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研究生: 李和川
Ho-Chuang Lee
論文名稱: 6 Sigma應用於統包工程規劃設計階段之個案研究
Applying Six Sigma in Engineering Design – A Case Study
指導教授: 歐陽超
Chao Ou-Yang
口試委員: 王福琨
Fu-Kwun Wang
Kung-Jeng Wang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 工業管理系
Department of Industrial Management
論文出版年: 2010
畢業學年度: 98
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 123
中文關鍵詞: 6 Sigma六標準差DMAICISO 9001品質管理系統統包工程
外文關鍵詞: Quality Management Sys
相關次數: 點閱:565下載:16
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從品質管理活動歷史來看,絕大部份的品質活動都側重於生產工廠產品管理,鮮少觸及統包工程服務業。而個案公司正介於製造業與服務業之間,且已擁有深化於內部的ISO 9001品質管理系統;個案公司在國際化過程中,除追求卓越品質,並立志成為世界級工程與科技服務團隊,因此,欲藉由實施6 Sigma(六標準差)協助其達成目標。
個案公司已經有一套完善的ISO 9001及內部相關的輔助品質管理系統,同時公司管理階層也一再強調品質的重要性,但為何品質還是無法令人滿意,甚至還出現細微的品質瑕疵卻造成巨額的損失及工程延誤之現象,各級主管也因為品質問題一天到晚忙著救火,到底個案公司品質問題在那裡? 既有的ISO 9001品質管理系統是否已遇上瓶頸? 因此,本研究藉由在個案公司導入6 Sigma試行個案,以探討企業已有深化於內部的ISO 9001品質管理系統再導入6 Sigma是否能有效提昇其品質水準,並證明6 Sigma 方法論是適合個案公司邁向卓越品質旅程之科學方法,同時,提供執行經驗與建議,以做為類似產業未來導入時之參考。
本研究前後經歷十個月,過程中完全遵照6 Sigma手法。最後證明,企業若期望持續改善品質,提昇自身的競爭力,不管是否已具備ISO 9001品質管理系統,再導入6 Sigma是絕對有需要的,此兩者管理活動是相輔相成並不悖逆,若能將兩者同時進行,維持其互補關係,而成為一個更完整的品質管理體系,將有畢其功於一役之效,不但有效提昇企業管理價值及品質水準,進而增加市場競爭力,獲得更大的效益。

Looking back at the history of quality management, it’s found that most quality control activities focus on product quality management in manufacturing, yet less apply to Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) industry. The case company is operated between manufacturing industry and service industry. It implements the ISO 9001 quality management system and the standard is already deeply rooted in the company. In the process of internationalization, the case company pursues excellence in quality and intends to become a leading Global Provider of Engineering Service and Innovative Technologies. Thus, this research is aim for introducing Six Sigma to assist it achieving the goal.
The case company has implemented a complete ISO 9001 system as well as an in-house assistant quality control system. Meanwhile, the management team repeatedly emphasizes the importance of quality; however, some quality defects has resulted in massive loss and schedule delay, leading to the company’s executive officers spending plenty of time on problems solving. Why is the case company having quality problems? Are there inherent limits of the existing quality management system? To solve out the problems, this research is to explore whether introducing Six Sigma would enhance quality level, and prove that the Six Sigma is the scientific method to bring the case company to the destination of perfect quality. At the same time, it provides practical experience and suggestion as a reference for similar industry.
The research has gone through 10 months and followed the Six Sigma method. In the end, it has been proven that if the company expects to enhance its competitiveness by continuous quality improvement, it is necessary to implement Six Sigma no matter the company has already adopted ISO 9001 system or not. There is no conflict between these two management methods. Parallel implementation of the two management methods and integrating them into one complete quality management system is workable. It can effectively enhance management value and quality level, and th

摘要II ABSTRACTIII 誌謝IV 表目錄VIII 圖目錄IX 第一章 緒論1 1.1 研究背景與動機1 1.2 研究範圍2 1.3 研究方法2 1.4 研究流程與架構2 第二章 文獻回顧與探討5 2.1 6 SIGMA文獻回顧與探討5 2.1.1 6 SIGMA 的沿革5 2.1.2 6 SIGMA的意義6 2.1.3 6 SIGMA的六項核心內涵11 2.1.4 6 SIGMA的改善步驟 – DMAIC12 2.1.5 6 SIGMA的工具22 2.1.6 6 SIGMA導入模式22 2.1.7 6 SIGMA經營之效益23 2.2 ISO 9001:2008年版之文獻回顧與探討26 2.2.1 ISO 9000的沿革與基本精神26 2.2.2 ISO 9001:2008年版簡介26 2.2.3 ISO 9001品質管理流程模式27 2.2.4 ISO 9001 八項品質管理原則30 2.2.5 ISO 9001八項品質管理原則所採取之措施31 2.2.6 ISO 9001八項品質管理原則之主要利益33 2.3 6 SIGMA與ISO 9001比較分析34 2.3.1 6 SIGMA與ISO 9001的沿革比較35 2.3.2 6 SIGMA六項核心內涵與ISO 9001八項品質管制原則分析比較37 2.3.3 6 SIGMA與 ISO 9001總體分析38 第三章 C公司推動6 SIGMA試行個案之運作歷程與分析40 3.1 C公司簡介40 3.2 EPC統包工程規劃設計階段之特徵41 3.3 導入6 SIGMA試行個案的背景與歷程42 3.3.1 C公司現有的品質管理系統之探討42 3.3.2 啟動C公司卓越品質之旅43 3.3.3 同仁的疑惑與期待43 3.3.4 尋找6 SIGMA輔導顧問公司之歷程44 3.4 6 SIGMA試行個案運作前的評估和準備44 3.5 6 SIGMA試行個案小組成立46 3.6 6 SIGMA試行個案運作模式與執行過程48 第四章 推動結果分析與討論79 4.1 個案問題背景說明79 4.2 6 SIGMA試行個案遭遇的議題和討論80 4.3 6 SIGMA導入前後之執行方式比較83 4.4 6 SIGMA試行個案的成果與效益84 4.5 6 SIGMA試行個案推動經驗分享85 4.6 問卷調查85 第五章 結論與建議86 5.1 推動經驗和結論86 5.2 本研究之建議事項89 建議一:導入6 SIGMA初期操作模式之建議90 建議二:6 SIGMA推動組織架構與人員角色之建議95 建議三:6 SIGMA專案選擇要點之建議97 建議四: 6 SIGMA經營應具備的配套措施之建議100 5.3 後續研究方向之建議100 參考文獻102 附錄一:ISO9001:2008 VS. ISO9001:2000條文差異104 附錄二:問卷調查111 附錄三:6 SIGMA經營應具備的配套措施119

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