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研究生: 鄭宇翔
論文名稱: 以磁控濺鍍法製備鉬基金屬玻璃薄膜之銷對盤磨潤性質之研究
Preparation and tribological analysis of the Molybdenum based thin film metallic glasses deposited by magnetron sputtering process
指導教授: 周育任
Yu-Jen Chou
口試委員: 施劭儒
Shao-Ju Shih
Yu-Jen Chou
Bo-Shiuan Li
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 機械工程系
Department of Mechanical Engineering
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 114
中文關鍵詞: 鉬基金屬玻璃磁控濺鍍法X光繞射分析電子束掃描顯微鏡銷對盤磨耗試驗機
外文關鍵詞: Molybdenum-based metallic glasses, Magnetron sputter process, X-ray diffraction analyzer, Electron beam scanning microscope, Pin on disk machine tester
相關次數: 點閱:503下載:0
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金屬玻璃(Metallic glasses)之發展,自1960年代以來已有眾多學術研究歷史。由於金屬玻璃是採用快速冷卻凝固法而形成非晶態之金屬,同時兼具有高強度、高化學穩定性、抗磨耗等性質,可運用在眾多之產業器材上當作披覆之材料,能使披覆之材料達到抗腐蝕、抗磨耗之特性。其中,鋯基金屬玻璃(Zirconium based metallic glasses)是現今最為主流,並最常做為學術研究之金屬玻璃材料,其原因為鋯金屬與其他高強度金屬有較高之鍵結強度,能夠在高溫之環境下仍保有良好之非晶結構;並且可利用自身較大之原子半徑大小,驅使與其他元素混合時,還能保有不規則排列之特性,使得整體金屬玻璃在面對過冷液相區(super cooled liquid region)時,更能抑制結晶相而形成非晶結構。雖然鋯金屬有眾多之優點,但被作為薄膜披覆之磨耗來進行研究卻較為稀少,受制原因在於鋯基金屬玻璃維氏硬度(Hv)僅只有520GPa左右,相較於眾多研究之金屬氮化膜與氧化膜,硬度卻有明顯不足,以至於必須找尋機械強度更高之金屬。


The development of metallic glasses has a long history of scientific research in the 20th century. Due to metallic glasses is an amorphous metal formed by rapid cooling and solidification method, and have high strength, high chemical stability, and good wear resistance properties, and always be used as a coating material on many industrial equipments. However, Zirconium based metallic glasses are the most popular material nowadays and are most often used as metallic glass materials for academic research. Then, Zirconium can use its own larger atomic radius ratio to keep maintain the characteristics of irregular arrangement when mixing with other elements, so that the overall metallic glass can suppress the crystalline phase and easily form an amorphous structure when facing the super cooled liquid region. However, zirconium metal has many advantages, but it is seldom used for research on mechanical wear due to the hardness of zirconium is insufficient. Therefore, it is necessary to find a metal with higher mechanical strength.

Meanwhile, Molybdenum based metallic glasses could be used on own research because of higher young’s modulus, hardness and wear resistance than zirconium metal and perform good chemical stabilization below
temperature 600℃. Molybdenum have the lowest thermal expansion coefficient α(4.8μm/Km) to protect the substrate and also could decrease excess residual stress.
In this experiment, the molybdenum-based metallic glass (Mo45Ti30Ni15Zr7Co3) is prepared by magnetron sputtering process, which can coat the metal film on the substrate for research of wear resistance. In the environment of room temperature, there is no residual stress and the coating on the substrate have a higher density in thin film. In addition, the amorphous structure of the metal glass thin film can be identified by an X-ray diffraction analyzer, and the surface morphology of the metal film can also be observed by an electron beam scanning microscope. Finally, the resistance of the metal film can be tested by a pin-to-disk machine tester. Wear properties analysis is as a probe into the potential ability of molybdenum-based metallic glasses.

