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Author: 王冠鈞
Guan-Jun Wang
Thesis Title: 基於BIM之鋼構構件生產作業資訊流整合
BIM-based Information Flow Integration for Operations of Steel Structure Component Production
Advisor: 陳鴻銘
Hung-Ming Chen
Committee: 梁宇宸
Yu-Chen Liang
Yo-Ming Hsieh
Hung-Ming Chen
Degree: 碩士
Department: 工程學院 - 營建工程系
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering
Thesis Publication Year: 2017
Graduation Academic Year: 105
Language: 中文
Pages: 103
Keywords (in Chinese): 建築資訊模型工業4.0鋼構廠Tekla Structures
Keywords (in other languages): BIM, Industrial 4.0, Steel Structure Factory, Tekla Structures
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工業4.0為政府近年來積極推動的產業升級計畫,其中主要概念是建構在虛實整合系統(Cyber-Physical System, CPS)的基礎上,以資訊系統(Information Technology, IT)為核心技術,並結合工廠既有操作技術(Operational Technology, OT)的融合系統,且以數據分析為基礎概念,研發打造「智慧化的工廠」;在營造產業供應鏈中具有標準化、大量生產、客製化等特性的生產作業流程並不多,鋼構廠為少數符合以上特性的生產線,因此在本研究中以鋼構廠為課題改善既有的系統,將資訊以數位化、智慧化為目標,深入到工廠內部的每一個細節,以追求最佳的生產效率與產品質量。
本研究以擷取BIM虛擬構件模型輔助製造構件實體模型的概念,研究以構件的BIM模型於生產過程中作為整合與傳遞資訊流的載具,使其輔助將所代表的實體構件依據模型資訊製造出來。利用Tekla API於Tekla Structures檢核模型資訊使其有效地驗證正確性與完整性,並從模型中有效率地篩選與擷取出所需生產構件資訊,以利後續工廠於生產線上能自動化地取得完整的資訊,如,落樣圖、鋼板切割資訊、查核站3D視圖附件等。最後利用視覺化技術將資訊以直觀的方式呈現給各生產線上之操作人員,避免造成製造時因資訊不明確而產生的錯誤與修正,以達到智慧化地提供各類生產資訊,亦提升鋼構廠生產和管理之效率。

Industrial 4.0 is the industrial upgrading program which is actively promoted by the government in recent years. Its main concept is built on the Cyber-Physical System as the foundation and Information Technology as the core technology to integrate the existing Operational Technology of Factories. Industry 4.0 creates what has been called a "smart factory" based on data analysis. In construction industry, steel structure factory is minority with standardization, mass production, and customization characteristics in the production process of the production line. Therefore, this study attempts to apply Industrial 4.0 concept to the production line of steel structure factory.
Based on the concept of using virtual component model to assist the manufacturing of real component, the BIM model of the component is used as a vehicle for integrating and transmitting the information flow in the production process to manufacture the real component represented by it in accordance with it. This study used Tekla API to develop plug-in functions on Tekla Structures for BIM model checking, efficiently retrieving components from the overall BIM model, and automatically providing information as the basis of manufacturing for several job stages in the production line, such as layout drawing, cutting plane information and 3D view attachment of checkpoint. The required information of these job stages were analyzed and the ways to obtain these information were developed. In addition, the most suitable way to present or format the information of BIM components for each job stage were studied and proposed. A case study on the application the proposed system was conducted to show the feasibility of the proposed concept.

論文摘要 I ABSTRACT III 誌謝 V 目錄 VII 圖目錄 XI 表目錄 XV 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究動機 1 1.2 研究目的 4 1.3 研究範圍 6 1.4 研究方法 7 1.5 論文架構 9 第二章 研究背景 11 2.1 文獻回顧 11 2.1.1 工業4.0之研究 11 2.1.2 虛實整合系統之研究 12 2.1.3 建築資訊模型之研究 13 2.2 系統開發技術 15 2.2.1 Tekla Structures 15 2.2.2 .net dxf Reader-Writer 17 2.2.3 Clipper 18 2.2.4 NPOI 20 第三章 系統功能需求分析與規劃 23 3.1 系統需求分析 23 3.1.1 BOX柱第一次加工流程 23 3.1.2 資料呈現方式探討 24 物料清單 25 模型檢核勘誤清單 26 鋼板切割計劃書 26 落樣圖 27 U組立檢查文件 29 專案排程所需資料內容 30 3.2 系統功能規劃 32 3.2.1 模型資訊擷取模組 33 3.2.2 模型檢核模組 33 3.2.3 篩選模組 34 3.2.4 排程管理資料匯出模組 34 3.2.5 切割零件擷取模組 35 3.2.6 落樣圖繪製模組 35 3.2.7 構件3D視圖剪取模組 35 第四章 系統架構與運作機制 37 4.1 系統開發環境 37 4.2 系統類別架構 38 4.2.1 Model Class(模型資料類別) 39 4.2.2 ModelDebug Class(模型檢核類別) 41 CheckStiffenerPlane Method(加勁板檢查) 43 CheckBodyBoard Method(柱本體板檢查) 44 CheckDiaphragmPlate Method(柱內隔板檢查) 45 4.2.3 Search Class(資料搜尋類別) 47 4.2.4 TeklaUIHandler Class(模型互動類別) 48 4.2.5 BOM Class(物料清單類別) 49 4.2.6 SmallPieces Class(板片擷取類別) 50 4.2.7 Layout Class(落樣圖類別) 53 SetDPlateDirection Method(柱內隔板回板設定) 56 SetWeldingShrinkage Method(銲接收縮預留設定) 57 4.2.8 SnapshotAssembly Class(構件3D視圖剪取類別) 58 4.2.9 UserInterface Class(使用者介面類別) 60 第五章 系統使用範例 65 5.1 系統開啟設定 66 5.2 擷取功能操作 67 5.3 篩選條件設定 68 5.4 互動功能操作 69 5.5 模型資料匯出與操作 72 5.5.1 模型檢核資料匯出與操作 72 5.5.2 進料資料匯出 74 5.5.3 切割資料匯出 75 5.5.4 放樣資料匯出 76 5.5.5 組立資料匯出 77 5.6 Tekla Structures模型匯出IFC檔案 78 第六章 結論與未來展望 79 6.1 結論 79 6.2 未來展望 80 參考文獻 81

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