簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 宋明翰
Ming-Ham Sung
論文名稱: 智慧神農:長生製茶廠之數位轉型
Intelligence of Shennong:Chang Shen On Digital Transformation
指導教授: 陳正綱
Cheng-Kang Chen
口試委員: 陳正綱
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 資訊管理系
Department of Information Management
論文出版年: 2024
畢業學年度: 112
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 46
中文關鍵詞: 企業化傳承數位轉型模組化產業永續
外文關鍵詞: Successor, Digital Transformation, ESG Transformation
相關次數: 點閱:120下載:0
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  • 回想起小時候,每次回到新竹關西老家,會看到祖父在後山的果園及茶園忙
    長生製茶廠廠長-林和春先生,2017 神農獎得主,於 2020 年 11 月集合了一
    林和春先生重新投入產業面 20 年從傳統農業工法中了解因人力短缺引發出的

    Recall the days when I was young. Every time I returned to my hometown in
    Guanxi, Hsinchu, I would observe my grandfather diligently working in the orchards
    and tea gardens on the mountains behind the house. When I look around from our tea
    garden, I can see many other tea gardens on the surrounding mountains. Down the hill,
    there is a tea factory, and occasionally, I can hear people singing Hakka songs in the
    This is a depiction of the daily life of my Hakka relatives from my childhood memories.
    The Contribution of Hakka Relatives to the Tea Industry in Taiwan. It also sparked
    a special interest in the tea industry, prompting me to delve into its current development
    and future prospects.
    Director of Changsheng Tea Factory, Mr. Lin Hechun, The recipient of the
    Shennong Award. He gather these farmers and merchants who share the same goal. In
    November 2020, Mr. Lin established the "Limited Liability Taiwan Tea Cooperative," a
    cooperative enterprise focusing on production, marketing, and education. In Taiwan, we
    are collaborating with the Tea and Beverage Research Station of the Ministry of
    Agriculture to introduce mechanical equipment and agricultural machinery systems to
    enhance production in flatland areas. To resolve the issue of labor shortages.
    Then he cooperation with Japan's largest agricultural machinery equipment
    manufacturer in oversea , "Ochiai," conducted a system test in Practical . Mr. Lin
    Hechun has spent 20 years in the industry and is knowledgeable about the problems
    caused by manpower shortages in traditional agricultural methods.
    He introduced mechanical equipment to establish a mechanized management
    system. Subsequently, issues arising from mechanical equipment failures were
    Then, we collaborated with the Institute for Information Industry and the Tea and
    Beverage Research Station of the Ministry of Agriculture to develop an intelligent
    agricultural machinery management system. We refined the product through our own
    experiments and subsequently introduced it to farmers in the same region. Later, we
    expanded its reach to the entire country.


    Gather the collective power to overcome the challenges encountered by the
    industry and establish a new vision for both the industry and individuals, transitioning
    from farming to agricultural enterprise. Utilize digital transformation to shift towards
    becoming providers of agricultural technology systems. Let farmers evolve beyond their
    traditional roles, gradually working towards ensuring the sustainability of the tea

    目錄 摘要................................................................................................................................I ABSTRACT................................................................................................................ II 誌謝.............................................................................................................................III 目錄.............................................................................................................................IV 圖目錄.........................................................................................................................VI 表目錄....................................................................................................................... VII 壹、 個案本文....................................................................................................... 1 一、 序曲............................................................................................................... 1 二、 茶及產業介紹............................................................................................... 3 三、 傳承與變革-長生製茶廠............................................................................ 16 四、 數位轉型..................................................................................................... 19 五、 遠征海外..................................................................................................... 21 六、 產業永續..................................................................................................... 23 貳、 教學指引..................................................................................................... 29 一、 個案總覽..................................................................................................... 29 二、 教學目標與適用課程建議......................................................................... 31 三、 學員課前準備與問題討論......................................................................... 33 四、 個案分析..................................................................................................... 33 五、 課程結論..................................................................................................... 42 六、 教學建議與時間分配................................................................................. 42 七、 板書規劃..................................................................................................... 43 參、 參考文獻..................................................................................................... 45 一、 中文文獻..................................................................................................... 45 二、 網站資源..................................................................................................... 45

    一、 中文文獻

    1. 2050 淨零碳排下臺灣茶園 ── 有機認證 企業 ESG

    二、 網站資源

    1. 林文經、林和春 1 斤 40 萬還買不到的茶 | 遠見雜誌 (gvm.com.tw)
    2. 三代茶農變神農 1/「採茶旺季每天工作 20 小時」 他辭去半導體工作返鄉 10 年終於說服父親機械化 | 財經 | CTWANT
    3. 三代茶農變神農 2/「茶葉產業要改革!」 長生建立全台最大機隊代耕一百公頃+導入智慧管理系統 | 財經 | CTWANT
    4. 資策會、長生製茶廠、茶改場合作開發「農機智慧管理系統」 獲日本農機企業青睞 落實茶園連鎖化及無國界管理 | 本會新聞 | 資策會(iii.org.tw)
    5. 智慧農業!資策會「農機智慧管理系統」獲日本農機企業青睞 - 資策會數位轉型研究院 (iii.org.tw)
    6. 茶園管理智慧化及無紙化 智農共創新未來(茶及飲料作物改良場)(tbrs.gov.tw)
    7. 農機スマート管理システム/長生製茶廠、資策會 | 日台連携新時代の共創・協働事業戦略 (dempa-digital.com)
    8. 海關進出口統計 (nat.gov.tw)
    9. 臺灣地區特用作物生產概況 - 農業開放資料平臺 (coa.gov.tw)
    10. 國際茶葉委員會(ITC)
    11. 財政部共通性查詢目錄結構 (mof.gov.tw)
    12. ESG - PRO360 達人網
    13. ESG 專區 - 台灣環保文教基金會 (epf.org.tw)
    14. 財團法人台灣永續能源研究基金會 (010904026.pdf (basassociation.org.tw)

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    全文公開日期 2026/07/29 (國家圖書館:臺灣博碩士論文系統)