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研究生: 王念澤
Nian-Ze Wang
論文名稱: 專利分類號的共現性研究-以生物技術CRISPR為例
指導教授: 管中徽
Chung-Huei, Kuan
口試委員: 劉顯仲
John S. Liu
Mei H.C. Ho
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 應用科技學院 - 專利研究所
Graduate Institute of Patent
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 100
中文關鍵詞: 專利分類號分析CRISPR共現分析CPC分類號
外文關鍵詞: patent classification analysis, CRISPR, co-occurrence analysis, CPC
相關次數: 點閱:887下載:19
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  • 專利分類號是審查人員詳細閱讀專利文獻後依照其所涉及的技術領域給予的分類代碼,它的應用層面廣泛,可以用於衡量企業的價值、計算專利的強度以及藉由過去申請的專利資料分析特定技術的發展史,進而做出如技術功效矩陣圖並找到未來潛在的研究方向等等。隨著2013年歐美正式啟用共同分類號(CPC),專利技術的分類更加明確,有助於專利分類號分析的相關研究。

    A patent classification is a system for examiners to categorize patent documents by its technical fields. We know that patent classification is extensively used to evaluate a company, calculate the strength of a patent and ,by inspecting the filed patent applications and documents, even the history of a specific technology. We may use these data to create a technology-function Matrix, which will help us to find some potential direction for research in the future. In 2013, Europe and America started using cooperative patent classification (CPC), enabling the examiners to give patent classifications more clearly by its technical field which has been very helpful for relevant researches of patent classification analysis.
    In previous researches, in order to analyse the patents at interest, extracting out the classification numbers and coming out with a statistic result is required. So that knowing which one(s) of the classifications are much more than the others. Moreover, utilizing the analysis enables us to determine the technical fields of these patents. Furthermore, analysis can also be done with the combination of other elements, such as countries, patentees, and etc. However, when a patent is given many classifications (by the examiners), despite that it means the patent could have covered a more extensive scope of art, it may indicate otherwise. It could have been that the requirement of two or more classifications are necessary to express the information about its technique more profoundly, instead of being understandable from one classification.
    As a result, we chose to case study about CRISPR, a popular and rapid-developing biological technique and analyze the related patents from the United State Patent and Trademark Office database. We want to find out, when a technique is developing, whether co-occurrence of patent classifications occurs, compare to the traditional patent classification analysis. In addition to looking at the results of the patents as a whole, there are also annual observations. We observe the number of classification group variation from year to year, and it does present some clues demonstrating the directions of future research. Finally, according to results of the research, we define some types of patent classification co-occurrence, for example, “dependent co-occurrence” and what match the theory of co-occurrence in the research. Furthermore, focusing on the patents corresponding to one classification group and manually distributing them, we verify them having the same technical field. As a result, the classification co-occurrence done by the research could be another way to filter, which could be helpful for reducing the time to search for patents.

    指導教授推薦書 II 學位考試委員審定書 III 中文摘要 IV ABSTRACT V 致謝 VII 目錄 VIII 圖表目錄 X 第1章 概論 1 1.1研究目的 1 1.2研究方法 3 1.3研究架構 9 第2章 文獻探討 10 2.1 CPC分類號的發展 10 2.2專利分類號的應用 13 2.3分類號的共現 21 第3章 分析方法 26 3.1專利檢索 26 3.2資料篩選 29 3.3資料分析方法 33 3.3.1 分類號處理方法 34 3.3.2資料呈現方式 39 3.4可視化工具選擇 41 第4章 研究結果 45 4.1資料概況 45 4.2 整體觀測結果 47 4.3各年度分析結果 52 4.4 共現性觀察 70 第5章 結論 78 5.1 研究總結 78 5.2 研究限制及未來方向 81 參考文獻 83 中文部份 83 英文部份 84 附錄 86

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