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研究生: Le Truong Di Ha
Le - Truong Di Ha
論文名稱: 基於鋼構件形狀因子探討鋼木混合結構樑之優化數值研究
Numerical Study on Optimization of Wooden-Steel Hybrid Beams Based on Shape Factor of Steel Component
指導教授: 施宣光
Shen-Guan Shih
口試委員: 彭雲宏
Yeng-Horng Perng
Meng-Ting Tsai
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 建築系
Department of Architecture
論文出版年: 2016
畢業學年度: 104
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 84
中文關鍵詞: 高效混合鋼木材結構體系福里奇柱分割剖面幾和因子優化型態數字化
外文關鍵詞: efficient hybrid steel-timber structural system, Flitch-beams, cross-sections, shape factor, optimized morphology, numerical
相關次數: 點閱:460下載:22
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近年來鋼構和混凝土複合材料相當流行,除此之外更能改善對於木構造結構與設計問題。此外,木構件可以減少鋼構件對於結構行為所產生的屈曲現象,未來能發展更有效的混合鋼木材結構系統。就傳統方式,透過設計普通的柱子與不同幾何形狀的鋼木混合柱子進行相比較。根據第一批試驗鋼木混合柱簡稱"福里奇柱"(Flitch-beams),本研究目的在於提供"福里奇柱"透過有效的形狀因子性能來延伸與開發方法。根據美國住宅建築商協會(NAHB)數據,以開發商的概念,梁可以顯示福里奇梁與各種尺寸的能力,本研究選取了2個木材件 (以2x8為一單元) 並插入鋼板芯來評估和各種橫截面之間的優化的形態,然後在施加到柱子作為替換為鋼板芯,這三種類型的矩形截面,中空截面和I-部分,其基礎上同一地區的條件和材料應進行適當評估。第一個結果表明,比較依賴於最大數值彎曲應力()和偏轉在跨度中間。在此之後,福里奇新柱被重新計算,結果與NAHB建築商的柱子模式比較。最終的結果表明,優化後鋼芯的協調比其他柱子更有顯著的效益。

Nowadays, the composite of steel and concrete is quite popular but it is also important to improve and develop the structural systems especially the construction and design of wooden structure. Furthermore, wood components would reduce the risk of buckling on individual activity of steel and thus leads to more efficient hybrid steel-timber structural systems in the future.
As traditional way, designing a beam has been simply achieved and the geometry of the timber-steel-hybrid beam is really ideal advantageous to improve their work. According to the first generation of timber-steel-hybrid beams called “Flitch-beams”, the aim of this study is to follow and develop a method in order to provide more efficient shape factor performance for Flitch-beams. Basing on the main concept of data tables from National Association of Home Builders of the United States (NAHB) builders’ beam showing the capacity of flitch-beams with variety sizes, this study chooses one fixed pattern of 2 wood pieces (2x8’’) inserts by a straight steel-plate-core to evaluate and the optimized morphology among the variety cross-sections is then applied in to the beam as replacing for straight steel-plate-core. The three types Rectangular-section, Hollow-section and I-section which base on the same area condition and material should be assessed properly. The first result shows that the comparison relies on numerical of Maximum bending stress ( ) and deflection at mid span. Following this, the new flitch beam is re-calculated and the results in comparison with the NAHB builders’ beam pattern. Similarly, the final result indicates that the coordination of optimized steel core is more advantageous than the pattern beam.

Abstracti Acknowledgementiii Contentiv List of Figuresviii List of Tablesxi List of Abbreviationsxiii Chapter 1Introduction1 1.1Background and motivation1 1.2Objective and Research Outcomes5 1.3Research Approach6 1.3.1 Comparison of shape factors6 1.3.2 Appling shape factor to optimize the Flitch beams 6 1.4Chapter Overview6 Chapter 2 Literature review9 2.1Case study of hybridization 9 2.1.1 System level hybridization9 2.1.2 Component level hybridization10 2.1.3 The combination of System level and component level hybridization13 2.2Relevant research14 2.2.1 A design optimum cross-sections using a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm14 2.2.2 Optimal cross-section alternatives with comparison via a mathematical method based on steel shape factor14 2.2.3 National Association of Home Builders of the United States (NAHB) builders’ beam15 Chapter 3 Numerical methodology of shape factor17 3.1Relevant formula and definitions review17 3.1.1 Moment of inertia (I)17 3.1.2 Section modulus (S)17 3.1.2 Maximum bending stress at mid span ( ) and maximum deflection at mid span ( )18 3.2Shape factors19 3.2.1 Cross-Section shapes19 3.2.2 Identifying Cross-Section method20 3.3Material efficiency22 3.3.1 Cross-Section profiles22 3.3.2 Application methods of calculation and result tables26 3.4Shape factor study28 3.5Conclusion36 Chapter 4 Flitch Beam - Data Acquisition38 4.1Introduction of NAHB builders’ beam38 4.1.1 Conversion Factors for cases of symmetrical concentrated load39 4.1.2 Flitch plate beam (NAHB) description40 4.1.3 Design table information41 4.2Issue definition43 4.2.1 Buckling43 4.2.2 The impact of loads differ on different shape factor46 4.2.3 The maximum span efficiency of the beam applying optimal steel core48 4.3Study Flitch plate beam description49 4.3.1 Study Flitch plate beam structure49 4.3.2 Study Flitch plate beam cross section49 4.3.3 Material properties52 4.4The relevant formula and definitions review54 4.4.1 Bending stress conditions54 4.4.2 Deflection conditions56 4.5Data acquisition58 4.5.1 Identify the maximum load for the Study beam58 4.6Comparison of acquisition61 4.6.1 Design Load Comparison bases on the Steel thickness62 4.6.2 Design Load Comparison bases on the span of the beam14 Chapter 5 The ratio of load comparison and analysis on the equation63 5.1Comparison of the ratio of Load63 5.1.1 Design Load Comparison bases on the steel thickness and span63 5.2Equation analysis65 5.2.1 The ratio values of Design Load description conversion into a quadratic polynomial65 5.2.2 K value and its implications65 5.3Douglas Fir – Larch and California Redwood69 5.4Summary of research methodology71 Chapter 6 Conclusion75 6.1Summary of finding75 6.2Future work78 Reference80

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