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研究生: 黃玉珠
論文名稱: 打造國際級商圈與價值創新之個案研究-以台北地下街商圈為研究對象
Discussion on An International Shopping District Creating and Value Innovation - A Example of Taipei City Mall
指導教授: 梁瓊如
Ju-Chiung Liang
口試委員: 王孔政
Kung-Jeng Wang
Yeng-Horng Perng
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 110
中文關鍵詞: 二次曲線商圈再造轉型商業模式價值創新企業轉型企業傳承
外文關鍵詞: Business District Reengineering and Transformation, Entrerprise Transformation
相關次數: 點閱:312下載:0
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  • 筆者家族30年前抓住台灣電子資訊發展的機會,自行創業,設計,製造和行銷關鍵電子資訊產品行銷到全世界,除了有兩岸三地的工廠門市,還成功申請到非常關鍵的專利並建立了競爭對手的進入障礙。西元2000年初筆者看好台北地下街商圈的獨特地理位置和未來成長的機會,擴大投資和設立電子資訊門市於台北地下街。之後獲邀進入台北地下街經營管理團隊並於四年前當上理事主席,不同於傳統商圈的營運管理,營運團隊運用電子資訊產業創業的經驗,思維有效管理台北地下街商圈。筆者認為成功的商圈傳承,再造和創新需要很多條件的配合,位於台灣國門之重要交通樞紐的台北地下街商圈,曾因交通便捷展現其風華,並成功地締造出屬於其特有商業生態價值,故對於曾經歷過風風雨雨並走過風華的台北地下街商圈而言,筆者隱隱不只期待能透過商圈轉型,再造和創新重現其風華,而是對這得天獨厚的商圈懷有更大的願景和夢想。
    新冠疫情推動歐盟朝財政一體化邁出一步,美中衝突推動台積電赴美設廠, 英特爾(Intel)由於7奈米製程良率不佳有可能委託台積電生產晶片, 讀賣新聞報導表示日方擬重金力邀台積電設廠,以上新聞在過往可能也只是夢想,筆者在台科大已經上了一年研究所的課, 除了更有知識;有見識;有膽識外,最大的收穫就是更有氣度,敢於設定更崇高的願景和接受更偉大的夢想,如打造國際級商圈的台積電為共同目標,筆者相信未來的國際情勢搭配政府的積極作為,夢想有機會成真的,未來,相乘上台北地下街經營團隊的格局有多大,機會就有多大!

    30 years ago, the author’s family, fortunately, grabbed the developmental opportunity of Taiwan’s electronic information industry and to start their own business that to design, manufacture, market key electronic products to the world. Besides, they also set up the factories and stores in the three regions in that time, to apply for some critical patents that successfully established entry barriers for their competitors. At the beginning of 2000, the author was optimistic about the unique geographical location and future growth opportunities of the Taipei Underground Shopping District. Therefore, to expand investment and established an electronic information store in Taipei Underground Shopping. After that, the author was invited to join the Taipei Underground Street business management team and became the chairman of the board four years ago. Unlike the operation and management of traditional business districts, the author used the experience of entrepreneurship in the electronic information industry to effectively manage the Taipei City Mall. The author believes that the success of the business district’s inheritance, reconstruction, and innovation requires the cooperation of many conditions. The Taipei Underground Shopping District, which is an important transportation hub in Taiwan’s national gates, once demonstrated its success due to its convenient transportation and successfully created its unique commercial ecological value. For Taipei’s underground shopping district that has experienced ups and downs and walked through the success, the author faintly expects not only to reproduce its glory through the transformation of the business district, re-engineering, and innovation but also to have a greater sense of this unique business district.
    COVID-19 has pushed the EU to take a step towards integration, and The US and China conflict has pushed TSMC to set up factories in the United States that Intel (Intel) may entrust TSMC to produce chips due to poor yield of the 7nm process. Yomiuri Shimbun reported that Japan plans to pay a high price to invite TSMC that set up a factory in Japan. The above news may be just a dream in the past but since the author has spent a couple of years studying at Taiwan University of Science and Technology. Besides being more knowledgeable, and courageous, the biggest gain is to be more generous and daring that trying to set a loftier vision and accept greater dreams, similar to TSMC building an international business district. The author believes that the future international situation, coupled with the government’s active actions, will have a chance to let dream comes true, and greater the size of the Taipei underground shopping team’s management team.
    For most traditional business districts that have worked hard, the road to value innovation or transformation is even more urgent. The transformation of the business district of this case has been quite difficult and faced many challenges, including staged progress and setbacks. The process of reengineering and innovating business districts of this case tries to set up innovative business models to provide new thinking and effective ideas for many business district operators who are struggling on the rode of transformation.
    Finally, specific suggestions are written forward to transform the development and reconstruction of the Taipei Underground Shopping District and create a more valuable business ecosystem, which expected to provide thinking directions and recommendations for research related to the reconstruction and transformation of the business model.

    摘要 I ABSTRACT II 誌謝 IV 目錄 V 圖目錄 VI 表目錄 VII 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景及動機 1 第二節 研究目的 2 第三節 研究流程 2 第二章 文獻探討 4 第一節 價值創新 4 第二節 第二曲線 6 第三節 企業傳承與永續經營 9 第四節 O2O創新商業模式和數位轉型 13 第五節 倒金字塔有效管理法 18 第六節 台北市商圈發展研究 22 第三章 國際級商圈亮點和未來發展趨勢 31 第一節 商圈產業發展概況分析 31 第二節 國際商圈亮點分析 42 第三節 商圈未來發展趨勢 49 第四章 個案商圈發展探討 58 第一節 個案背景與發展歷程 58 第二節 個案商圈成長挑戰與解決方法 67 第三節 個案商圈的創新管理模式 71 第四節 O2O個案轉型成功後的新願景 82 第五節 升級為大聯盟 88 第六節 永續發展策略 94 第五章 結論與研究建議 97 第一節 研究結論 97 第二節 研究建議 97

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