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研究生: 賴國弘
Guo-Hong Lai
論文名稱: 以直接二元搜尋為基底之改良式截斷編碼技術與多層查詢表浮水印技術
Improved Block Truncation Coding and Multi-layer Lookup Table Watermarking Techniques Based on Direct Binary Search
指導教授: 郭景明
Jing-ming Guo
口試委員: 王乃堅
Nai-jian Wang
Jun-wei Hsieh
Jian-jiun Ding
Hung-shing Chen
Shao-yun Fang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 172
中文關鍵詞: 數位半色調技術區塊截斷編碼技術數位浮水印技術直接二元搜尋法影像壓縮資料隱藏最小均方演算法天真貝氏分類器
外文關鍵詞: Digital halftoning, block truncation coding, digital watermarking, direct binary search, image compression, data hiding, least mean square, naive Bayes classifier
相關次數: 點閱:608下載:4
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In this thesis, two contributions are presented, including halftoning-based Block Truncation Coding (BTC) using optimized direct binary search and halftoning-based multi-layer lookup table watermarking techniques.
The first proposed method is an improved block truncation coding using optimized direct binary search (ODBSBTC). The images reconstructed by the former halftoning-based BTC schemes suffer from serious impulse noises. To solve this issue, first, the existing regular structures for the bitmap generation are completely modified for yielding aperiodic compressed results. Moreover, an adaptive quantization levels selection strategy is developed, and the parameters are fully optimized. The adaptive quantization levels can be used to provide a balance among false contour, impulsive noise, and blocking artifact. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed ODBSBTC can achieve excellent image quality, and is superior to that of the former schemes in the literature.
The second proposed method is a multi-layer watermarking of low computational complexity, which can be utilized to improve the security of a halftone image. An additional data hiding technique is also employed to embed multiple watermarks into the watermark of being embedded. At the encoder, the Efficient Direct Binary Search (EDBS) method is employed to generate reference tables to ensure the output is in halftone format. Subsequently, watermarks are embedded by a set of optimized compressive tables with various textural angles for table lookup. At the decoder, the Least-Mean-Square (LMS) metric is considered to increases the differences among those generated phenotypes of the embedding angles, and reduces the required number of dimensions for each angle. Finally, the naive Bayes classifier is employed to collect the possibilities of multi-layer information for classifying the associated angles to extract the embedded watermarks. These decoded watermarks can be further overlapped for retrieving the additional hidden-layer watermarks. Experimental results show that only 8.4 milliseconds is required for embedding a watermark into an image of 512×512 pixels and only 2MB is required to store the proposed compressive reference table.

中文摘要 I Abstract II 誌謝 IV 目錄 V 圖表索引 VII 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究動機與目的 1 1.2 論文架構 4 第二章 數位半色調技術文獻探討 5 2.1 區塊取代法 (Block Replacement, BR) 8 2.2 限制平均法 (Constrained Average, CA) 11 2.3 有序抖動法 (Ordered Dithering, OD) 14 2.4 錯誤擴散法 (Error Diffusion, ED) 18 2.5 點擴散法 (Dot Diffusion, DD) 29 2.6 直接二元搜尋法 (Direct Binary Search, DBS) 41 第三章 區塊截斷編碼技術文獻探討 46 3.1 區塊截斷編碼 (Block Truncation Coding, BTC) 48 3.2 有序抖動區塊截斷編碼 (Ordered Dithering BTC, ODBTC) 51 3.3 錯誤擴散區塊截斷編碼 (Error Diffusion BTC, EDBTC) 55 3.4 點擴散區塊截斷編碼 (Dot Diffusion BTC, DDBTC) 66 第四章 數位浮水印技術文獻探討 72 4.1 浮水印技術簡介 (Introduction of watermarking) 72 4.2 人眼視覺之峰值訊噪比 (Human Visual System PSNR, HVS-PSNR) 80 4.3 正確解碼率 (Correct Decode Rate, CDR) 81 4.4 浮水印技術相關文獻 (Related reference of watermarking) 82 第五章 學習演算法 84 5.1 最小均方演算法 (Least Mean Square, LMS) 84 第六章 改良式直接二元搜尋區塊截斷編碼技術 87 6.1 改良式直接二元搜尋之區塊截斷編碼(Modified Direct Binary Search for BTC) 88 6.2 自適應量化色階 (Adaptive quantization level) 91 6.3 實驗結果 (Experiment Results) 95 6.4 小結 (Summary) 108 第七章 多層查詢表半色調浮水印技術 109 7.1 浮水印編碼端架構 (Encoder scheme) 111 7.2 浮水印解碼端架構 (Decoder scheme) 124 7.3 實驗結果 (Experimental Results) 141 7.4 小結 (Summary) 151 第八章 結論與未來展望 152 參考文獻 153

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