Author: |
Melkamu Sewuyie Denekew Melkamu Sewuyie Denekew |
Thesis Title: |
Pose Spatio-Temporal based Human Action Recognition Pose Spatio-Temporal based Human Action Recognition |
Advisor: |
Kai-Lung Hua |
Committee: |
Chao-Lung Yang 陳怡伶 Yi-Ling Chen 花凱龍 Kai-Lung Hua |
Degree: |
碩士 Master |
Department: |
電資學院 - 資訊工程系 Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2019 |
Graduation Academic Year: | 107 |
Language: | 英文 |
Pages: | 35 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | Action Recognition 、Feature Descriptor 、Fisher Vector 、Pose Representation |
Keywords (in other languages): | Action Recognition, Feature Descriptor, Fisher Vector, Pose Representation |
Reference times: | Clicks: 558 Downloads: 1 |
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Recognizing human actions in video sequences has been a challenging problem in the last few years. Several action representation approaches have been proposed to improve the recognition performance, but many problems still remain unsolved. For example, the representations of skeleton sequences captured by most of the previous methods lack spatial features joint information and lack detailed temporal features motion information. In order to extract human motion information efficiently and improve the accuracy of the human action recognition from video, we propose an approach for pose spatial-temporal based human action recognition using the joint point information instead of using structural information. First, we acquired the joint positions of the human body in every frame of the video. Then, we extracted the pose information using handcrafted features relative to the position of joints and the spatial dimension. We also computed for the change in the temporal dimension. The two sets of features form our human pose spatiotemporal feature descriptors. We then compute a fixed dimension of fisher vectors for each descriptor separately. Finally, we used a weighted fusion technique to classify the action. We evaluated on two public datasets and show that our proposed algorithm achieves 97.8% accuracy on PennAction dataset and 77.7% accuracy on JHMDB dataset, effectively improving the accuracy of the action recognition as compared to previous methods.
Recognizing human actions in video sequences has been a challenging problem in the last few years. Several action representation approaches have been proposed to improve the recognition performance, but many problems still remain unsolved. For example, the representations of skeleton sequences captured by most of the previous methods lack spatial features joint information and lack detailed temporal features motion information. In order to extract human motion information efficiently and improve the accuracy of the human action recognition from video, we propose an approach for pose spatial-temporal based human action recognition using the joint point information instead of using structural information. First, we acquired the joint positions of the human body in every frame of the video. Then, we extracted the pose information using handcrafted features relative to the position of joints and the spatial dimension. We also computed for the change in the temporal dimension. The two sets of features form our human pose spatiotemporal feature descriptors. We then compute a fixed dimension of fisher vectors for each descriptor separately. Finally, we used a weighted fusion technique to classify the action. We evaluated on two public datasets and show that our proposed algorithm achieves 97.8% accuracy on PennAction dataset and 77.7% accuracy on JHMDB dataset, effectively improving the accuracy of the action recognition as compared to previous methods.
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