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研究生: 游甘玉
論文名稱: 以塊體矽基板形成之垂直式功率金氧半場效電晶體
Vertical Power MOSFET Formed With Bulk Si Substrate
指導教授: 莊敏宏
Miin-Horng Juang
口試委員: 張勝良
Sheng-Lyang Jang
Shih-Hsiang Hsu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電子工程系
Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 56
中文關鍵詞: 傳統溝槽式功率金氧半場效電晶體垂直式功率金氧半場效電晶體溝槽式閘極
外文關鍵詞: Conventional trench power MOSFET, Vertical power MOSFET, Trench gate
相關次數: 點閱:310下載:0
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此研究使用Sentaurus TCAD元件模擬軟體進行模擬分析,模擬結果顯示在相同的崩潰電壓下,垂直式功率金氧半場效電晶體的單位胞元電阻比傳統溝槽式功率金氧半場效電晶體低1.26倍。在相同的摻雜濃度和汲極偏壓下,垂直式功率金氧半場效電晶體的電場分布比傳統溝槽式功率金氧半場效電晶體低。
此研究也探討不同尺寸對垂直式功率金氧半場效電晶體特性的影響,發現漂移區長度為2.0 μm,主動區寬度為1.4 μm時擁有最低的單位胞元電阻,為最佳的元件尺寸。

With the development of the 5G generation rapidly and the emphasis on energy saving, many things are gradually moving towards automation, making the application of power integrated circuits gradually wider. Power MOSFET has a small device size, low on resistance, high switching speed, and the capability to sustain high breakdown voltage and high operating current [1]. Nowadays, the modern fabrication process basically uses a vertical structure. The conventional trench power MOSFET is uses an epi-wafer, and it’s the bottom drain contact. This structure is the best, but it is difficult to integrate with the CMOS.
In order to resolve the integration problem, the lateral power MOSFET is used instead. However, the lateral power MOSFET shows poor characteristics and low device density. Therefore, this study employs bulk silicon substrate to form the vertical power MOSFET, for CMOS integration and device performance. The Sentaurus TCAD simulation and device analysis are carried out [2]. The simulation results show that the unit cell specific on resistance of the vertical power MOSFET is 1.26 times lower than the conventional trench power MOSFET at the same breakdown voltage. This is because in the same drift region doping concentration and the drain bias voltage, the vertical power MOSFET can result in smaller electric field than the conventional trench power MOSFET.
The effects of different sizes on the characteristics of vertical power MOSFET are also studied. It is found that the device, with the drift region length of 2.0 μm and the active region width of 1.4 μm, would show optimal unit cell specific on resistance.

摘要 i Abstract ii Acknowledgment iii Contents iv List of Figures vi List of Tables viii Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1-1 Motivation 1 1-2 Conventional trench power MOSFET 2 1-3 Vertical power MOSFET 3 1-4 Device physical mechanisms 4 1-4-1 Avalanche breakdown 4 1-4-2 Punch-through breakdown 4 1-4-2 Tunneling breakdown 5 1-4-3 Latch-up 5 1-5 Thesis organization 5 Chapter 2 Device fabrication 6 2-1 Conventional trench power MOSFET 6 2-2 Vertical power MOSFET 9 Chapter 3 Results and discussion 13 3-1 Conventional trench power MOSFET with different active region width 13 3-2 Vertical power MOSFET with different active region width, at drift region length 1.8 μm and drain width 0.1 μm 16 3-3 Vertical power MOSFET with different active region width, at drift region length 1.8 μm and drain width 0.41 μm 19 3-4 Vertical power MOSFET with different drift region length 22 3-5 Vertical power MOSFET with different active region width 25 3-6 Vertical power MOSFET with different drift region doping concentration 28 3-7 Vertical power MOSFET with p- plate and different p- plate doping concentration 31 3-8 Vertical power MOSFET with p- plate and different drift region doping concentration 34 3-9 Comparison of conventional trench power MOSFET and vertical power MOSFET with same breakdown voltage 37 Chapter 4 Conclusion 41 References 42

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