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研究生: 李冠青
Kuan-ching Li
論文名稱: 特定諧波規劃與消除之三相大電流產生器研製
Design and Implementation of Three-Phase High Current Generator Using Selective Harmonic Programming and Elimination
指導教授: 楊宗銘
Chung-Ming Young
口試委員: 陳良瑞
Liang-Rui Chen
Yu-Kang Lo
Chih-Ming Lin
Jung-Fang Perng
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2008
畢業學年度: 96
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 120
中文關鍵詞: 特定諧波消除電流源變流器並聯諧振三相V接總諧波失真
外文關鍵詞: selective harmonic elimination, current source inverter, parallel resonant, three-phase v-connected, total harmonic distrotion.
相關次數: 點閱:878下載:12
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  • 本文主要在利用特定諧波消除脈波寬度調變來控制電流源變流器,最後透過並聯諧振及變壓器三相V接線輸出,其主要目的為獲得一個可調整的三相大電流源提供電力設備試驗用之所需。運用脈波寬度調變的規劃得到特定角度來作為切換開關的觸發訊號,在系統中經由些微頻率的變動找出在這固定頻率範圍內最小的總諧波失真,以及回授控制輸出電流大小。以上的過程透過MATLAB建立完整架構並模擬分析,再利用數位訊號處理器TMS320F2812為控制器來提供切換開關觸發訊號以及處理回授控制。經由模擬與實作的相互驗證,最後證明本文所提之方法確實具有可行性。

    The research uses selective harmonic elimination to control the current source inverter. At the end, the researcher exports parallel resonant and three-phase V-connected to get an adjustable three-phase high current generator which provides the need of electric equipment experiment. The application of scheming pulse width modulation gets a specific angle which is regarded as trigger signal shift of the switch. Through a fraction of frequency variation in this system, the researcher finds out the minimum of total harmonic distrotion and the current of feedback control output which are between the fixed range of frequency. The above process is established through MATLAB to build a complete frame, simulation, and analysis. Then the researcher takes TMS320F2812, a digital signal processor, as a controller to provide touching signal of switch and handling feedback control. After many testing of simulation and experiment, the method of this research is proved to be practical.

    第一章 緒論...............................................1 1.1 研究動機..........................................1 1.2 系統描述與研究方法................................2 1.3 內容大綱..........................................3 第二章 並聯諧振電路分析...................................5 2.1 前言..............................................5 2.2 理想並聯諧振數學模型..............................6 2.3 非理想並聯諧振數學模型............................7 2.4 頻寬及品質因數...................................10 第三章 特定諧波消除與規劃................................13 3.1 前言.............................................13 3.2 電流源變流器輸出波形規劃.........................13 3.3 數值分析.........................................17 第四章 諧振式電流產生器系統..............................22 4.1 前言.............................................22 4.2 電路分析.........................................22 4.2.1 直流電流源電路...............................23 降壓轉換器介紹...........................23 電流磁滯控制法...........................27 4.2.2 電流源變流器電路.............................28 變流器部分...............................28 基本波大小...............................30 4.3 諧振電路.........................................31 4.3.1 降壓變壓器...................................32 開路試驗.................................33 短路試驗.................................35 4.3.2 三相V接式變壓器.............................36 4.4 回授控制部份.....................................37 第五章 硬體架構與軟體規劃................................42 5.1 前言.............................................42 5.2 硬體架構.........................................42 5.2.1 系統規劃電路.................................42 5.2.2 電流感測電路.................................43 5.2.3 絕對值平均輸出電路...........................44 5.2.4 光耦合驅動電路...............................46 5.2.5 可變中心頻率帶通濾波電路.....................46 5.3 軟體規劃.........................................49 5.3.1 數位訊號處理器...............................49 5.3.2 程式流程.....................................50 第六章 系統模擬與實作....................................54 6.1 前言.............................................54 6.2 開關觸發訊號.....................................55 6.3 三相Y-Δ接.......................................63 6.4 三相V接.........................................76 第七章 結論與建議........................................88 參考文獻.................................................90 附錄.....................................................95 作者簡介................................................105

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