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研究生: 蕭宇崴
論文名稱: 知識領空的繁星:以主路徑分析法探究手機設計專利之燦爛星海
Analyzing knowledge network and flow of design innovations: The case of mobile phone design patent
指導教授: 何秀青
Mei HC Ho
口試委員: 劉顯仲
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 科技管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Technology Management
論文出版年: 2017
畢業學年度: 105
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 179
中文關鍵詞: 手機設計專利主路徑分析專利引證網路知識擴散設計力創新
外文關鍵詞: Mobile Design, Citation Network, design patent, mobile phone design, knowledge network, knowledge flow
相關次數: 點閱:357下載:2
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  •   學問浩瀚無垠,知識有如蒼穹繁星,將無形智慧轉化成專利財產,是保護知識資本具體的作法,尤其專利千絲萬縷的引證關係,正適合以主路徑分析法挖掘網絡中的ㄧ等恆星來指引創新方向,這就是本研究的命題緣由。知識經濟已為全球發展主力,高科技產業更是融合跨領域智慧的結晶,然而技術變化快速、消費性產品生命週期短,生活習慣與價值觀隨之改變。爰此,本研究以科學證據探討手機設計專利之主流造型演化之間的影響力,以及國家間、企業間知識流動的國際脈動,並進一步瞭解設計智財權引領產業設計之重要性。
      為觀察手機設計的發展,本研究以全球專利資訊網(WEBPAT)做為資料來源,並以美國專利局(USPTO)之分類號D14/138為檢索指令,將全部手機設計專利納入研究範圍,經過蒐集,1989-2015年之間的設計專利數據共5,185件,去除無引證關係之專利資料後,最終樣本數為5,136件專利,分別由273家企業所擁有,其中專利權人遍及24個國家。藉由主路徑分析法(Main-Path Analysis, MPA)、中介性分群法(Edge-betweenness Clustering)等科學方法,以透析手機不同時期的發展軌跡;並建構出企業間、國家間專利的引證矩陣,探討設計知識擴散的程度,進而瞭解企業間交流連結的關係與設計在產業中的角色。
      研究結果發現,芬蘭、美國、韓國、日本、臺灣為設計知識網絡核心的國家,芬蘭Nokia、美國Motorola、瑞典Sony Ericsson、韓國Samsung、韓國LG為此知識網絡的領導企業。手機設計的發展可分為三階段的生命週期演化,分別為第一階段(1989-2001) 新產品期,第二階段(2002-2011) 成熟期,第三階段(2012-2015) 標準化時期。整體而言,手機設計有五個創新設計群組,包括「無線收發工具群組」、「無線摺疊通訊群組」、「個人掌上助理群組」與「數位滑蓋精靈群組」、「無限面面俱到群組」,五個群組的豐富造型展現生活態樣的轉變。

      Knowledge has been the most powerful strength to promote economic development in the fast-changing generation. Product lifecycle becomes shorter, and traditional habits and customs are also transforming in different ways. Therefore, to understand the evolution of product design becomes very important. The study identifies the trajectory and development of designs in mobile phone. We also discuss the meaning of changes in mobile phone design patents, and find out the core assignees and the active countries in this industry.
      Thais study collected data from USPTO with classification number D14/138. Total, we extracted 5,185 patent data, covering the period from 1989 to 2014, from WEBPAT. By using Main Path Analysis and Edge-betweenness Clustering can explain how the outlook of mobile changes in different periods, and also explore the main actors in the design knowledge network. We also construct the assignee network, patent citation network and country citation network to observe the linkages among different actors. From these three networks, we can sort out that 273 assignees in 24 countries participating in the innovation network of mobile phone designs.
      The results showed that Finland, America, Korea, Japan and Taiwan are the central countries of design knowledge network. Moreover Nokia, Motorola, Sony Ericsson, Samsung and LG have strong influences of mobile’s design style. The main path results expressed that there are three stages of mobile’s design lifecycle. The first phase (1989-2001) is new product period, the second phase (2002-2011) is mature period, and the third phase (2012-2015) is standardization period. In addition, we identify five different clusters expressing specific characteristics and unique stylizes of mobile phone designs. The five design clusters include “Wireless Transceiver Tool Group”, “Wireless Folding Communication Group”, “Personal Handheld Assistant Group”, “Digital Slide Wizard Group”, and “Unlimited comprehensive Group”. The changes of mobile’s diverse and abundant styles seems to explains the linkages with social life turning to be colourful and full of imagination.

    摘要.....I ABSTRACT.....II 致謝.....III 目錄.....IV 表次.....VII 圖次.....IX 第一章、緒論.....1 1.1研究背景與動機.....1 1.2研究問題.....3 1.3研究範圍與期間.....3 1.4論文架構.....4 第二章、文獻探討.....5 2.1設計的知識資本.....6 2.1.1設計的知識管理.....6 2.1.2設計專利創造新視界.....8 2.1.3設計進化論.....13 2.1.4造型外觀的設計美學.....17 2.2知識流動創造價值.....19 2.2.1專利文獻的引證關係.....19 2.2.2知識傳播之中介角色(Brokerage Roles).....22 2.3科技與知識的驅動.....23 2.3.1科技與生活的重要案例.....23 2.3.2技術與巿場的互動(Social Shapping).....24 2.3.3週期理論(Product Life Cycle, PLC).....27 2.4國家區位因素的討論.....29 第三章、研究方法.....34 3.1資料來源.....35 3.2資料蒐集與分類號檢索.....35 3.3主路徑分析(Main-path Analysis, MPA).....36 3.3.1資訊流量.....38 3.3.2路徑追蹤.....41 3.2.3主路徑分析之操作技術.....44 3.4集群分析(Edge-betweenness Clustering).....45 第肆章、手機設計專利解構.....48 4.1手機設計之專利內涵.....48 4.1.1敘述性統計.....48 4.1.2設計軌跡三階段.....55 4.2手機造型意象演變.....67 4.3手機設計專利的分群.....71 4.4設計知識之國際脈動.....90 4.4.1知識傳播之中介角色.....95 4.4.2手機群組的設計關係.....97 4.5研究結果總論.....103 第伍章、以設計洞見未來.....104 5.1手機設計專利之整體動向.....104 5.2設計的流行與變動的生活演繹.....105 5.2.1設計主流的節奏.....106 5.2.2時代演化的足跡.....106 5.3五個群組的設計表徵.....107 5.3.1設計的重點小而美.....107 5.3.2設計的連續性.....109 5.4知識泉源的活力實況.....110 5.4.1角色屬性的網絡位置.....110 5.4.2設計知識的核心關係.....110 5.5企業的原創力是創新密碼.....113 5.6實務應用與建議.....112 5.7研究限制與延伸.....114 參考文獻.....115 引用書目.....115 附錄.....120

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