簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 林豐盛
Feng-Sheng Lin
論文名稱: 海床絕對壓力觀測儀機構之設計改良
Improvement in the Mechanical Design of Sea Floor Absolute Pressure Gauge
指導教授: 陳羽薰
Yu-Hsun Chen
Ching-Ren Lin
口試委員: 陳羽薰
Yu-Hsun Chen
Ching-Ren Lin
Hsiu-Yang Tseng
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 機械工程系
Department of Mechanical Engineering
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 96
中文關鍵詞: 海床絕對壓力觀測儀沉浮式海底觀測儀器漂浮姿態下沉姿態
外文關鍵詞: Seafloor absolute pressure gauge, SAPG, free-fall popup, floating posture, sinking posture
相關次數: 點閱:170下載:11
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  • 台灣地處於歐亞板塊和菲律賓海板塊的交界處,因板塊的推擠造成台灣地區地震極度頻繁,且已有多次造成人民生命財產的損害,所以地震的研究對於台灣是一個相對重要的課題。在台灣島上歐亞板塊和菲律賓海板塊的交界處位於花東縱谷並向東部外海延伸,若以兩個板塊交界處劃分,東半部所擁有的陸地面積小於西半部,為了實地觀測板塊交界附近的地震活動,所以必須往東邊的太平洋海床上佈放更多儀器來加強觀測。所以深海觀測儀器在台灣地震研究上更顯為重要。而深海儀器造價昂貴,所以在儀器的佈放和回收的可靠度就顯得相當重要。
    本研究以第一代海床絕對壓力觀測儀為基礎,進行機構上的修改及設計。透過改變相關零件的配置使其質量中心向儀器後方移動,再藉由儀器和錨錠的質量中心和浮力中心的相互配合角度計算,讓儀器在下沉時以直立的姿態著陸於海床之上。待觀測時間結束,回收海底儀器時,將錨錠釋放,使儀器以橫躺的姿態上浮,並漂浮在水面上,此時的橫躺姿態將使聲納傳感器仍然沒在水中可持續回應船上的測距訊號,藉此增加儀器在回收時探測人員在船上的搜尋方式,提升儀器回收成功率,減少搜尋時間。此外,本研究亦提出了儀器的部件改良,以便提升儀器組裝的便利度,並降低儀器搬運過程中造成的零件損壞。本研究所製作之改良版儀器已於2020年8月成功的佈放4台於花蓮東部海域深度3000 m到5000 m處,驗証儀器的海面漂浮姿態和計算相符合。本研究所提出之改良與分析方法,可作為其他水下觀測儀器之設計參考。

    Taiwan is located at the junction of the Eurasian plate and the Philippine Sea plate. Due to the push of the plate, Taiwan has become an area with extremely frequent earthquakes and has caused many lives and property damages on many occasions. Therefore, the study of earthquake precursors is a relatively important topic for Taiwan. The junction of the Eurasian plate and the Philippine Sea plate on the Taiwan is located in the East Rift Valley and extends to the east. If divided by the junction of the two plates, the eastern has a smaller land area than the western. In order to observe the seismic activity near the boundary of the plates on the spot, more instruments must be deployed on the Pacific seabed to the east to strengthen observations. Therefore, deep-sea observation instruments are even more important in the study of earthquakes in Taiwan. The deep-sea instruments are expensive, so the reliability of the deployment and recovery of the instruments is very important.
    This research modifies and design mechanical for seafloor absolute pressure gauge that is based on the first generation. Change the configuration of related parts, so the mass center moves to the rear of the instrument. Calculate the angle of the mass center and buoyancy center that between the instrument and anchor. Making the instrument land on the seafloor is upright when sinking. When the observation time is over, when the instrument is ready recovered, the anchor is released and the instrument popup in a horizontal position and floats on the water. The acoustic transducer is submerged in the water when instrument float on the water surface. The instrument can be searched on the ship during the recovery. Increasing the recover reliability reduces the time and money. The components of the instrument have been modified to improve the convenience when assembly and the damage during the handling of the instrument. The instrument was successfully deployed in August 2020 at a depth of 3000m to 5000m in the eastern sea area of Hualien. It was confirmed that the floating posture of the instrument was consistent with the calculated attitude. The improvement and analysis method proposed by this research can be used as a reference for the design of other underwater observation instruments.

    中文摘要 I Abstract II 誌謝 IV 目錄 V 圖目錄 VII 表目錄 X 第1章 緒論 1 1.1. 研究背景 1 1.2. 研究動機與目標 3 1.3. 論文架構 5 第2章 文獻回顧 7 2.1. 海底觀測儀器 7 2.2. 寬頻深度(壓力)傳感器 10 2.3. 海床絕對壓力觀測儀 11 2.4. 電化學腐蝕 13 第3章 第二代海床絕對壓力觀測儀機構設計 15 3.1. 玻璃浮球及其配件 17 3.2. 底座、腳柱及錨錠釋放裝置 20 3.3. 提把、延長桿、音鼓固定板 25 3.4. 錨錠 28 第4章 力學及沉浮姿態分析 31 4.1. 提把材力分析 31 4.2. 海床絕對壓力觀測儀下沉姿態計算 34 4.3. 海床絕對壓力觀測儀上浮及水面姿態 37 4.4. 海床絕對壓力觀測儀下沉及上浮速度計算 46 第5章 成果與結論 50 5.1. 海床絕對壓力計漂浮姿態 50 5.2. 海床絕對壓力感測儀下沉速度 53 第6章 未來展望 57 參考文獻 59 附錄一 第二代海床絕對壓力觀測儀相關零件工程圖 61 附錄二 海床絕對壓力觀測儀佈放SOP 70 附錄三 海床絕對壓力觀測儀回收SOP 77

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