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研究生: 洪家翔
論文名稱: 斜面式滾動隔震支承之分析模型建立與驗證
Development and validation of analysis model for slope rolling-type isolation devices
指導教授: 黃震興
Jenn-shin Hwang
口試委員: 邱建國
Chien-Kuo Chiu
Shiang-Jung Wang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 營建工程系
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 162
中文關鍵詞: 斜面式滾動隔震支承數值分析模型即時可變阻尼機制多角度斜面式滾動隔震支承
外文關鍵詞: Sloped-rolling type isolation devices, variable friction damping mechanism.
相關次數: 點閱:275下載:15
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In past research, the sloped rolling-type isolation devices have been proved to be effective in protecting equipment against seismic loading. This is particularly significant for the equipment whose seismic performance relies mainly on its maximum acceleration response, due to the fact that the maximum acceleration transmitted by this isolation device can be designed to be a constant regardless of the excitation intensity. However, it is insufficient in the past research regarding the detailed description on the mechanical characteristics and the associated analytical model of the isolation device. It is therefore one of the objectives of the study to derive the equation of motion of equipment isolated by the device. For doing so, equilibrium equations are derived from a detailed free body diagram of the isolation device. From the equations, the detailed mechanical behavior of the device are clearly identified and described. For solving the equation of motion, an analytical model considering various stages of the rolling motion of the device is then developed. The analytical results are then compared with those determined from a simulated model deduced from available element models of SAP2000. In addition, the analysis results are also compared with experimental results from shaking table tests. From the comparison, it is concluded that the analytical model is superior in capturing the seismic responses of the isolated equipment by the sloped rolling device while the model deduced from the element models of SAP2000 which possesses a great popularity of practical applications around the world can also deduce satisfactory results. Moreover, in order to possibly limit the seismic displacement responses of the isolation device, a friction damping mechanism is also implemented to the device to increase the energy dissipation capacity of the device. Furthermore, the concepts of multi-sloped rolling isolation devices and variable friction damping mechanism are also proposed and realized in the study. The associated mechanical behavior and seismic response control capability are also investigated analytically.

摘要 i Abstract ii 致謝 iii 目錄 v 表索引 viii 圖索引 ix 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景及目的 1 1.2 文獻回顧 4 1.3 研究內容 6 第二章 斜面式滾動隔震支承動力行為理論推導 9 2.1 多滾軸斜面式滾動隔震支承基本構造介紹 9 2.2 斜面式滾動隔震支承運動方程式推導 10 2.2.1 單斜面式滾動隔震支承運動方程式 12 2.2.2 對稱斜面式滾動隔震支承運動方程式 14 2.3 斜面式滾動隔震支承運動方程式探討 16 第三章 斜面式滾動隔震支承數值分析原理 21 3.1 斜面式滾動隔震支承數值分析架構 21 3.2 斜面式滾動隔震支承分析斜面角度修正 23 3.3 斜面式滾動隔震支承分析相對速度變號修正 25 3.4 斜面式滾動隔震支承分析停止狀態修正 26 3.5 斜面式滾動隔震支承分析程式流程 28 第四章 試驗模型及振動台試驗 29 4.1 地震模擬振動台 29 4.2 試驗之斜面式滾動隔震支承 29 4.2.1內置摩擦阻尼機制 29 4.2.2斜面式滾動隔震支承參數 32 4.3 試驗感測計裝置及佈置 33 4.3.1 感測器裝置 33 4.3.2 感測計佈置 33 4.4 試驗程序 33 4.4.1 試驗選用之振動歷時資料 33 4.4.2 試驗程序 34 第五章 試驗結果與分析討論 35 5.1 SAP2000分析模型介紹與數值分析程式結果比較 35 5.2 振動台試驗結果 37 5.3 試驗結果與討論 37 5.3.1 地震歷時結果討論 37 5.3.2 定阻尼試驗組與變阻尼試驗組數值分析比較 40 5.4 試驗結論 41 第六章 多角度斜面式滾動隔震支承設計 43 6.1 多角度斜面式滾動隔震支承設計構想 43 6.1.1 多角度斜面式滾動隔震支承遲滯迴圈 44 6.2 多角度機制參數與分析設計 45 6.2.1 多角度設計組設計參數 45 6.2.2 多角度分析規劃 46 6.2.3 多角度分析結果討論 47 第七章 結論 49 參考文獻 51 附錄 139 A. 單斜面式滾動隔震支承運動方程式詳細推導 139 B. 對稱斜面式滾動隔震支承運動方程式詳細推導 142 C. 圓弧曲面與角度位移詳細推導 145

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