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研究生: 許定洋
Ding-Yang Hsu
論文名稱: 阻塞型睡眠呼吸中止症病患使用連續氣道正壓治療鼻罩之客製化軟墊製作及其臨床驗證
Fabrication and Clinical verification of patients with obstructive sleep apnea provided with a customized cushion for continuous positive airway pressure
指導教授: 鄭逸琳
Yih-Lin Cheng
口試委員: 李信謙
Hsin-Chien Lee
Mauo-Ying Bien
Chih-Fu Wu
Wen-Hsien Hsu
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 應用科技學院 - 應用科技研究所
Graduate Institute of Applied Science and Technology
論文出版年: 2015
畢業學年度: 103
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 118
中文關鍵詞: 阻塞型睡眠呼吸中止症候群連續氣道正壓客製化軟墊電腦數值控制
外文關鍵詞: obstructive sleep apnea, continuous positive airway pressure, reverse-engineering, computer numerical control, customized cushion
相關次數: 點閱:429下載:1
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  • 阻塞型睡眠呼吸中止症候群(Obstructive Sleep Apnea, OSA),是病患在睡眠期間,有短暫呼吸停止的現象,此現象與睡眠時上呼吸道狹窄有關。經鼻腔給連續氣道正壓治療(Continuous Positive Airway Pressure, CPAP),是現今阻塞型睡眠呼吸中止症候群病患首要選擇的治療方式,目前鼻罩為制式尺寸,有些病人不易選擇到適當、舒適的尺寸,以至於不願意配帶。也有病患使用的鼻罩後會有漏氣、使用不方便及不舒適,甚至幽閉恐慌的問題,以致停止使用。

    為了解決傳統鼻罩漏氣的缺點,我們依病患臉型結構的不同提出客製化軟墊部分的設計,首先使用三維掃描器掃描病患的臉型,接著使用了逆向工程技術建構出臉部電腦輔助設計(Computer Aid Design, CAD)模型,做為軟墊設計的基礎,再以快速模具(Rapid tooling)與口袋式模具(Pocket toolinng)的方法進行模具設計,模具設計完成後利用電腦數值控制(Computer Numerical Control, CNC)技術製造,最後應用所製作之澆注模注入矽膠來獲得客製化的矽膠軟墊。研究最終透過臨床驗證,來探討客製化的矽膠軟墊對於病人的舒適度,還有血氧、睡眠生理參數的改變與順從度(Compliance)上的差異。

    臨床驗證方法是將四十位患有重度阻塞型睡眠呼吸中止症的病患隨機分成兩群,分別給予傳統與客製化的鼻罩軟墊,於兩個禮拜的使用期間收集其血氧、睡眠參數、舒適度與順從性等資料,再進行統計分析,以確認客製化鼻罩軟墊影響病患的程度與變數相互間的關係。從統計數據上看出,傳統鼻罩軟墊使用過後的睡眠呼吸暫停低通氣指數(Apnea-Hypopnea Index, AHI)大於客製化鼻罩軟墊,有統計上的顯著差異(P=.001)。進而分析問卷結果發現,頭戴的拉力與客製化與否有絕對的相關(r=.505, P=.001),客製化軟墊使的頭帶拉力比傳統的還小。還有呈現相關的是軟墊的密合度,客製化軟墊的密合度比傳統的更佳(r=.619, P=.001)。另外,在額墊的舒適度與鼻罩整體使用性上都有顯出相關(r=.359, P=.008andr=.441, P=.023),客製化鼻罩軟墊優於傳統軟墊。
    此研究最終提出一個可行的客製化軟墊生產模式,並首次針對客製化鼻罩軟墊進行臨床驗證,研究結果可推論客製化的鼻罩軟墊對於降低病患的睡眠呼吸暫停低通氣指數指數值(Apnea-Hypopnea Index, AHI),會有比傳統鼻罩軟墊更明顯的效果,而且還會增加軟墊密合度,減少頭帶的拉力。

    Patients with obstructive sleep apnea may stop breathing momentarily during sleep because of a narrow upper respiratory tract. Failing to treat obstructive sleep apnea can lead to serious problems, for example, high blood pressure, mental deterioration, heart failure, sudden death, and daytime sleepiness. One of the main treatments for obstructive sleep apnea is continuous positive airway pressure. However, after long-term treatment, patients tend to complain about the leakage, inconvenience, nasal dryness, nasal congestion and discomfort of the nasal mask. Some may even encounter a serious problem of claustrophobia.
    In order to reduce the drawbacks of the conventional nasal mask, the purpose of the study was to develop customized cushions and compare the clinical performance of the customized cushion with the conventional one.
    Each participant’s face was replicated by using a three-dimensional scanner and reverse-engineering technology, and computer aid design techniques were used to design customized cushions. Rapid pocket type tooling technique was used to design the mold and computer numerical control technique was used to manufacture it. The saturation level of peripheral oxygen, apnea-hypopnea index, and results of the comfort questionnaire were examined to compare the performance of the customized cushion with the conventional one.
    Forty participants were randomly divided into two groups, a control group with conventional cushions and an experimental group with customized cushions. Customized and conventional cushions were compared with independent sampling t tests and relational analyses. A significant difference was found in the apnea-hypopnea index (P=.001) of participants with the customized cushion and those with the conventional cushion. Participants with the conventional cushion had a lower apnea-hypopnea index. The leakage volume, saturation of peripheral oxygen (SpO2), treatment compliance, and degree of comfort were not significantly different between the groups. The analysis of the questionnaire results, obvious differences between the headgear force for each cushion type were found (r =.505, P=.001). Customized cushions produced less force than conventional cushions. Obvious differences in the fitting of each cushion type (r =.619, P=.001) were noted. The customized cushions fit better than the conventional cushions. Obvious differences were also noted in forehead comfort and overall usability between the cushions (r =.359, P=.008 and r =.441, P=.023). Customized nasal mask cushions fit better and reduce the force applied by the headgear.
    This study demonstrated that customized cushions performed better than conventional cushions. This study has identified, for the first time, a romising clinical verification of the use of customized cushions for continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) in participants with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA).

