簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 張君豪
Chun-Hao Chang
論文名稱: 電容式濕度感測器自動校正與檢測系統之研製
Implementation of Automatic Calibration and Inspection System for Capacitive Polymer Hygrometers
指導教授: 蔡明忠
Ming-Jong Tsai
口試委員: 李敏凡
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 自動化及控制研究所
Graduate Institute of Automation and Control
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 95
中文關鍵詞: 相對濕度電容式濕度計自動化校正品管資料擷取
外文關鍵詞: Relative Humidity, Capacitive Polymer Hygrometers, Automatic Calibration and Inspection System, Data Acquisition
相關次數: 點閱:528下載:4
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The humidity is important to human’s life and industry applications, but the humidity is invisible and difficult to detect. Therefore, a precise hygrometer is necessary for the humidity measurement. Hygrometer accuracy is depended on calibration, and the production is different to consumer electronics, each hygrometer must be calibrated and tested. There are two important parts for hygrometer calibration. One is the hygrometer itself, and the other is the environment of humidity calibration. Because relative humidity is greatly affected by temperature, it is not possible to obtain a stable and correct humidity environment if the temperature cannot be stably controlled. The purpose of this study is to improve the environment of calibration and construct an automatic calibration and inspection system for Capacitive Polymer Hygrometers.
The system includes standard calibration environment setup, automatic data acquisition and calculation, and auto-process calibration and inspection. In this system, and it has ability to automatically calibrate and inspect 24 pcs of hygrometers at the same time. The wires between sensors and equipment are simplified. From the experimental results, it increases production capacity and improves the quality, and also shortens the calibration time of manual operation and avoids the mistakes caused by a human operation. The maximum capacity is up to 6 times of original capacity. It also improves the quality by stabilizing the calibration environment and polynomial regression, and increases the accuracy of hygrometers.

摘 要 I 誌 謝 III 目 錄IV 圖 目 錄VII 表 目 錄X 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景 1 1.2 研究動機與目的 2 1.3 研究方法 3 1.4 本文架構 4 第二章 相關技術與文獻探討 5 2.1 濕度與露點 5 2.2 電容式濕度計感測原理 10 2.3 電容式濕度計校正原理 12 2.4 相對濕度校正標準 15 2.4.1 雙壓力法 15 2.4.2 分流法 15 2.4.3 飽和鹽液法 16 2.5 文獻探討 17 2.6 架構分析與研究 19 2.6.1 現有濕度計與濕度設備架構 19 2.6.2 現有校正系統之缺失 22 2.6.3 校正設備改善架構規劃 24 第三章 系統架構與程式設計 28 3.1 設備與儀表整合 28 3.1.1 訊號轉換設備 35 3.1.2 集線設備 36 3.1.3 節省設備空間 37 3.1.4 濕度設備 40 3.2 校正與檢測軟體 43 3.2.1 參數設定 46 3.2.2 類比設定 47 3.2.3 顯示頁面 48 3.2.4 自動報表儲存設定 49 3.2.5 生產資訊頁面 50 3.2.6 校正及檢測點設定頁面 52 3.2.7 即時監測頁面 53 3.2.8 數據記錄頁面 54 3.2.9 平均值記錄 55 第四章 實驗結果與討論 56 4.1 濕度穩定實驗結果 56 4.2 減少濕度誤差實驗結果 58 4.3 自動校正品檢實驗結果 63 4.4 切換大量參數實驗結果 70 4.5 即時監控量測實驗結果 72 4.6 產品同步寫入實驗結果 74 4.7 避免人為操作疏失 75 4.8 增加產能實驗結果 76 第五章 結論及未來發展方向 77 5.1 研究結論 77 5.2 未來發展方向 79 參考文獻 81

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