摘要 .................................................................................................................. I Abstract ........................................................................................................ III 目錄 .................................................................................................................V 圖目錄 ........................................................................................................... IX 表目錄 ........................................................................................................ XIII 第一章 研究介紹 ........................................................................................... 1 第二章 文獻回顧 ........................................................................................... 3 2-1 金屬玻璃發展的歷史 (The Development of Metallic glasses) ...... 3 2-2 金屬玻璃之性質 (Properties of metallic glasses) ........................... 4 2-2-1基本性質 (Based properties) .................................................. 4 2-2-2 機械性質 (Mechanical properties) ....................................... 5 2-2-3 疲勞性質 (Fatigued properties) ............................................ 6 2-2-4 磨潤性質 (Tribological properties) ...................................... 8 2-2-5 鉬基金屬玻璃 (Molybdenum based metallic glasses) ........ 8 2-2-6 金屬玻璃之抗磨耗性質 (Wear resistance of metallic glasses)…………………………………………………….10 2-3 玻璃轉換溫度 (Glass transition temperature)............................ 11 2-4 金屬玻璃形成能力 (The glass forming ability) ........................... 12 2-4-1 凝固學理論 (Theory of coagulation) .................................. 12 2-4-2 金屬玻璃非晶性質 (Amorphous properties) ..................... 14 2-4-3 Inoue 法則 (Inoue,s rule) ..................................................... 15 VI 2-5金屬玻璃製備之方法 (The preparation methods of metallic glasses)............................................................................................. 18 2-5-1熔體旋轉急冷法 (Rapid solidification processing) ............ 18 2-5-2 電子束熱蒸鍍法 (Thermal evaporation deposition) ......... 19 2-5-3 磁控濺鍍法 (Magnetron sputtering deposition) ................ 21 2-5-4 脈衝雷射沉積法 (Pulsed laser deposition) ......................... 26 2-6 薄膜生長機制 (Growth mechanism of thin film) ........................ 27 2-7 磨潤理論 (Tribology) ..................................................................... 30 2-8潤滑機制種類 ( Type of lubricated mechanism) ........................ 34 2-9銷對盤之磨潤機制 (Pin on disk machine) ................................... 36 第三章 實驗方法 ......................................................................................... 37 3-1 實驗方法與設計 (Procedure and experiment design) ................ 37 3-2 磨潤材料介紹 (Tribological material) .......................................... 39 3-2-1 鉬金屬靶材 (Pure Mo target) .............................................. 39 3-2-2鉬基金屬合金靶材 (Mo45Ti30Ni15Zr7Co3 target) ............. 39 3-2-3 鋯鈦鎳金屬合金靶材 (Zr50Ti30Ni20 target) ...................... 40 3-2-4 7075-T6鋁合金基板 (7075-T6 alumina substrate) ........... 40 3-2-5 S45C碳鋼銷桿件 (S45C carbon pin) ................................ 41 3-2-6 實驗靶材與基板之規格 (Experimental targets and substrate size) ........................................................................... 41 3-3實驗流程與實驗參數(Procedure of experiment and parameter) ......................................................................................................... 43 3-4 金屬玻璃之膜厚製程 (Preparation of metallic glasses thin film) ......................................................................................................... 45 VII 3-5 實驗設備 (Experiment instrument) .............................................. 47 3-6設備儀器分析 (Experimental equipment analysis) ..................... 48 3-6-1 X光繞射分析儀 (X ray diffractometer) ........................... 48 3-6-2 雙束場發離子束聚焦顯微鏡 (Focused ion beam scanning microscope) ........................................................................... 49 3-6-3 高功率磁控濺鍍機 (Magnetron sputtering machine) ...... 50 3-6-4 奈米壓痕試驗機 (Nano indenter) ....................................... 51 3-6-4-1 金屬玻璃奈米壓痕原理 (The principle of Nano indention) ........................................................................ 51 3-6-5 迴轉磨耗試驗機 (Pin on disk machine) ............................. 53 3-6-5-1磨耗試驗參數 (The parameters of wear) .................... 54 3-6-5-2 磨潤之濺鍍參數 (The parameters of the sputtering) . 56 3-6-6 綠光干涉儀 (Coherence correlation interferometry) ....... 58 3-6-7 雷射共軛聚焦顯微鏡 (Confocal laser scanning microscope) ................................................................................................ 58 第四章 實驗結果 ......................................................................................... 60 4-1金屬玻璃之晶向分析 (XRD analysis) ....................................... 60 4-2 表面形貌觀察與膜厚(Surface morphology and thin film) .... 62 4-2-1 7075-T6鋁合金表面形貌 (7075-T6 surface morphology) ............................................................................................. 62 4-2-2 金屬玻璃薄膜厚度之形貌 (Metallic glasses thin film morphology) ...................................................................... 65 4-3鋁合金表面薄膜成分分析 (EDS analysis) ................................. 67 4-4 奈米壓痕實驗結果 (Experimental results of Nano indention) 71 VIII 4-5 銷對盤之磨耗試驗分析結果 (The parameters of pin on dick) ...................................................................................................... 74 4-5-1磨耗表面結果 (Wear surface) ............................................. 74 4-5-2材料磨耗率與摩擦係數結果(Wear rate and coefficient of friction ) ................................................................................. 77 第五章 結果探討 ........................................................................................ 83 5-1 薄膜製成探討 (Thin film process analysis) .............................. 83 5-2金屬玻璃薄膜之成形機制探討 (Mechanism of metallic glasses thin film forming) ........................................................................ 84 5-3邊界潤滑探討 (Boundary lubrication analysis) ....................... 86 5-4金屬玻璃之機械特性探討 (Analysis of mechanical properties of metallic glass) .......................................................................... 86 第六章 結論 ................................................................................................. 89 第七章 未來工作 ........................................................................................ 90 參考文獻 ....................................................................................................... 91

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