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研究生: 張又心
Yu-Hsin Chang
論文名稱: 既有公寓大廈公共設施之使用管理現況及物業管理前期介入
The Property Management Practice and Early Design Intervention of the Common Facility in Existing Apartment Buildings
指導教授: 杜功仁
Kung-Jen Tu
口試委員: 黃世孟
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 建築系
Department of Architecture
論文出版年: 2011
畢業學年度: 99
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 76
中文關鍵詞: 檢核表設計決策規劃設計準則
外文關鍵詞: Checklist, Design decisions, and planning and designing Guidelines
相關次數: 點閱:223下載:23
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  • 近年來,公寓大廈的數量大幅增加,儼然已經成為主要城市中居住的主流形式。今日居住行為已漸漸改變為公寓的形式,伴隨而來的是公寓大廈之物業管理公司及管委會在管理上面臨的課題,其大多有公寓大廈公共設施呈現閒置或損壞狀態、或在管理上造成許多困難;另外,在能源管理方面也較為缺乏積極的管理機制與作為。
    1. 使用管理問題及能源管理策略:大公設施之問題有設施設備損壞、設施清潔管理、設施項目難以管理、耗電量大、漏水及消防設備誤報。小公設施之問題有昇降設備清潔和電力控管、樓梯通風採光。庭園之問題有景觀維護不易、面積過大不易保養和採光不足植栽不易生長。停車場之問題有停車場設備及材料選用、機械停車設備維護和耗能。其他設施之問題有臨房間距或噪音干擾。而常見之節能手法有省電燈具、控制燈具之點滅、設定昇降設備省電模式及開啟空調人數限制。
    2. 規劃設計決策與耗能量之關聯性:研究結果建議以停車場面積來預測公共電費,停車場常時需要機械通風和全天候之照明,面積上亦有一定之規模,建議使用之公式為Y=13.452X+9495.3。另建議以小公設施面積來預測公共水費,由於本研究所調查之案例多為低公設的案例,因此與公共水費的關聯性上則偏向與小公設施面積關係顯著,建議使用之公式為Y=12.54X+103.47。
    3. 公共設施物業管理前期介入規劃之檢核表:檢核表之架構包含設施項目、設計決策、設計準則和使用管理之效益四個部份。檢核表內容共有24種公共設施項目,140個設計決策,141條設計準則。

    The number of the mansions has largely increased for these years and it has been the main type of residence. The using and managerial problems then come along, and it is also a subject that needs to be present and reviewed in the initial phase of planning. In addition, in terms of the problems of energy management, it has been paid attention to because the government advocates the energy-saving and carbon-reducing policies these days. Under this condition, how to manage the condition and how to improve the performance are the points that this study hopes to mend up.
    In views of the above issues, this study focuses on the public infrastructure of the mansions. There are three research purposes of this study. The first is to investigate the using and managerial problems of the public infrastructures in the mansions. The second is to analyze the relation between the designing of the public infrastructure in the mansions and the energy-consuming quantity. The third is to develop the complete checklist for the planning phase.
    The field investigation would be adopted and applied to 10 mansions as the case studies. To build up the examining foundation for this research, such as the area of the base of operations, the form of parking, and the managerial fees, the questionnaires would be released to the managers of the mansions. Subsequently, the interviews to find the using and managerial problems of the public infrastructure in the mansions would be conducted. Meanwhile, the energy-saving methods would be deeply analyzed and evaluated. Based on the investigation information, this study would analyze and compare the status quo of this issue.
    The research results could be divided into three parts as listed.
    (1) The part of the using and managing problems and the strategies of energy management: By reviewing the existing cases of the mansions, the statistic analysis is conducted to discover the using and managing problems in the mansions. Then the problems would be grouped into 5 aspects according to the public infrastructure types and the suggestions would be provided for the space planning. On the other hand, the energy-saving methods in the case studies would be examined, and some of them which are frequently used would be explained in details to provide suggestions for the energy management.
    (2) The relation between the designing of the public infrastructure in the mansions and the energy-consuming quantity: The three existing cases of the mansions are the research subjects. The area of each public infrastructure would be calculated so that the total energy-consuming quantity could be inferred by the public power rate. Besides, the percentage of the public infrastructure would be calculated to estimate the power rate and the water rate. Last, the percentages of the three cases would be compared so that we could estimate the relation between the necessary scale and the energy-consuming quantity in the planning phase.
    (3) The part of developing the checklist in the planning phase: In this part, the using and managerial problems of the public infrastructures as well as the points that need to be noted when planning the items of the public infrastructure would be discussed. Therefore, the checklist of the planning criteria would be presented for the designers’ use. Moreover, this study would apply the checklist to the case practically, amend the planning based on the checklist results, and provide suggestions.

    中文摘要 Abstract 謝誌 目錄 圖目錄 表目錄 第一章 緒論 1.1 研究背景 1.2 研究目的 1.3 研究方法 1.4 研究流程 第二章 文獻回顧 2.1 公寓大廈管理法令 2.2 公寓大廈管理之研究 2.3 能源管理相關文獻 第三章 公寓大廈公共設施之使用管理與能源管理現況 3.1 公寓大廈研究案例之現況介紹 3.1.1 案例介紹 3.1.2 案例之公共設施項目及分類 3.2 公寓大廈公共設施之常見使用管理問題 3.2.1 案例之使用管理問題 3.2.2 規畫設計決策參考 3.3 公寓大廈公共設施之能源管理現況 3.3.1 常見之節能手法 3.3.2 各類公共設施的節能手法 3.3.3 節能態度 3.4 小結 第四章 公寓大廈公共設施之規劃設計決策與耗能量之關聯性 4.1 案例之相關數據介紹 4.2 相關數據分析與迴歸分析 4.3 公共設施與耗能量之分析 4.3.1 各類設施面積與公共電費之關聯性 4.3.2 各類設施面積與公共水費之關聯性 4.3.3 多項設施面積與公共水費和公共電費之關聯性 4.4 小結 第五章 公共設施物業管理前期介入之規劃設計檢核表建置 5.1 物業管理前期介入之規劃設計檢核表製作 5.1.1 檢核表之主要架構 5.1.2 檢核表內容介紹 5.1.3 檢核表之效益 5.1.4 檢核表之操作步驟 5.2 檢核表之實際案例操作及結果 5.2.1 檢核案例操作步驟及介紹 5.2.2 門廳和會客室檢核結果和修正建議 5.2.3 健身房和交誼廳檢核結果和修正建議 5.2.4 二樓露台設計修正建議 5.2.5 小公設施檢核結果和修正建議 5.2.6 停車場設施檢核結果和修正建議 5.2.7 其他公共設施檢核結果和修正建議 5.3 小結 第六章 結論與建議 6.1 結論 6.2 建議事項 參考文獻 附錄1 案例調查問卷 附錄2 案例介紹 附錄3 案例調查匯整之相關數據 附錄4 規劃設計檢核表 附錄5 操作案例平面圖繪製

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