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研究生: Tesfaye Abebe Geleta
Tesfaye Abebe Geleta
論文名稱: 氧化鋅基染料敏化太陽能電池:添加劑的影響
ZnO-Based Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells: Effect of Additives
指導教授: 今榮東洋子
Toyoko Imae
口試委員: 陳生明
Sheng-Ming Chen
Cheng-Liang Liu
Ching-Hwa Ho
Masaki Ujihara
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 應用科技學院 - 應用科技研究所
Graduate Institute of Applied Science and Technology
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 140
中文關鍵詞: 碳點,電荷複合中心,ZnO/NiO/Cdot 染料敏化太陽能電池,功率轉換率,串接 螢光共振能量轉移,p-NiO/n-ZnO 異質接面,奈米複合光陽極,染料敏化太陽能電池,潜在障碍。
外文關鍵詞: Carbon dot, charge recombination center,, ZnO/NiO/Cdot dye-sensitized solar cell, power conversion efficiency,, cascade fluorescence resonance energy transfer, p-NiO/n-ZnO heterojunction,, nanocomposite photoanode, dye-sensitized solar cell,, potential barrier.
相關次數: 點閱:574下載:0
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各種形式的再生能源,例如風能,太陽能或太陽光電,地熱,生質能和水力發電,可用於節省電力,減少環境污染並影響成本。而在這之中,太陽能是最受歡迎的能源,由於它藉由太陽或者人造能源直接轉換為電能,可用於我們的日常生活。近幾年,市場上最盛行的太陽能電池是由矽晶材料製成的電池。因此,為了解決矽太陽能電池的成本影響,本研究實現了染料敏化太陽能電池 的構造。本文分別使用 ZnO 和 ZrS2,ZnO 和 NiO 做出 n-n 型和 n-p 型半導體,並在這基礎上製備出光陽極複合材料的染料敏化太陽能電池。此外,更加評估了添加碳點對其的影響。ZrS2 和 NiO 分別和 ZnO 形成 n-n 和 p-n 異質接面,導致電子快速轉移到導電電極基板上並且達到大量的電荷分離。當10 wt% 的 ZrS2 和 8 wt% 的 NiO 與 ZnO 結合時,功率轉換率分別是 ZnO 的 1.6倍和 1.58 倍。同時,當將碳點添加到 ZnO/ZrS2(10 wt%) 的 染料敏化太陽能電池 時,產生並轉移到 ZrS2 的電子應與產生並轉移到光敏劑的電洞復合。
然而,當碳點摻雜到 ZnO/NiO(8 wt%) 的 染料敏化太陽能電池 時,由於碳點的能帶被分配在ZnO 和 NiO 之間的中間,成為在 ZnO 和 NiO 之間有效的電荷傳輸劑和阻擋層。因此,引入 Cdots 可以將功率轉換率提升到 ZnO/NiO(8 wt%) 的 3.8 倍。這些闡明了選擇適當材料能隙的重要性,從而提高染料敏化染料太陽能電池的能量轉換效率。
此外,在製備光陽極上進行串接 螢光共振能量轉移沉積中,使用動態塗佈機提供光滑均勻的薄膜,提高了DSSC 的效率。因此,奈米等級的 ZnO/Cdot/NiO 光電陽極材料和串接 螢光共振能量轉移 塗覆在 ZnO/NiO 薄膜上確實能增強光伏性能。
碳點,電荷複合中心, ZnO/NiO/Cdot 染料敏化太陽能電池,功率轉換率,串接 螢光共振能量轉移,p-NiO/n-ZnO 異質接面,奈米複合光陽極,染料敏化太陽能電池,潜在障碍。

