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研究生: 蔡穎杰
Ying-Chieh Tsai
論文名稱: 從篳路藍縷到遍地開花的都更之路 –探討永和大陳都更2 單元的演進
From hardships of rough roads to urban renewal roads full of flowers – The case study of Yonghe Da Chen urban renewal No.2
指導教授: 梁瓊如
Chiung-Ju Liang
口試委員: 王孔政
Kung-Jeng Wang
Yeng-Horng Perng
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 40
中文關鍵詞: 公辦都更大陳人都市更新防災型都更勝開大地新北市政府都發局永和區房價新北市住都中心
外文關鍵詞: Public-led urban renewal, Dachen residents, urban renewal, Disaster prevention-type urban renewal, Sheng-Kai Development Institution, New Taipei City Government Housing and Urban Development Bureau, Yonghe housing prices, New Taipei City Housing and Urban Regeneration Center
相關次數: 點閱:299下載:0
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  • 本文描述了國民政府撤退後,安排浙江外海的大陳島居民,由美國第七艦隊
    其中永和五和新村在1959 年的八七水災中,造成大陳居民失去家園,政府徵收
    2 單元由當地建商勝治機構得標,該公司以永和為榮,並表示願意挑戰高難度的
    銀級綠建築設計,並採用SRC 鋼骨結構,結構安全可靠。但就在大陳2 單元成
    功整合完畢時,房地合一稅制導致房地產市場急凍。此時即將公開銷售的第2 單

    This article describes that after the national government retreated, it arranged for
    the residents of Dachen Island off the coast of Zhejiang to retreat to Taiwan under theescort of the U.S. Seventh Fleet.
    Among them, Yonghe Wuhe New Village suffered from the August 7th flood in
    1959, causing the residents of Dachen to lose their homes. The government
    expropriated the new land as a resettlement area. With the passage of time and
    population increase, Wuhe New Village has become the largest Dachen settlement in
    the province, but the relationship between land and building ownership is complicated,and the situation of illegal additions is serious.
    After the adoption of the Urban Renewal Regulations, the urban renewal of the
    Yonghe and Dachen areas began to be planned. Due to the complexity of land
    ownership, it was proposed that the public sector should take the lead, integrate public and private land, and promote public urban renewal projects to promote the urban renewal of the Dachen community.
    However, Da Chen urban renewal to announce the investment invitation for the
    first time. After holding the investment promotion briefing, no manufacturer bid. The
    city government then lowered the application threshold and reorganized investment
    promotion, hoping to drive the reform of the entire region.
    In the end, only the second unit was tender by the local construction company
    Shengzhi Organization. The company is proud of Yonghe and expressed its willingness
    to challenge the difficult urban renewal project, hoping to change the landform and
    urban landscape of Yonghe.
    In the process of urban renewal integration, due to complex property rights, land
    use issues and other reasons, urban renewal projects are quite complicated.
    The government and developers need to resolve many property rights issues and
    land use issues, and community residents also hope to successfully promote the urban
    renewal plan.
    The construction company plans to build three buildings. The construction features
    are rich public facilities, silver-level green building design, and SRC steel frame
    structure, which is safe and reliable.
    But just when Dachen Unit 2 was successfully integrated, the real estate market
    was frozen due to House and Land Transactions Income Tax of real estate.
    At this time, the second unit, which was about to be sold to the public, was facing
    challenges, so the sales company formulated a marketing strategy to extend the front
    line, and finally reached the completion of the sale not long after the completion of the construction project.
    And it became the first government-led urban renewal project completed in
    Yonghe City. It is exemplary and public welfare. It has set an example and attracted
    more attention and participation of construction companies, and successfully drove
    other units to succeed in attracting investment.
    After the establishment of the New Taipei City Housing and Urban Regeneration
    Center, the progress of the Metropolitan Project has been accelerated. Through the
    brand-new investment promotion model and direct consultation channels, the
    participation and trust of residents have been improved, and the smooth progress of the Metropolitan Project has been promoted.

    摘要 I Abstract II 誌謝 III 目錄 IV 圖目錄 V 表目錄 VI 壹、個案本文 1 一、美軍協助 撤退來台 1 二、大陳島民 安置工作 2 三、大陳新村 房屋分配 4 四、八七水災 移至現址 5 五、房屋增建 違章嚴重 6 六、都更條例 通過上路 7 七、永和人口 增長演變 8 八、縣府推動 大陳都更 10 九、大陳都更 規劃藍圖 11 十、乏人問津 出手相挺 14 十一、都更事件 處處受阻 15 十二、建築規畫 分回條件 17 十三、整合四年 達百分百 19 十四、房地合一 重挫房市 21 十五、逆境銷售 衝出重圍 22 十六、立下典範 陸續標出 25 十七、住都中心 加速都更 28 貳、教學指引 30 一、個案教學總覽 30 二、教學目標適用課程 31 三、教學目標探討 32 四、課程結論 39 參、參考文獻 40 中文文獻 40 英文文獻 40

    CSR Times(2019),「共創價值系統 Chapter 1:如何區分 CSR 與 SCV?」,《CSR Times 2019.07.17》CSR Times,香港
    MBA 智庫.百科,「資源基礎理論」
    新北市政府都市更新處(2020),「永和大陳公辦都更歡慶入住 永平市民活動中心同步啟用」《財團法人都市更新研究發展基金會2020/10/20》,新北
    Michael E. Porte, Mark R. Kramer (2011),Creating Shared Value, Harvard Business Review.
    Vargo and Lusch(2004),The Service-Dominant Mindset,University of Arizona、University of Hawaii

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