簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 楊家驊
Chia-Hwa Young
論文名稱: 賭場人力資源管理之個案研究-以澳門為例
A Case Study of HRM on Casino in Macau
指導教授: 劉代洋
Day-Yang Liu
口試委員: 張琬喻
Woan-Yuh Jang
Seng-Su Tsang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 企業管理系
Department of Business Administration
論文出版年: 2009
畢業學年度: 97
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 109
中文關鍵詞: 觀光賭場人力資源管理澳門博彩教育機構博彩事業
外文關鍵詞: Casinos, HRM, gaming education
相關次數: 點閱:476下載:24
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一、 澳門旅遊博彩技術培訓中心是由政府資助,免費提供給年滿十八歲以上有志從事博彩旅遊業的人士,用以具體靈活的優質培訓課程,使學員能順利就業,並以提升博彩行業從業人員素質,優化澳門本地人力資源為目標;而澳門威尼斯人渡假村酒店,乃是全球第二、亞洲第一大的建築物,樓高39層,佔地1050萬平方呎,共有3000間豪華套房,目前現有員工一萬八千多名員工,其建築方式依照美國拉斯維加斯的威尼斯人渡假村酒店,以威尼斯水鄉為主題,乃是集合博彩娛樂、會展、酒店及表演、購物於一體之綜合度假飯店。
二、 澳門旅遊博彩技術培訓中心為亞太地區最大之博彩教育培訓中心,但由於受到同業的競爭威脅以及各大博彩公司內部自有設置培訓中心的結果,使得現階段中心的學員在課程的註冊與畢業人次上,均有逐年下降的趨勢,已經影響到中心未來的發展。另外,各博彩教育機構在培訓標準上未有統一規範,而造成博彩教育資源重複浪費使用之情形,也是現階段博彩教育機構所面臨之一大問題,因此,進一步研究和完善有關博彩制度,資源整合與調配皆是博彩教育機構當前面臨之挑戰。
三、 澳門威尼斯人渡假村酒店在人力資源管理上,招聘的員工多數來自於澳門旅遊博彩技術培訓中心,但也有未接受過博彩的訓練者;在人才訓練方面,會先給予員工職前訓練,也定期安排相關課程訓練給不同的工作性質與層級之員工;在人員任用方面,以績效考核的分數高低做為員工升遷的標準,而當公司出現其他職務職缺,通常也先以提拔內部員工為主,在員工轉職與離職上,公司都有一些因應措施;在人力維持方面,除了給予高額薪資外,也有提供優渥福利予員工,更定期舉辦傑出員工的選拔,以激勵員工士氣。目前澳門博彩事業在人員培訓與管理上較為嚴重的問題是,人員流動率過高以及因工作環境所造成員工的心理等負面影響,故如何完善的員工生涯管理機制、加強工作培訓內容以及提升博彩事業與博彩教育機構間的相互合作,都是目前博彩事業當前之課題。
四、 現階段賭場荷官在工作場所中所面臨之問題,包括人員流動率過高、病態賭徒、以及因發錯牌、服務態度差被投訴所造成的心理壓力,故專業訓練的強化,以及如何調適荷官工作心態以致不淪落為病態賭徒等,皆是值得探討之問題。

The aims of this study were to examine the practice and content of gaming education provided by gaming education institutions in Macau, to explore the status of human resources management of the gaming industry in Macau, and to learn about the cooperative relationships between the gaming industry and its education system. The subjects of this study were Institute for the study of Commercial Gaming of University of Macau, Macao Tourism and Casino Career Center, and S casino in Macau. The main methods used to acquire information include deep interview and document analysis.The findings of this study were as follows:
1. Gaming education in Macau was guided by the government. In the early stages of gaming education development, the government relied heavily on the experiences of theUnited States. Its gaming education was conducted both in forms of higher education and professional trainings. Following government policies and the demand of the market, the future trend of courses and trainings will turn to middle and high level management and surrounding industries of gaming.
2. In terms of employment, S casino in Macau relied much on the gaming education, and it offered both pre- and post-vocational trainings. Moreover, a score system was used to estimate employees’ performance. Nevertheless, plans for employees’ career development were comparatively insufficient. The casino also provided satisfactory salaries and benefits for its staff, and was severe on discipline and resignation management. For the casino, the resignation of employees was a critical problem for human resources management.
3. The cooperative relationship between education institutions and the gaming industry was established on exchanges of human resources and funds. On the contrary, government organizations needed to remain neutral, and they weren’t allowed to exchange funds and equipments with gaming corporations. What gaming education institutions and the government have in common lies in the fact that they both coorganize training courses with gaming corporations, since independently organized courses would lead to a waste of resources.
If Taiwan is to develop its gaming industry in the future, its government is advised toconsult the experiences of Macau. Only by learning from Macau’s success, fixing its disadvantages, strengthening the gaming education, focusing on the problems of human resources management in the gaming industry, and adjusting itself to the changes in the market, could Taiwan upgrade its gaming education and the human resources management of the gaming industry.

中文摘要 II 英文摘要 IV 圖目錄 VI 表目錄 VII 第壹章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的 4 第三節 研究範圍與流程 5 第四節 研究限制 7 第貳章 文獻探討 8 第一節 觀光賭場之內涵 8 第二節 人力資源管理 14 第三節 博彩教育與人力資源管理 19 第參章 研究方法 31 第一節 個案研究法 31 第二節 研究設計 34 第肆章 博弈產業分析 40 第一節 全球觀光賭場發展現況分析 40 第二節 澳門博彩產業發展背景與現況 45 第三節 澳門博彩教育發展與人力現況 58 第伍章 賭場人力資源管理之個案分析 66 第一節 澳門旅遊博彩技術培訓中心之人才培訓方式個案分析 66 第二節 澳門威尼斯人渡假村酒店人力資源管理之個案分析 75 第三節 賭場人員之訪談分析 81 第陸章 結論與建議 84 第一節 研究結論 84 第二節 研究建議 88 參考文獻 93 附 錄 97

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