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Author: 簡子婷
Tzu-Ting Chien
Thesis Title: 跨領域情感分類
Cross-domain Sentiment Classification
Advisor: 徐俊傑
Chiun-Chieh Hsu
Committee: 賴源正
Yuan-Cheng Lai
Cheng-Huang Hung
Degree: 碩士
Department: 管理學院 - 資訊管理系
Department of Information Management
Thesis Publication Year: 2018
Graduation Academic Year: 106
Language: 中文
Pages: 49
Keywords (in Chinese): 跨領域情感分類文字探勘特徵遷移學習資料探勘
Keywords (in other languages): cross-domain sentiment classification, text mining, feature transfer learning, data mining
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  • 近年來隨著社群平台、電子商務的興起,每天皆有大量的評論數據產生,這 些評論中隱含著使用者對於某類事務的情感傾向,獲取這其中的資訊,便能建立 用戶興趣模型、推薦系統等等,因此,情感分類的技術也逐漸受到重視。
    監督式學習演算法是使用最廣泛的情感分類技術,但是若要達到高準確率, 必須透過訓練大量的標記數據,而產生龐大的標記資料是非常耗費成本的。另一 方面,目前情感分類方法的領域依賴性高,已訓練於某領域之分類模型無法在其 他領域有很好的表現,因此,便有學者提出跨領域情感分類的方法。跨領域情感 分類即是將訓練於某一領域已標記資料的分類器,用來預測另一領域之資料的情 感傾向。譜特徵對齊演算法是較早提出之跨領域情感分類方法,透過領域間詞與 詞共同出現的關係作為橋梁,建立兩領域的特徵空間以此將特徵詞做情感分類。 然而,若兩領域的差距過大,即兩領域詞彙之間共同出現的頻率過小,其分類的 準確率也會隨之下降。
    因此,本論文提出一種新的基於特徵遷移學習的跨領域情感分類方法,利用 擴展領域的詞彙來增加詞與詞之間共同出現的關係,進而減少兩領域的差距,並 使用譜分群將特徵詞映射至新的特徵空間。最後,透過支援向量機模型來訓練並 將特徵詞做情感分類。根據實驗結果,本論文提出之方法能夠改善先前方法之缺 點並提升其的準確率。

    As social media and e-commerce have been flourishing in recent years, tremendous review data are produced each day. Some of these reviews contain sentiment polarity towards certain objects or events. If we can mine the information hidden in these reviews, we can apply it to the fields such as building recommending systems or users’ interest models. Therefore, the technology of sentiment classification has been receiving more and more attention.
    Supervised learning algorithm is the most commonly used sentiment classification technique. However, in order to obtain high accuracy, we need to build a model which is trained with numerous labeled text data, where producing a large amount of labeled text data is extremely time-consuming and expensive. On the other hand, the existing sentiment classification method is highly domain-dependent. A model that has already been trained in certain domains does not perform well in the others. Because of these, some scholars have proposed methods of cross-domain sentiment classification. Cross-domain sentiment classification is to use a classifier that has been trained in one domain with its labeled text data, and use it to predict the sentiment polarity in other domains. Spectral Feature Alignment Algorithm was one of the first cross-domain sentiment classification methods. It uses domain-independent words appear in both domains as a bridge to establish a feature space between the two domains, which can be used to train sentiment classifiers in the target domain accurately. Yet if the two domains are barely related, which resulting in extremely low co-occurrence of domain-independent words and domain-specific words, dropping accuracy of classification as well.
    Hence, we propose a new cross-domain sentiment classification that is based on feature transfer learning. The method extends the domain-independent words and uses spectral clustering to find a new representation of domain-specific words. Lastly, it is trained by support vector machine, and then perform sentiment classification on domain-specific words. The experimental results show that our proposed method can improve the weaknesses of previous methods and increase the accuracy.

    中文摘要 III Abstract IV 誌謝 V 目錄 VI 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景 1 1.2 研究動機 2 1.3 論文架構 3 第二章 文獻探討 4 2.1 Structural Correspondence Learning 4 2.2 Spectral Feature Alignment 5 2.3 Cross-Domain pulse Four Factor 8 2.4 TF-S-S-IDF 10 2.5 CBOW和Skip-gram 模型 11 第三章 跨領域情感分類 14 3.1 文件前處理 15 3.1.1中文斷詞 15 3.1.2詞性過濾 15 3.2 特徵詞選取 16 3.3 建立二分圖 17 3.4 擴展領域無關詞 20 3.5 建立新的向量空間 21 3.6 分類器 22 3.6.1線性支援向量機 23 3.6.2非線性支援向量機 24 第四章 實驗分析與結果 26 4.1 實驗資料 26 4.2 參數設定 27 4.2.1互信息 27 4.2.1分群數目 29 4.3 SFA、SFA-SVM、CSCFTL、CSCFTL-SVM比較 30 4.4 實驗總結 36 第五章 結論與未來研究方向 39 參考文獻 40

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