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研究生: 殷酩翔
Ming-siang Yin
論文名稱: 多頻率多頻道無線網格網路上 頻道配置與排程之研究
The Study of Channel Assignment and Scheduling in Multi-radio, Multi-channel Wireless Mesh Network
指導教授: 陳郁堂
Yie-Tarng Chen
口試委員: 林銘波
Ming-Bo Lin
Wen-Hsien Fang
Chen-Mie Wu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電子工程系
Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering
論文出版年: 2008
畢業學年度: 96
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 45
中文關鍵詞: 多頻率多頻道無線網路頻道配置頻道排程
外文關鍵詞: Multi-radio, Multi-channel, Channel Assignment, Channel Scheduling, Wireless Mesh Network
相關次數: 點閱:422下載:0
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近年來,無線網格網路變成一個新興技術。對於無線網格網路的效能、頻道配置與排程都是重要的設計問題。然而,大多數的研究著重在協議干擾模型(protocol interference model)下的問題。在本研究中,我們提出一個在實體干擾模型(physical interference model)下,多頻道多頻率的無線網格網路中考慮頻道配置與排程來最大化整個網路產能的演算法。這是一個集中式的演算法,我們使用拉格蘭氏鬆弛法(Lagrangian Relaxation)之演算法以簡化問題的限制並求解,並且發展一個經驗法則的符合限制演算法(feasible solution algorithm)調整被簡化的問題答案為符合原本限制的解。另外我們將蟻群演算法(Ant Colony Optimization)應用在頻道配置與頻道排程問題上,以另一種方式找尋所要的解。我們利用電腦模擬方式來驗證所提出的演算法,結果顯示我們所提出的演算法在無線網格網路的環境下可以有效找到近似最佳的頻道配置與排程。

In recent years, wireless mesh networks become emerging technologies for broadband wireless access. Channel assignment and scheduling are important design issues for performance of wireless mesh networks. However, most previous researches address these issues under the protocol interference model. In this research, we propose centralized schemes to address the problem of joint channel assignment and scheduling under the physical interference model for multi-channel multi-radio wireless mesh networks. We formulate the joint channel assignment and scheduling problem as an integer programming problem and use the Lagrangian relaxation and the subgradient approaches to develop Lagrangian heuristic. In addition, an ant colony optimization algorithm is presented for the joint channel assignment and scheduling problem. The results of computer simulations reveal that the proposed schemes can provide near-optimal solutions.

中文摘要 I Abstract II Table of contents III List of Figures IV List of Tables V Chapter 1 Introduction 6 1.1 Overview 6 1.2 Problem Description 8 1.3 Related work 11 1.4 Interference model 13 Chapter 2 Problem Formulation 16 2.1 Notation 16 2.2 Optimization Problem Formulation 17 Chapter 3 Lagrangian Relaxation 19 3.1 Solution Approach 19 3.2 Lagrangian Relaxation 20 3.2.1 Sub-problem channel assignment 21 3.2.2 Sub-problem time-slot scheduling 24 3.2.3 Sub-problem minimize time-slot 26 3.3 Dual Problem 27 Chapter 4 The algorithm of feasible solution 29 4.1 Architecture 29 4.2 Pseudo-code of feasible solution 31 Chapter 5 Ant colony Optimization Approach 32 5.1 Architecture 32 5.2 Ant colony optimization for channel assignment and time-slots scheduling 34 5.3 Pseudo-code 35 Chapter 6 Simulation 38 6.1 Result of simulation 39 6.2 Execution time 41 Chapter 7 Conclusion 42 Reference 43

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