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研究生: 徐慧玲
Hui-ling Hsu
論文名稱: 價值創新-從「不老騎士」談NPO領導人的創新抉擇
Value Innovation - What Go Grand Riders Tells NPO Leaders about Cutting-Edge Decision-Making
指導教授: 葉明義
Ming-Yih Yeh
口試委員: 欒 斌
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 企業管理系
Department of Business Administration
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 80
中文關鍵詞: 非營利組織危機管理創新管理領導理論行銷管理
外文關鍵詞: innovation management, crisis management, Non-profit organization, leadership theory, value marketing
相關次數: 點閱:485下載:15
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本個案為非營利組織((Non-Profit Organization,NPO)價值創新之實例,個案描述基金會現任執行長林依瑩,2005年在眾人驚嘆眼光中從67歲前任執行長手中接下新職,接手之後立即經歷組織重組與管理危機,經過一段時間的整頓後,終於理解基金會以政府接案為主的營運結構,容易造成財務不穩定,另一個核心問題就是基金會的照顧模式,無法滿足顧客需求,使服務品質、產品形象、專業都無法提升。

The trend of aging population and few children in Taiwan is speeding up. When our society regards「old age」as a problem, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the foundation deems this as an opportunity for creating value innovation grand riders instead.
This case is an actual NPO (Non-Profit Organization) example of value innovation. The case describes that the current CEO of the foundation, Lin I-Yin, took up this post in 2005 from the previous 67 years old CEO amongst the amazing sights of everybody. She carried out through organization restructure and management crisis. After a period of rectification, she finally realized that if the foundation relied on projects from the government as the main source, the finance of the foundation would be unstable. Another core problem was the caring offered by the foundation could not satisfy the requirements of their customers. In addition, the service quality, product image and professionalism could not be enhanced.
In pursuing value innovation, she found a way to transform the organization. Through an overseas exchange opportunity in 2006, she saw a successful example that old people could also be ageless. Therefore up returning to Taiwan, she started to push such an approach. In this process she convinced the board of directors, communicated with internal staff and raised resource. She trained ageless riders and officially started the 13 day going-around-Taiwan plan. She overcame all difficulties one by one. Finally in 2007, she successfully led 17 ageless riders, with an average of 81 years of age, to complete the dream of circling Taiwan.
The news reported during that period caught the attention of domestic and overseas Chinese media. The documentary film of the ageless riders became very popular on the Internet. It also changed the negative view of the society at large on old people. Another unexpected result was some people were touched by this documentary film and joined the foundation. Just when Lin I-Yin was thinking on making a movie for the ageless rider as the next step, the board of directors resolved that they did not support this and internally the opposition voices also appeared. In addition, there was false conception on Hondas Formation from the outside sector. The movie production needed much more fund and she must be responsible to bear all these as well as pressure. Her next test is how to move forward so that this ageless dream of value innovation can continue to bring the operation opportunity to the foundation.

摘要 II ABSTRACT III 誌謝 V 目錄 VI 表目錄 VIII 圖目錄 IX 引言 1 壹、 老人照顧服務產業概況 2 一、 照顧服務產業的源起 2 (一) 人口快速老化,失能照顧需求增加 2 (二) 家庭照顧結構改變,照顧功能式微 3 二、 照顧服務產業定義 3 三、 老人照顧服務模式 4 四、 老人照顧服務產業的發展 5 貳、 弘道老人基金會概況描述 6 一、 成立的宗旨與使命 6 二、 基金會的發展 6 三、 基金會業務項目與推展 7 (一) 社區照顧 7 (二) 弘揚孝道 7 (三) 不老夢想 8 四、 執行長林依瑩的介紹 8 參、 個案本文 10 一、 空降主管的危機 10 (一) 上任三天,出現倒閉危機 11 (二) 摸索中建立團隊共識 12 二、 採取改變的行動 13 (一) 面對反對聲浪與資源的窘境 14 (二) 籌組不老騎士團員 16 (三) 沙盤推演,尋找外力協作 17 (四) 超乎預期的回響 18 (五) 老人健康問題,不定時炸彈 19 (六) 凱旋歸來,媒體傳播效應 20 三、 紀錄不老夢想的精神 21 (一) 紀錄片門外漢的大膽創新 21 (二) 新手導演的全心投入 22 四、 從紀錄片到電影? 23 肆、 個案討論 29 一、 個案總覽 29 (一) 教學目標 31 (二) 課前準備 32 (三) 學員課前討論 32 (四) 適用課程與對象 32 (五) 教學總覽 32 (六) 問題與參考答案 33 二、 教學建議 69 三、 後記 70 四、 板書 71 (一) 教學個案版書1:空降主管的危機 71 (二) 教學個案板書2:包容網(Web of inclusion)理論 71 (三) 教學個案版書3:行銷3.0 72 (四) 教學個案版書4:行銷1.0、2.0與行銷3.0的比較 72 伍、 附錄 73 一、 附錄(一)、包容網理論 73 陸、 參考文獻 74 一、 中文部分 74 二、 英文部分 76 三、 參考網站 80

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