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研究生: 朱楠群
Nan-chun Chu
論文名稱: 用於網路電話之雜訊刪減與迴音消除之研究
Noise Reduction and Acoustic Echo Cancellation for Voice over IP
指導教授: 古鴻炎
Hung-Yan Gu
口試委員: 王新民
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 資訊工程系
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
論文出版年: 2008
畢業學年度: 97
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 63
中文關鍵詞: 迴音消除雜訊刪減
外文關鍵詞: echo cancellation, noise reduction
相關次數: 點閱:280下載:6
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In this paper, we study the production of acoustic echo cancellation and noise reduction software, and then into WinRTP Internet phone software, to improve the quality of internet phone calls. In the area of noise reduction, first to improve the degree of entropy detection method for voice activity detection, then noise spectrum is estimated. We combine non-linear spectrum subtraction with improved spectrum subtraction, two-stage action of the spectrum subtraction, to reduce the noise. In the echo cancellation, we use normalized least mean square adaptive algorithm to filter out echo signals, and by analysis of the delay to reduce computation load and convergence speed. Based on the experimental measurement to the hearing and subjective assessment of test scores, we show that the noise subtraction and echo cancellation device significantly attenuate the noise and echo signal, and therefore enhance the quality of voice.

摘要I AbstractII 誌謝III 目錄IV 圖表索引VI 第1章緒論1 1.1研究動機及目的1 1.2文獻回顧2 1.3研究方法5 1.4論文架構6 第2章語音活動偵測7 2.1語音活動偵測介紹7 2.2頻譜亂度量測及語音活動偵測8 2.3偵測實驗(一)9 2.4偵測實驗(二)11 2.5偵測實驗(三)14 第3章雜訊刪減法17 3.1噪音消除簡介17 3.2非線性頻譜刪減法18 3.3時間平均頻譜刪減法22 3.4溫尼濾波器22 3.5改良式頻譜刪減法25 3.6非線性頻譜刪減法實驗26 3.7時間平均頻譜刪減法實驗28 3.8溫尼濾波器實驗29 3.9改良式頻譜消去法實驗30 3.9.1初步作法30 3.9.2改進作法(非線性頻譜刪減法+改良式頻譜刪減法)31 第4章聲學迴音消除37 4.1迴音消除系統架構37 4.2雙向通話偵測38 4.3正規化最小均方演算法39 4.4非線性處理41 4.5延遲偵測研究42 4.6實驗44 第5章系統整合及實驗50 5.1系統結構之決定50 5.1.1AEC+NR結構及實驗51 5.1.2NR+AEC結構及實驗53 5.1.3適應性濾波器脈衝響應長度及延遲時間之研究55 5.2聽測實驗56 第6章結論59 參考文獻61 作者簡介63

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