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研究生: 黃宣庭
Hsuan-Ting Huang
論文名稱: 推測設計創建未來建築涵構與文化地景
Speculative Design Creates Future Architecture Context and Cultural Landscapes
指導教授: 陳彥廷
Yan-Ting Chen
口試委員: 吳柏翰
Po-Han Wu
Po-Chih Chang
Yan-Ting Chen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 建築系
Department of Architecture
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 整份PDF共131頁
中文關鍵詞: 推測設計設計幻象建築涵構文化地景設計競圖未來趨勢
外文關鍵詞: Speculative Design, Design Fiction, Architecture Context, Cultural Landscapes, Design Competition, Future Trend
相關次數: 點閱:486下載:2
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With the rapid development of science and technology, mass production and manufacturing since the industrialization era have brought huge external costs to the earth. The atypical climate and environment are no longer just plots of doomsday novels, but are undergoing drastic changes. Today ’s sharp increase in carbon dioxide and methane emissions has made the greenhouse effect worse and has a significant impact on the environment. Glaciers are melting faster than we expected, sea levels continue to rise, and extreme climates are becoming more frequent. These dramatic changes Not only is it destroying people ’s livelihoods and homes, it is also destroying infrastructure, and it is hitting poverty and ethnic minorities. Climate change is clearly going on. Whether it will continue to accelerate depends on how we live and our economic activities. Adapting to atypical climate and environment is a key decision. Where should architects start to reduce the external costs of human activities, and through design to intervene in human behavior and space, to achieve the ideal of serving the society and the environment instead of just designing for the industry A product of capitalism.

This research uses speculative design to construct a possible world, and incorporates new theories, technology, or ongoing experiments to adapt to the needs of future development; breaking away from past design is the answer, let design be the media, and cognitive technology Development status, explore the future architectural composition and cultural landscape. Through literature research, the basic concepts and design methods of speculative design are summarized, potential future trends, technology and life are explored to provide possible development for the building; problem-solving and problem-solving design strategies are integrated Explore how speculative design can act as a catalyst in architectural space and landscape, drive criticism and speculation, and build the cultural landscape of future citizens.

Finally, the design and operation of architecture and landscape are used to verify the feasibility of sustainable design strategies, and to provide relevant people with specific speculative design operations and references for the context, and to systematically explore social and environmental issues and future trends in order to facilitate the development of Better building space, communication fields and sustainable living.

中 文 摘 要 ............................................................ I 英 文 摘 要 ........................................................... II 誌 謝.............................................................. IV 目 錄............................................................... V 圖 片 索 引 .......................................................... VII 圖 表 索 引 ............................................................ X 第一章 緒論 ........................................................... 1 1-1 研究背景與動機 ................................................... 1 1-2 研究目的 ........................................................ 2 1-3 研究架構 ........................................................ 3 1-4 研究範圍與方法 .................................................. 4 1-4-1 研究對象 .................................................... 4 1-4-2 研究內容 .................................................... 5 第二章 文獻探討 ....................................................... 6 2-1 推測設計的基礎概念 .............................................. 6 2-2 推測設計與未來趨勢 .............................................. 7 2-3 未來趨勢下的建築涵構 ............................................ 8 2-3-1 建築與環境紋理的轉變 ........................................ 9 2-3-2 城市有機體的基本原則 ........................................ 9 2-4 未來趨勢下的文化地景 ........................................... 10 2-4-1 建築與人文活動的轉變 ....................................... 11 2-4-2 可持續性發展的基本原則 ..................................... 12 第三章 案例研究與可持續性發展策略 .................................... 12 3-1 可持續性設計策略案例分析方法 ................................... 12 3-1-1 推測設計案例分析 ........................................... 14 3-1-2 未來建築涵構案例分析 ....................................... 19 3-1-3 未來文化地景案例分析 ....................................... 23 3-1-4 案例分析與比較 ............................................. 27 3-2 可持續性發展設計策略 ........................................... 28 3-2-1 建築涵構可持續性發展策略 ................................... 28 3-2-2 文化地景可持續性發展策略 ................................... 29 3-3 本章小結 ....................................................... 29 第四章 設計驗證 ...................................................... 30 4-1 基因儲存塔 2100 of Singapore-Tower of Gene Storage ............. 30 4-1-1 設計背景與概念 ............................................. 30 4-1-2 設計策略導入 ............................................... 31 4-2 垂直蝴蝶通道 Eco-Channel for Monarchs .......................... 38 4-2-1 設計背景與概念 ............................................. 38 4-2-2 設計策略導入 ............................................... 40 4-3 社子島-被遺忘的聚落 Bridge Over Troubled Water ................ 45 4-3-1 設計背景與概念 ............................................. 45 4-3-2 設計策略導入 ............................................... 46 4-4 綠/濾化隔音圍籬 Breathing Barrier .............................. 52 4-4-1 設計背景與概念 ............................................. 52 4-4-2 設計策略導入 ............................................... 54 4-5 本章小結 ....................................................... 61 第五章 結論與建議 .................................................... 64 5-1 研究結論 ....................................................... 64 5-2 後續建議 ....................................................... 66 參考文獻.............................................................. 68 附錄一:參與海內外國際性競圖活動一覽表 ................................ 70 附錄二:設計競圖版面 .................................................. 72


A-1 Dunne & Raby共同著作(2019)。推測設計:設計、想像與社會夢想。Digital Medicine。
A-3 Jane Jacobs珍‧雅各(2006)。偉大城市的誕生與衰亡:美國都市街道生活的啟發。聯經出版公司。
A-5陳朝圳(2006)。淺談廊道結構及其生態功能,台灣林業,Vol.32, No.1。


B-1 Optimal Workshop, 2016, from
B-2 DQ 地球圖輯隊, 2019, from
B-3 顏亮一的部落格, 新莊烏托邦論壇, 2009, from http://spaces-hope.blogspot.com/2009/04/blog-post_535.html
B-4 敘事空間——如何讓建築會講故事,康石石, 2016, from https://kknews.cc/design/334q8y.html
B-5專訪阿凡達導演:好電影要能觸及人的潛意識, 大紀元新聞報導, 2010, from
B-7「設計幻象」是什麼?Design Fiction & Speculative design, 2016, from
B-8全球最熱話題博物館 驚豔度可比羅浮宮, 徐銘志, 商業週刊, 2014, from
B-9丹麥建築公司EFFEKT打造螺旋式觀測塔, Senji, TRENDSFOLIO, 2017, from
B-10邊界的模糊地帶, CJN.Space, FLIPERMAG, 2018, from
B-11生態廊道, e河川知識服務網, 2014, from


C-1 David Pearson(2006)。New Organic Architecture: The Breaking Wave。2001。
C-2 Futuropolis: Mapping the City of Tomorrow (2018) Episode 1 Rising Concerns
C-3 Dunne, A. & Raby, F.(2013)。Speculative Everything: Design, Fiction, and Social Dreaming。 MIT Press。 Cambridge, MA。

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