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研究生: 李弈宏
Yi-Hong Li
論文名稱: 高樓層房屋結構受近斷層地震之反應研究 (II)
Responses of High-Rise Buildings to Near-Fault Ground Motions (II)
指導教授: 黃震興
Jenn-Shin Hwang
口試委員: 黃尹男
Yin-Nan Huang
Shiang-Jung Wang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 營建工程系
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 305
中文關鍵詞: 近斷層地震高樓層房屋結構反應PISA 3D非線性動力分析非線性黏性阻尼器
外文關鍵詞: Near-Fault Ground Motions, Responses of High-Rise Buildings, PISA 3D, Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis, Nonlinear Viscous Damper
相關次數: 點閱:676下載:3
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  • 1995年Hall【14】之研究顯示,高樓層建築物遭遇近斷層地震(Near-Fault Ground Motions)時,因此類地震具有快速之位移變化及巨大之速度脈衝,造成結構物上下部運動方向相反導致結構物中間層產生較大之剪力變形,使較明顯之塑性破壞集中於結構物之三分之一至二分之一樓高處,不同於遠域地震(Far-Field Ground Motion)之較明顯之破壞集中於底部,因此使用側推分析或反應譜分析【7】【8】並無法準確預測結構物之破壞行為。
    楊【5】之研究結果則證實了Hall【14】之想法,但由於同心斜撐之設計使得斜撐構架-彎矩構架之互制作用(Braced Frame-Moment Frame Interaction)更加明顯,會使破壞位置稍微向上。本文設計四棟35層樓之鋼結構二元系統(Dual System),滿足國內耐震設計規範及鋼結構設計規範,其分別為(1)斜撐構架之斜撐只加至24層樓(35F24B);(2)斜撐構架之所有樓層皆使用同心斜撐(35F35B);(3)於35F35B中加入非線性黏性阻尼器(35F35B+VD);(4)於楊【5】設計之結構物(本文中使用35F做為代號)中加入非線性黏性阻尼器(35F+VD)等四棟建築物。比較這四棟建築物受到近斷層地震與遠域地震之反應,並針對加裝VD前後對結構物耐震能力之提升做探討。

    The damage features of flexible or long period buildings subject to near-fault ground motions have been demonstrated by Hall et al in 1995【14】. The intensive velocity and/or displacement pulses of the near-fault ground motions have been recognized as one of the major causes for the severe damages to the building structures. In addition, this damage features are different than those induced by far-field ground motions. The conventional quasi-static design and dynamic response spectrum analysis can hardly predict these damage features【14】, consequently challenges arise for the in-depth understanding of the dynamic inelastic responses of high-rise buildings to near-fault ground motions.
    In a pilot study of this research series conducted by Yang【5】, there were a few interesting disclosures: (1) the most severe damages of a 35-story dual system composed of concentrically braced frames and moment resisting frames were located at about 40% height of the building rather than at the lower stories; (2) whip-like responses were obvious during the ground shaking; and (3) the damaging pattern of the building can hardly be predictable by structural dynamics theory such as vibration mode shapes, response spectrum analysis, lateral force distribution. Succeeding the pilot study, four 35-story dual systems were designed for this study with different brace arrangement and supplemental dampers. It was concluded that (1) the concentrical braces installed up to about two third of the height of the building may cause severe damages around the locations of abrupt stiffness change, i.e. the termination of brace installation; (2) whip-like behavior was obvious; (3) the damage locations of the dual system with braces install to the full height of the build may suffer severe damages around the locations of curvature inflection due to braced frame-moment frame interaction similar to the wall-frame interaction of reinforced concrete structures; (4) viscous dampers can help resisting the near-fault ground motions and in some cases the lateral deformation pattern of the building was changed due to the inclusion of viscous dampers; and (5) different near-fault ground motions such as TCU052 of 1999 Chi-Chi quake and HWA019 of 2018 Hualien quake might cause different damage patterns to the structures, the damages to the structures by the two near-fault ground motions were both catastrophic though. Further studies are needed to further identify the damage features of high-rise buildings to near-fault ground motions such that some effective design recommendations can be drawn.

    摘要 I Abstract III 誌謝 V 目錄 VII 表目錄 XI 圖目錄 XIII 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景與目的 1 1.2 研究重點與內容 3 第二章 近斷層地震之特性與識別 5 2.1 前言 5 2.2 近斷層地震特性 5 2.2.1 Maximum Incremental Velocity 5 2.2.2 Forward Directivity 6 2.2.3 Fling Step 6 2.3 受近斷層地震下結構之反應及破壞特徵 7 2.4 近斷層地震主要脈衝週期之識別 8 2.4.1 小波分析 8 2.4.2 主要脈衝波之篩選 9 2.4.3 主要脈衝波之週期 11 第三章 前期研究成果回顧 13 3.1 高樓層房屋結構受近斷層地震之反應研究 13 3.1.1 結構之加速度及位移變化比較 13 3.1.2 各樓層之層間變位角比較 14 3.1.3 構件破壞變形之比較 15 3.1.4 針對結構物反應與地震脈衝參數進行比較 15 3.1.5 地震主要脈衝週期與結構反應之探討 17 第四章 結構模型設計及程式模擬設定 19 4.1 模型基本資訊 19 4.2 程式模擬設定 19 4.2.1 EEZ Model梁柱剛性區域設定 19 4.2.2 質量來源與載重設定 22 4.2.3 剛性樓板設定 23 4.3 非線性動力分析設定 23 4.3.1 梁柱塑鉸設定 23 4.3.2 同心斜撐塑性行為模擬 25 4.3.3 雷力阻尼設定 29 4.4 35層樓結構物加入同心斜撐之設計檢核 30 4.4.1 耐震設計規範檢核 30 4.4.2 鋼結構設計規範檢核 34 4.5 地震資料之選取 36 第五章 非線性動力分析結果與比較 37 5.1 結構物於El Centro(250%)地震下之反應 37 5.1.1 35F24B 37 5.1.2 35F35B 37 5.1.3 各結構物反應之比較 38 5.2 結構物於TCU052地震下之反應 39 5.2.1 35F24B 39 5.2.2 35F35B 39 5.2.3 各結構物反應之比較 40 5.3 結構物於HWA019地震下之反應 41 5.3.1 35F24B 41 5.3.2 35F35B 42 5.3.3 各結構物反應之比較 43 5.4 不同地震於各結構物反應之比較 44 5.4.1 比較絕對位移與加速度之反應 44 5.4.2 比較各結構物於地震作用下之破壞 44 第六章 結構含阻尼器之設計及分析結果 47 6.1 含黏性阻尼系統結構之有效阻尼比 47 6.2 黏性阻尼器結構之設計流程 48 6.3 黏性阻尼器於程式之設定 51 6.4 驗證設計之阻尼比 51 6.5 結構物於El Centro(250%)地震下之反應比較 52 6.6 結構物於TCU052地震下之反應比較 53 6.7 結構物於HWA019地震下之反應比較 55 6.8 加裝非線性黏性阻尼器之效果 57 第七章 結論與建議 59 7.1 結論 59 7.2 建議 61 參考文獻 63 附表 67 附圖 81

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