed on the homepage to make it easy for users to use, and its interface can be similar to social networking websites, such as Facebook. It is designed in order to match the user's mental models; (5) The arrangement of operational steps and information levels should be simplified. Similar functions can be placed on the same page to reduce the time required for page jumps, allowing users to quickly complete the required operational tasks.

摘要 i ABSTRACT ii 誌謝 iv 目錄 v 圖目錄 viii 表目錄 xi 一、 緒論 1 1.1研究背景與動機 1 1.2研究目的 2 1.3研究架構 3 1.4研究範圍與限制 5 二、 文獻探討 6 2.1少子化與親子商機 6 2.1.1少子化 6 2.1.2親子商機 8 2.2認知心理學 12 2.3人機介面 15 2.4互動設計 16 2.4.1互動設計的特徵 17 2.4.2互動設計原則 19 三、 研究方法與流程 21 3.1研究架構與實驗對象 21 3.2研究方法 21 四、 前導性研究與實驗 23 4.1親子成長記錄應用程式使用者訪談 23 4.1.1訪談對象 23 4.1.2問卷設計與訪談流程 23 4.1.3受訪者資料 25 4.1.4訪談記錄 25 4.1.5訪談重點彙整 30 4.2前導性實驗-現有親子成長記錄應用程式使用性實驗 31 4.2.1實驗樣本APP 31 4.2.2實驗任務與問卷設計 34 4.2.3樣本任務操作流程 35 4.2.4實驗對象 42 4.2.5實驗設備與步驟 42 4.3前導性實驗分析與結果 44 4.3.1前導性實驗任務計時績效 44 4.3.2 系統使用性尺度量表(SUS)分析 50 4.3.3 使用者互動滿意度問卷(QUIS)分析 51 4.3.4 前導性實驗結論 54 4.4前導性研究小結 54 五、 驗證實驗與結果分析 56 5.1驗證實驗方法 56 5.1.1實驗研究變項 56 5.1.2親子成長記錄應用程式模擬原型設計 57 5.1.3驗證實驗任務與問卷 58 5.1.4實驗對象 60 5.2驗證實驗結果 64 5.2.1驗證實驗之任務操作績效結果與分析 64 任務1:新增寶寶 64 任務2:設置/變更寶寶大頭貼照 67 任務3:新增日記 (照片) 71 任務4:疫苗接種記錄 74 任務5:身高體重紀錄 77 任務6:刪除寶寶 81 5.2.2 系統使用性尺度量表(SUS)分析 85 5.2.3 使用者互動滿意度問卷(QUIS)分析 89 介面整體反應 89 介面呈現 92 介面資訊 94 操作學習 97 5.2.4 使用者主觀感受量表分析 98 六、 結論與建議 101 6.1研究結果 101 6.1.1現有親子成長紀錄應用程式之介面使用性調查 101 6.1.2親子成長紀錄應用程式模擬原型設計與驗證實驗研究結果 102 任務操作計時績效分析 102 系統使用性尺度量表(SUS)分析 103 使用者互動滿意度問卷(QUIS)分析 104 使用者主觀感受量表分析 105 6.2結論建議與後續發展 106 6.2.1結論與設計建議 106 6.2.2後續研究發展建議 107 參考文獻 108 附錄一:前導性實驗問卷 110 附錄二:驗證實驗問卷 115

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