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研究生: 劉美丞
Mei-Cheng Liu
論文名稱: 利用反射式光彈量測與分析銲接殘留應力
Measurements and Analysis for Residual Stress of Welding by Photoelastic Coating Method
指導教授: 黃育熙
Yu-Hsi Huang
口試委員: 趙振綱
Ching-Kong Chao
Ching-Min Cheng
Kuang-Ming Hung
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 機械工程系
Department of Mechanical Engineering
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 159
中文關鍵詞: 銲接殘留應力有限元素法應變規鑽孔法反射式光彈法影像處理
外文關鍵詞: welding, Residual stress, Finite element method, Strain gage drilling method, Photoelastic Coating Method, Image processing
相關次數: 點閱:464下載:5
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In order to determine residual stress caused by welding procedure,the photoelastic coating method was used to observe the full-field stress distribution on structure after the welding process. Using finite element method (FEM) to establish thermal stress for welding analysis,the temperature and stress fields in the welding process were analyzed based on thermo- elasto-plastic theory with thermal structural coupling elements and considering non-linear material parameters. The process is numerically calculated by two FEM modules,including heat transfer and thermal stress. The residual stress of stainless steel (SUS304) and aluminum alloy (5083) are both studied on their thermal and stress field for welding process.
The experimental measurement adopts the hole-drilling method with strain rosette to measure the release of residual strain. Through the inverse calculation, the residual stress is pointwisely obtained from the strain value based on theoretical formula. The photoelastic coating method is also applied to obtain the residual stress of the full-field distribution with the same welding specimen. Image processing methods are used to improve the quality of photoelastic experimentally results. The Fast Fourier Transform was used to filter noise from environment. To increase and sharpen fringe patterns, the absolute value of subtraction from images of the dark field and bright field was processed to obtain a finer fringe. The experimental results are shown in good agreement with the FEM analysis.

中文摘要 I Abstract II 誌謝 III 目錄 IV 圖目錄 VIII 表目錄 XV 第一章 緒論 1 1.1研究背景與目的 1 1.2文獻回顧 2 1.3論文章節介紹 6 第二章 研究理論背景介紹 8 2.1銲接殘留應力形成 8 2.2惰氣鎢極電弧銲 10 2.3有限元素法 11 2.3.1熱傳模擬分析 11 2.3.2有限元素分析材料係數 12 2.3.3力學模擬分析 13 2.4鑽孔法(Hole-Drilling Strain-Gauge Method) 16 2.5光彈法 23 2.5.1 光的波動理論 23 2.5.2 雙折射性材料(Birefringent Material) 23 2.5.3 光學元件介紹 24 2.5.4 應力-光學定律(Stress-Optic Law) 25 2.5.5 反射式光彈法(Reflective Photoelastic Method) 26 2.5.6 平面偏光系統(Plane Polariscope) 30 2.5.7 圓偏光系統(Circular Polariscope) 32 2.6影像處理 38 第三章 實驗設備 39 3.1鑽孔法 39 3.1.1鑽孔機台 39 3.1.2應變計 41 3.1.3雷射位移計 43 3.2反射式光彈法 44 3.2.1機台設備 44 3.3銲接 49 3.3.1試片規格 49 3.3.2熱處理設備 51 第四章 研究方法 52 4.1有限元素分析模擬 52 4.1.1模型建立 53 4.1.2材料參數 54 4.1.3網格劃分及運算步階設定 60 4.1.4銲接時間設定 61 4.1.5邊界條件 62 4.2銲接對接實驗 63 4.2.1試片處理 63 4.2.2銲接實驗 64 4.3鑽孔法量測殘留應力 68 4.3.1試片處理 68 4.3.2溫度補償係數 68 4.3.3動態應變計原理與設定 69 4.3.4鑽孔規範 71 4.3.5鑽孔實驗步驟 71 4.3.6鑽孔實驗注意事項 73 4.4反射式光彈量測殘留應力 75 4.4.1光彈材料製作說明 76 4.4.2四點彎曲實驗 78 4.4.3鑽孔法結合反射式光彈實驗 80 4.4.4鑽孔法結合反射式光彈之干涉條紋 82 4.5高頻雜訊濾波之細線化影像處理 85 第五章 研究結果與討論 86 5.1有限元素分析 86 5.1.1銲道網格量選取 86 5.1.2熱傳模式結果 88 5.1.3熱應力模式結果 91 5.1.4銲條熔點變化討論 102 5.2反射式光彈應用於四點彎曲 105 5.2.1四點彎曲分析 105 5.2.2四點彎曲實驗 109 5.2.3結論 120 5.3鑽孔法結合應變規 131 5.3.1弛力退火試片 131 5.3.2銲接後試片 133 5.3.3結論 140 5.4鑽孔法結合反射式光彈量測殘留應力 142 5.4.1結論 150 第六章 結論與未來展望 153 6.1 結論 153 6.2未來展望 154 參考文獻 155

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