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研究生: 王福德
Fu-De Wang
論文名稱: 5G產業的檢測商機與風險-以S檢測實驗室策略研究為例
Opportunities and Risks in the 5G industry’s Testing Business: A Case Study of S Testing Laboratory’s Strategy Research
指導教授: 楊朝龍
Chao-Lung Yang
口試委員: 郭財吉
Tsai-Chi Kuo
Kui-Long Huang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 工業管理系
Department of Industrial Management
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 56
中文關鍵詞: 波士頓矩陣資源基礎理論商業模式先行者優勢與劣勢
外文關鍵詞: BCG (BOSTON CONSULTING GROUP) Matrix, Resource-Based Theory, Business Model Canvas, First-Mover Advantages / Disadvantages
相關次數: 點閱:493下載:8
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2018年5G NR(New Radio)行動技術問世,在北美各大電信商全力推廣5G高頻毫米波應用的情勢下,全球手機品牌大廠皆推出相關5G毫米波 應用產品及周邊蠶食5G商機。但是我們綜觀行動通訊發展的歷程,其實並不是每一個新技術的誕生,都能夠為廠商帶來美好的營收與豐碩的成果,因此如何在2018年5G首波商轉機會下,為個案無線檢測實驗室公司在有限的企業資源與可控的風險投資中取得相關優勢,為本研究個案之研究目的。本研究個案透過哈佛個案研究之方式探討個案企業於有限的公司資源下,進行市場最佳化投資部署。本研究利用波士頓矩陣去分析於5G首波商轉下的台灣檢測市場最急迫的需求項目中分析出最佳優先投資項目,整合集團內各國當地的產業特性進行資源基礎理論分析進行整合服務以創造集團優勢。再以現有商業模式結合5G檢測需求,最後以先行者優勢與劣勢進行市場評估,讓團隊邁向另一個15年的成長航道。期盼能透過此個案的學習整理成果和老師及學員分享並提供綿薄之貢獻。

In 2018, 5G NR (New Radio) technology emerged. With the full-scale promotion of 5G high-frequency millimeter wave applications by major telecom operators in North America, global mobile phone manufacturers have launched related 5G millimeter wave application products and peripherals to seize the 5G business opportunities. However, looking back at the history of mobile communication development, not every new technology can bring good revenue and fruitful results to manufacturers. Therefore, how to take advantage of the first wave of 5G commercial opportunities in 2018 and achieve relevant advantages for wireless product testing laboratory companies with limited corporate resources and controllable risk investment is the research purpose of this case study.

This case study uses Harvard case study method to explore how the case company optimizes its market investment deployment with limited corporate resources. Using the Boston matrix, the most urgent demand items in the Taiwan testing market under the first wave of 5G commercialization are analyzed to identify the best priority investment projects. The study integrates the industry characteristics of local markets in various countries within the group to conduct resource-based theory analysis and integrate services to create group advantages. The existing business model is then combined with 5G testing needs, and a market evaluation is conducted based on the advantages and disadvantages of being a pioneer, paving the way for the team’s growth over the next 15 years. The study hopes to share its learning results with teachers and students and contribute to the field.

致謝辭 IV 表目錄 VI 圖目錄 VII 第一章 個案本文 1 序場:在2017年用10秒下載一部高畫質電影 1 1.2 個案公司簡介 2 1.3 1G到5G的發展歷程 5 1.4前車之鑑 - WiMAX發展歷程 8 1.5 點火 - 啟動戰情室的會議 10 1.6 衝突 - 客戶、設備商、電信營運商的取捨 14 1.7 權衡 - 決策的挑戰 16 第二章 個案教本 19 2.1 個案討論 19 2.2 個案總覽 21 2.3 教學目標及適用課程 23 2.4 學生課前討論問題 26 2.5 個案分析 27 2.6 課程結論 49 2.7 教學建議 50 2.8 板書規劃 51 第三章 參考文獻 53

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