Author: |
洪紫瑄 Zih-Syuan Hong |
Thesis Title: |
台積電公司資本結構影響因素之探討 A Study on the Factors Affecting Capital Structure of Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company |
Advisor: |
Chun-Nan Chen |
Committee: |
Chun-Nan Chen 謝劍平 Chien-Ping Hsieh 鄭仁偉 Jen-Wei Cheng 林軒竹 Hsuan-Chu Lin |
Degree: |
碩士 Master |
Department: |
管理學院 - 財務金融研究所 Graduate Institute of Finance |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2020 |
Graduation Academic Year: | 108 |
Language: | 中文 |
Pages: | 62 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | 資本結構 、台積電公司 、迴歸分析 |
Keywords (in other languages): | Capital Structure, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company, Regression Analysis |
Reference times: | Clicks: 477 Downloads: 0 |
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資金對於公司經營而言相當重要,它可以使公司擴張事業,而公司籌措資金的第一個來源為內部資金,公司籌資的第二個來源為外部融資,即負債(debt)和權益(equity)融資,而公司的資本結構(capital structure)則是一個公司的負債和權益的分配情況,此分配情況不僅會影響公司價值,亦會影響公司的生存發展,因此資本結構對於公司是值得被關注的,然而,究竟哪些因素會影響融資決策,即是本研究欲探討的。
Capital is important for companies because they can use the capital to expand their business. It can be divided into internal capital and external capital which includes debt financing and equity financing. The ratio of debt and equity represents companies’ capital structure. This ratio not only affects the value of companies but also relates to the developments of the companies. As a result, the capital structure of a company is worth our attention, and the objective of this study is to find the determinants of the capital structure.
The sample of this study is Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company and the research period is from 1995 to 2019, including 25 annual data. Based on the result of multiple regression analysis, growth and collateral value of the assets have significantly positive correlations with total debt ratio. Conversely, profitability, R&D, payout ratio, non-debt tax shield and liquidity have significantly negative correlations with total debt ratio.
This study also uses long-term debt ratio and debt to equity ratio for sensitivity analysis. The empirical results show that growth, collateral value of the assets and liquidity have significantly positive correlations with long-term debt ratio. Profitability, R&D, non-debt tax shield and PHLX Semiconductor Sector Index have significantly negative correlations with long-term debt ratio. In addition, the results of the regression show that growth and collateral value of the assets have significantly positive correlations with debt to equity ratio. Profitability and non-debt tax shield have significantly negative correlations with debt to equity ratio. Nevertheless, long-term debt ratio, debt to equity ratio and total debt ratio have different empirical results for liquidity, payout ratio, PHLX Semiconductor Sector Index and R&D, which means that the determinants of capital structure among long-term debt ratio, debt to equity ratio and total debt ratio are different.
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