    論文摘要 III ABSTRACT V 誌謝 VII 目錄 VIII 圖表索引 XII 專有名詞表 XV 第一章 緒論 1 1.1研究背景與動機 1 1.2研究目的與方法 3 1.3論文架構 5 第二章 文獻回顧 6 2.1睡眠呼吸中止症候群與連續氣道正壓治療之簡介 6 2.1.1睡眠呼吸中止症候群 6 2.1.2連續氣道正壓治療 10 2.1.3連續氣道正壓治療目前的問題 11 2.2呼吸鼻罩的結構與如何配戴和選擇最佳化鼻罩 13 2.2.1呼吸鼻罩的結構 13 2.2.2如何配戴和選擇最佳化鼻罩 20 2.3客製化之呼吸鼻面罩研究 22 2.4醫療器材分類分級 25 2.5睡眠呼吸器材的法規規定 26 2.5.1鼻罩接頭 26 2.5.2生物相容性 27 2.5.3防窒息控制閥門 27 2.5.4防再吸入之保護 28 2.5.5故障狀況下之呼吸狀況 28 2.5.6震動和噪音 28 2.5.7清潔、消毒和殺菌 28 2.5.8 有關睡眠呼吸中止症鼻面罩法規 28 2.6 CPAP治療器與鼻罩之市場現況 30 2.7以使用者為中心的輔具設計 33 2.7.1以使用者為中心 33 2.7.2使用者經驗的輔具設計 35 2.7.3小結 37 第三章 客製化鼻罩軟墊之開發 38 3.1鼻罩軟墊快速客製化規劃 38 3.2實驗設備介紹 39 3.2.1 三維臉部輪廓擷取裝置 39 3.2.2真空脫泡裝備 40 3.2.3熱風循環烘箱 40 3.2.4 CNC工具機 41 3.3三維立體臉部掃描 42 3.4客製化鼻罩軟墊之設計 43 3.5快速模具與口袋模具之應用 46 3.5.1矽膠鼻罩軟墊快速模具與口袋式模具設計 46 3.6矽膠鼻罩軟墊之製作 50 3.7客製化矽膠軟墊成本評估 54 第四章 臨床驗證方法 57 4.1研究對象 57 4.2研究限制 58 4.2.1研究設計方面 58 4.2.2研究樣本代表性 58 4.3研究工具 59 4.3.1睡眠多項生理檢查儀 59 4.3.2CPAP Nasal Mask鼻罩 60 4.3.3CPAP儀器 61 4.3.4手指型血氧測量儀Nonin 9500 62 4.4研究場域 63 4.4.1臺北醫學大學附設醫院 63 4.4.2行政院衛生署雙和醫院 63 4.5研究與資料收集流程 64 4.6研究對象之倫理考量 67 4.6.1自主原則 67 4.6.2行善和不傷害原則 67 4.6.3公平正義原則 67 4.6.4守密原則 67 4.7資料處理與分析 68 4.7.1描述性統計分析 68 4.7.2推論性統計分析之雙變項分析 68 4.8客製化經營模式的建立 69 第五章 研究結果與討論 70 5.1樣本之個人基本資料 70 5.2樣本之生理狀況 72 5.3測試前後客製化與傳統軟墊生理參數的比較 74 5.3.1AHI值 74 5.3.2血氧飽和度SpO2 76 5.3.3漏氣量 78 5.3.4平均使用時間 78 5.3.5平均使用CPAP的壓力值 79 5.4樣本之順從度 80 5.5樣本舒適度問卷的統計分析 82 5.6相關市場資料 85 5.7其他相關性分析 87 5.7.1漏氣量之相關性 87 5.7.2AHI值之相關性 87 5.7.3教育程度之相關性 87 5.7.4頭帶拉力統計之相關性 88 5.7.5軟墊的密合度之相關性 88 5.7.6相關性研究結果之討論 88 第六章 結論 89 6.1結論 89 6.2研究貢獻 90 6.2.1臨床實務之貢獻 90 6.2.2客製化產品製作之貢獻 90 6.3 未來研究方向 91 參考文獻 92 附錄 94 附錄一舒適度問卷 94 附錄二聯合人體研究倫理委員會通過證明函與結案證明 96 附錄三 二十位客製化軟墊樣本臉部特徵點描述 98 附錄四 專利資料 99

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