Various forms of renewable energies such as wind, solar or photovoltaic, geothermic, biomass sources, and hydroelectric power are useful in saving electricity, reducing environmental pollution, and impacting costs. Among them, photovoltaics is the most popular energy resource for that it can be available in our everyday life, by converting the energy from the sun directly into electricity. Recently, the most abundant solar cell available on the market is the cell fabricated from silicon crystal material. Thus to address the high-price issue of silicon solar cells, the construction of dye-sensitized solar cells has been carried out in this study. Dye-sensitized solar cells based on photoanode composites of n-n type (ZnO and ZrS2) and n-p type (ZnO and NiO) semiconductors were fabricated. When 10 wt% of ZrS2 and 8 wt% of NiO is combined with ZnO, the power conversation efficiencies were 1.6 and 1.58 times that of ZnO, respectively. The n-n and p-n heterojunctions of ZrS2 and NiO, respectively, with ZnO could lead to the rapid transfer of electrons to the conductive electrode substrate and higher charge separation.
Moreover, the influence of the addition of carbon dots on them has been assessed. When carbon dots are applied to the ZnO/ZrS2(10 wt%) dye-sensitized solar cell, the electrons produced and transferred to ZrS2 should be recombined with the holes generated and transferred to the photosensitizer. However, when carbon dots are doped to ZnO/NiO(8 wt%) Dye-sensitized solar cells, the band gap energy level of carbon dots were assigned in the intermediate between the band gap energy level of ZnO and NiO, and thus the carbon dots act as efficient charge transporter and the blocking layer between the ZnO and NiO. Consequently, introducing Cdots were boosted the power conversion efficiency 3.8 times of that ZnO/NiO(8 wt%). These situations suggest that an appropriate selection in the energy levels of the materials enhances and increase the energy conversion efficiency of the dye-sensitized solar cells.
Furthermore, the deposition of cascade fluorescence resonance energy transfer dyes on the prepared photoanodes were carried out using a spin coating to provide uniform films, resulting in the increased efficiency of DSSCs. Thus, the nanoscale materials of ZnO/Cdot/NiO photoanode and the cascade fluorescence resonance energy transfer dyes coated on ZnO/NiO film were promised to the enhancement of photovoltaic performance.
Keywords: Carbon dot, charge recombination center, ZnO/NiO/Cdot dye-sensitized solar cell, power conversion efficiency, cascade fluorescence resonance energy transfer, p-NiO/n-ZnO heterojunction, nanocomposite photoanode, dye-sensitized solar cell, potential barrier.

Table of Contents Declaration i Dedication iii Acknowledgments iv Lists of presentations and publications v Abstract vi Table of Contents x List of Figures xiv List of Tables xviii List of Schemes xix List of Abbreviation xx Chapter 1 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Background of the study 1 1.2 Statement of the problem 4 1.3 Aims and objectives of the study 5 1.4 Scope of the study 5 1.5 Significance of the study 6 1.6 Nano-materials for different field of studies 7 1.7 Dissertation outline 8 Chapter 2 9 Review of Literature 9 2.1 Historical background of solar cells or photovoltaic cells 9 2.2 Generations of the photovoltaic cells 10 2.2.1 First generation solar cells (Si-Wafer solar cells) 10 Mono-crystalline silicon solar cells 11 Multi/polycrystalline silicon solar cells 11 2.2.2 Second-generation solar cells (Thin-film solar cells) 11 2.2.3 Third-generation solar cells 12 Quantum dots solar cells 12 Organic solar cells 13 Perovskite solar cells 14 Dye-sensitized solar cells 15 2.3 General idea on ZnO, ZrS2, NiO, and Cdots nanoparticles and their nanocomposites 23 2.4 Motivation of the research 25 Chapter 3 26 Influence of Additives on Zinc Oxide-Based Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells 26 3.1 Introduction 26 3.2 Experimental section 28 3.2.1 Materials and methods 28 3.2.2 Synthesis of ZnO/ZrS2 nanocomposites 29 3.2.3 Synthesis of ZnO/ZrS2/Cdots nanocomposites 29 3.2.4 Solar cell fabrication 30 3.3 Results and Discussion 31 3.3.1 Characterization of composites 31 3.3.2 Photovoltaic performances of nanocomposite electrodes 36 3.3.3 Effect of additives on charge transfer in ZnO-based DSSCs 39 3.3.4 Discussion 43 3.4 Conclusions 46 Chapter 4 48 Nanocomposite Photoanodes Consisting of p-NiO/n-ZnO Heterojunction and Carbon Quantum Dot Additive for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells 48 4.1 Introduction 48 4.2 Experimental section 50 4.2.1 Materials and methods 50 4.2.2 Synthesis of ZnO/NiO/Cdots nanocomposites 51 4.2.3 Fabrication of solar cells and photovoltaic measurements 52 4.2.4 Determination of adsorption amounts of dye on electrodes 54 4.3 Result and discussion 55 4.3.1 Characterization of the composites 55 4.3.2 Photovoltaic performances of composite electrodes 63 4.3.3 Role of additives (NiO and Cdots) on the photovoltaic performance of ZnO-based DSSCs 68 4.4 Conclusions 82 Chapter 5 84 Effects of Cascade Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer on the Performance of Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells 84 5.1 Introduction 84 5.2 Experimental sections 86 5.2.1 Materials and methods 86 5.2.2 Preparation of the colloidal solution of fluorescent materials and synthesis of ZnO, NiO, and ZnO/NiO NPs 87 5.2.3 Fabrication of solar cells and measurements of photovoltaic performance 87 5.3 Results and discussion 88 5.3.1 Cascade fluorescence resonance energy transfers (FRET) 88 5.3.2 The PL spectral overlap of donor-emission and acceptor-excitation of the fluorescent materials (FMs) and N719 dye 90 5.3.3 Uv-visible absorption and PL emission spectra of the addition of a different volume of N719 on fluorescent materials 92 5.3.4 Photovoltaic performances of nanocomposite electrodes 93 5.4 Conclusions 96 Chapter 6 97 Summary and Future Perspectives 97 References 100

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