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研究生: 曾卉瑀
Hui-yu Tseng
論文名稱: 以生活經驗作為產品設計語言
Living Experiences as Product Design Languages
指導教授: 董芳武
Fang-wu Tung
口試委員: 宋同正
Tung-jung Sung
Chun-di Chen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 設計系
Department of Design
論文出版年: 2012
畢業學年度: 100
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 141
中文關鍵詞: 設計語言生活經驗符號認知情感
外文關鍵詞: Symbol, Design language, Living experiences, Cognition, Emotions
相關次數: 點閱:625下載:30
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As a way to cope with product differences from consumers as well as their needs for symbolic meanings, a lot of designers use their own experiences or understandings as the product design languages. To improve the added values of product symbolisms, new meanings of the products and the social identity were created by corresponding between users’ cognitions and their own internal emotions. Card sorting and qualitative interview were adopted to investigate the users’ associations, cognitions and logical thinking processes with product symbols from their daily lives. According to the results of card sorting and interviews, the study outlines ten kinds of living experiences people associate with products, ranging from“imitation of natural ecology”, “anthropomorphic”, “transfer of man-made products”, “derivatives from technologies”, “operational associations”, “common human behaviors”, “fabrication of stories and scenarios”, “local cultures”, “society and ideology”, as well as “contrast cognitions and feelings”. Not only all the experience aspects can intersect with each other, they can also present with three kinds of symbolic forms as icon, index and symbol.
A questionnaire survey was then employed to understand what the correlation and discrepancies are on the degree of perception and preference according to products designed by different experience attributes. As the result of the study, the relation between the degree of product perception and the pleasure feeling is a positive correlation. While in comparison with the ranking on perception and preference of products with different experience attributes, there is no definite relationship between the two, in other words, the experience categories with high ranking on the degree of perception, the valuations on the degree of preference are not necessarily increased at the same time, and vice versa.
This paper makes organization of living experiences, to translate them into process flow construct and design approaches on product symbols. This can be the basis of references for the related research developments, and offer some suggestions for product design with the living experiences as the direction. And in hope to assist designers on the idealization of product designs and to put emphasis on how to trigger connections on the users’ experiences, or to reinforce the impacts of emotions with the effective stimulations.

一、緒論 11 1.1 研究背景與動機 11 1.2 研究目的 13 1.3 研究範圍與限制 13 1.4 研究流程 14 二、文獻回顧 16 2.1 符號的消費現象 16 2.2 符號體系的發展與運用 17 2.2.1 符號學概要 17 2.2.2 符號學之於產品設計 19 2.2.3 產品語意學 19 2.3 產品的符號價值 23 2.4 產品的詮釋與解讀 25 2.4.1 設計手法的運用 25 2.4.2 使用者的解讀與聯想 28 2.5 產品使用經驗與情感的形成 29 2.5.1 產品的使用經驗 29 2.5.2 使用者情感的誘發 31 2.5.3 從產品的使用經驗到情感喚醒 32 2.6 賦予產品新的設計語言 32 2.6.1 以生活經驗為題材 33 2.7 總結 35 三、產品符號認知經驗之研究 36 3.1研究方法 36 3.1.1 卡片分群 (Card sorting) 36 3.1.2 半結構性訪談 (Semi-structural Interviews) 37 3.2 實驗規劃與準備 37 3.2.1 刺激物蒐集與製作 37 3.2.2 第一階段實驗刺激物之篩選 38 3.2.3 實驗輔助工具 39 3.3 第一階段實驗 40 3.3.1 受測對象 40 3.3.2 實驗之進行與過程 40 3.3.3 實驗發現與第二階段實驗刺激物選定 41 3.4 第二階段實驗 43 3.4.1 前測 43 3.4.2 受測對象 43 3.4.3 正式實驗 44 3.4.4 實驗結果分析法 45 四、研究結果與分析 46 4.1 分群實驗結果定義與整合 46 4.2 編碼與歸納 48 4.3 產品符號認知經驗涵蓋之面向 50 4.4 產品符號認知經驗類別之代表性產品 52 五、以生活認知經驗設計之產品辨識度與喜好度調查 58 5.1 問卷調查法與評量工具 58 5.2 刺激物選定 58 5.3 問卷設計 59 5.3.1 辨識與訊息傳達構面 60 5.3.2 愉悅性情感因子構面 61 5.3.2 問卷架構與製作 64 5.4 受測對象 66 5.5 問卷分析法 66 六、調查結果與分析 67 6.1 信度與效度之分析 67 6.2 受測者基本資料分析 68 6.3 不同經驗屬性設計產品之辨識度與喜好度分析比較 68 6.3.1 不同經驗屬性設計之產品辨識度比較 69 6.3.2 不同經驗屬性設計之產品喜好度比較 71 6.3.3 不同經驗屬性辨識度及喜好度之關聯性與比較結果 72 6.4 受測者背景與調查結果之比較 74 6.4.1 不同經驗設計產品辨識度之比較結果 74 6.4.2 不同經驗設計產品喜好度之比較結果 76 6.5 受測者性別與調查結果之比較 77 6.5.1 不同經驗設計產品辨識度之比較結果 77 6.5.2 不同經驗設計產品喜好度之比較結果 79 6.6 全部產品之調查結果比較 80 6.6.1 經驗連結性之比較結果 81 6.6.2 喜好度之比較結果 83 6.7 總結 85 七、結論與建議 86 7.1 研究結果與發現 86 7.1.1 產品符號認知之經驗類別 86 7.1.2 經驗類別之間辨識度與喜好度的關聯性與差異性 87 7.1.3 經驗類別設計於符號形式與設計手法之呈現 89 7.2 研究之貢獻 91 7.2.1 將生活經驗轉譯為產品符號之流程架構 91 7.2.2 以生活經驗為題材之設計建議 92 7.3 後續研究建議 93 參考文獻 94 附錄 99

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