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研究生: 陳冠宇
Kuan-Yu Chan
論文名稱: 基於雙模型一致性與資料增強在半監督學習之錯誤標註效能提昇技術
Robust Semi-Supervised Learning on Noisy Labels with Multi-Consistency and Data Augmentation
指導教授: 郭景明
Jing-Ming Guo
口試委員: 李宗南
Chung-Nan Lee
Pei-Jun Lee
Chih-Hsien Hsia
Wei-Wen Hsu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 97
中文關鍵詞: 半監督學習雙模型一致性資料增強噪音學習Animal-10NClothing1M
外文關鍵詞: Semi-Supervised Learning, Multi-consistency, Augmentation, Noisy labels Learning, Animal-10N, Clothing1M
相關次數: 點閱:285下載:0
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在本論文中的實驗使用兩種公開的噪音資料集,分別為Clothing1M與 Animal-10N,這兩種數據集都是透過網路爬蟲所生成的,因此其標籤的錯誤程度是無法估計的。對此本論文主要研究如何在有錯誤標註資料的條件下讓訓練模型具有更好的準確度。以半監督式學習的角度來設計,將預熱模型輸出的結果依據其損失進行分類,損失較小的視為標註資料,較大的則為錯誤標註的資料集因此視為無標註資料,再藉由雙模型一致性對無標註的資料進行近一步的分類,從資料集中選出致性程度較高的為資料並給予其偽標籤進行訓練,其餘的視為噪音資料不進行訓練。如此一來,便形成雙重篩選機制,透過雙重篩選機制可以從無標註資料集中挑選出噪音的資料樣本,降低噪音資料與錯誤標註的影響。另一方面,為了提高模型的強健性,將篩選出的乾淨資料集與雙模型一致性的所挑選出透過模型給與偽標籤的無標註資料會加入強資料增強並透過Mixup演算法結合訓練,以進一步提高分類效能。

In deep learning, most of the former model training relied on a large scale of correctly annotated data to achieve promising performance. However, if any annotated data were incorrect, the accuracy of the model may be seriously affected. In image classification tasks, the deep learning models learn class-relevant features from the big data under supervised learning, and it causes a high labor cost to classify each sample correctly to generate ground truth labels. To reduce the labeling cost, the semi-supervised learning algorithms were proposed to exploit unlabeled data to boost models’ performance by feature matching among samples.
In this study, two public noisy datasets were used, including Clothing1M and Animal-10N. Both datasets are generated by web crawlers, and thus the label quality cannot be estimated. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to tackle the problem of noisy datasets to boost the model performance. The model was designed based on a semi-supervised learning approach. The results of the warm-up model are separated according to their losses, those with small losses are considered as labeled data, while those with big losses are classified as unlabeled data, which are further processed by multi-consistency. The consistent data are selected from the data set and given pseudo-labels for training, while the others are not trained as they are considered as noisy data. Subsequently, the dual screening scheme is proposed to select the noisy data from the unlabeled data, reducing the impact of noisy data and mislabeling. In addition, to improve the robustness of the model, the clean data and the unlabeled data are combined with the strong data augmentation and trained by Mixup algorithm to further enhance the robustness of the models.
Experimental results show that proposed methods can boost the classification performance. The accuracy of is 0.1% higher than the state-of-the-art methods on Clothing1M, and the accuracy is 2% higher than the state-of-the-art methods on Animal-10N. The contributions are summarized as 1) enhanced the model by adding strong data augmentation, 2) using a multi-consistency to reduce the impact of noisy data, and 3) performance boosting by semi-supervised learning.

摘要 I Abstract II 致謝 III 目錄 IV 圖目錄 VI 表目錄 VIII 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景與動機 1 1.2 論文架構 2 第二章 文獻探討 3 2.1 深度學習架構與特徵萃取 4 2.1.1 類神經網路 5 2.1.2 卷積神經網路 14 2.1.3 卷積神經網路之訓練方法 17 2.1.4 卷積神經網路之發展 21 2.1.5 卷積神經網路之視覺化過程 26 2.2 自監督與半監督模型介紹 28 2.2.1 自監督模型iBOT[32] 29 2.2.2 半監督模型MixMatch [35] 31 2.2.3 半監督模型FixMatch[42] 34 2.3 資料增強 38 2.3.1 資料增強AutoAugment[47] 38 2.3.2 資料增強RandAugment[43] 41 2.3.3 資料增強Augmix[48] 42 2.4 基於錯誤標註影像的分類 44 2.4.1 抗噪學習Dividemix [49] 44 2.4.2 抗噪學習NCR [58] 46 第三章 基於雙模型一致性與資料增強在半監督學習之錯誤標註效能提升技術 49 3.1 架構流程圖 49 3.2 資料集組成 50 3.2.1 Clothing1M 50 3.2.2 Animal-10N 53 3.3 共同分割(Co-Divide)的相關說明 55 3.4 共同猜測(Co-Guessing)的相關說明 55 3.5 混合訓練說明 57 第四章 實驗結果 61 4.1 測試環境 61 4.2 測試階段與評估指標 61 4.3 網路與訓練參數設置 62 4.4 消融實驗 63 4.5 實驗結果分析 64 4.5.1 與過往論文比較 64 4.5.2 實驗結果分析 67 第五章 結論與未來展望 81 參考文獻 82

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