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研究生: 陳昰勳
Cheng-Shiun Chen
論文名稱: 節能策略作為設計思考關鍵在空間操作中之應用-以三個建築競圖為例
On Application of Energy-efficient Strategy in Space Operation as the Key of Design Thinking:by the practice of three architecture competitions.
指導教授: 莊亦婷
I-Ting Chuang
口試委員: 彭雲宏
Yeng-Horng Perng
I-Hsu Chiu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 建築系
Department of Architecture
論文出版年: 2016
畢業學年度: 104
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 107
中文關鍵詞: 設計思考概念設計設計初期節能設計節能策略競圖
外文關鍵詞: Design thinking, Concept, Early Stage of Design, Conservation design, Conservation Strategies, Competition
相關次數: 點閱:263下載:5
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In recent years, the changes in global environment prompt more and more architectures to adopt energy-saving systems and facilities in their designs.Even so, among the many architectural designs, the energy-saving approaches usually will not be proposed at the stage of just being designed.The energy-saving systems and facilities in buildings are often placed into spaces at the end of designation. However, during the process of case study, we found that if the energy-saving design can be considered with other design factors in the stage of conceptual designation, it is helpful for improving the entire energy efficiency in such design, and the positive affect of such energy-saving facility and system on the entire design will be exaggerated. Therefore, the purpose of this paper, is trying to, at the beginning of designation, propose a procedure of design operation, in order to introduce the energy-saving approach and the facility technique it applies into the spatial design of a building.It makes the spatial design of architecture and energy-saving facility complementing one another, and breaks the current status that many energy-saving facilities are just accessories for buildings.Finally, it uses this flow of designation to process practical operation among three design competitions. Moreover, as from the earliest concept inspiration, design development, to the final presentation of outcome, the personal review and suggestions were proposed. It looks forward to being a direction of design thinking for the space designers when they are operating architectural designs.

第一章 緒論 1-1 研究背景        9 1-2 研究動機       10 1-3 研究方法       11 第二章 設計方法建構 2-1 文獻回顧       14 2-2 案例分析          2-2-1 德國國會大廈    17    2-2-2 德國福斯汽車城   20     2-2-3 蘭花屋       23 2-2-4 分析總結      26  2-3 設計流程建構 2-3-1 設計操作      27  2-3-2 尋找條件      28  2-3-3 訂定節能目標    28    2-3-4 建立節能策略    29    2-3-5 導入節能裝置    29          第三章 設計操作與空間實踐 3-1 埤塘教室 桃園屋 3-1-1 競圖摘要      32  3-1-2 資料蒐集      33  3-1-3 設計發展      35  3-1-4 空間實踐      37          3-2 LIFE IN SHEZI SYMBIOSIS STRATEGIES    3-2-1 競圖摘要      50  3-2-2 資料蒐集      51  3-2-3 設計發展      54  3-2-4 空間實踐      55  3-3 SPONGE ROOF    3-3-1 競圖摘要      62  3-3-2 資料蒐集      63  3-3-3 設計發展      65  3-3-4 空間實踐      68  第四章  結論 4-1  結論         73 4-2  檢討         74 4-3  反饋與建議      75       參考資料       76      附錄 5-1  歷年作品       79  5-2  獎狀         102

(1) 中文參考文獻

[ A-1 ] Earth Pledge 著;林重仁 譯,2006,永續建築白皮書,積木文化。
[ A-2 ] 顏子承,2011,因應環境變遷創新建築設計模式之實證探討,台灣科技大學建築研究所。
[ A-3 ] 吳楠,2016,建築設計初期蒙地卡羅造價估算策略,台灣科技大學建築研究所。
[ A-4 ] 陳政雄,1978,建築設計方法,東大圖書公司印行。
[ A-5 ] 史瑞明,2014,建築設計程序中整合機電設備設計衍生課題之研究- 以桃園集合住宅建案個案為例,台灣科技大學建築研究所。
[ A-6 ] 曾瑋婷,2014,初步設計階段綠建築設計流程與決策之案例分析,台灣科技大學建築研究所。
[ A-7 ] Deyan Sudjic 著;張茂芸 譯,2012,建築大師 諾曼.佛斯特,天下文化。

(2) 英文參考文獻

[ B-1 ] Chong, Y. T., Chen, C.-H., & Leong, K. F. (2009). A heuristic-based approach to conceptual design.
[ B-2 ] Schlueter, A., & Thesseling, F. (2009). Building information model based energy/exergy performance assessment in early design stages.

(3) 參考網站

[ C-1 ] 公有建築物綠建築標章推動使用作業要點 www.moi.gov.tw
[ C-2 ] Foster Parner + www.fosterandpartners.com
[ C-3 ] 台大綠房子 http://www.ecohouse.org.tw
[ C-4 ] 低碳生活部落格 http://lowestc.blogspot.tw/
[ C-5 ] Orchid House http://sde.tw/project-2/concept/

[ C-6 ] 交大蘭花屋成功案例 www.autodesk.com/temp/pdf/交大蘭花屋成功案例.pdf
[ C-7 ] Autostadt https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autostadt
[ C-8 ] HENN Architecture http://www.henn.com/cn/projects/urban-design/autostadt