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研究生: 艾瑪蘇
Erma - Suryani
論文名稱: 需求情境分析與產能擴充規劃:系統動態架構
Demand Scenario Analysis and Planned Capacity Expansion: a System Dynamics Framework
指導教授: 周碩彥
Shuo-Yan Chou
口試委員: 王孔政
Kung-Jeng Wang
Fu-Kwun Wang
Jen-Ming Chen
Chung-Chi Hsieh
Kong-King Shieh
Sheng-lin Chang
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 工業管理系
Department of Industrial Management
論文出版年: 2010
畢業學年度: 98
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 103
中文關鍵詞: 需求預測動態系統模擬容量规划情境
外文關鍵詞: Demand forecasting, System dynamics, Simulation, Capacity planning, Scenario
相關次數: 點閱:737下載:48
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The purpose of this dissertation is to develop models for demand forecasting and capacity planning (for cement and air passenger). The models were used to evaluate some scenarios related to planned capacity expansion to meet the future demand. This research is focus on using system dynamics modeling to determine the future behavior of demand. Two case studies had been utilized to forecast demand based on optimistic and pessimistic projections.
In the first study, we established a model of the national demand consumption consisting of three main drivers such as construction, GDP, and investment growths. The model is used to evaluate two scenarios. The first scenario depicted the structure scenario if demand is expected to grow around 7% annually without and with capacity expansion. The second scenario depicted the parameter scenario if we modified the value of the GDP growth, investment growth, and construction growth by considering the optimistic and pessimistic projections. We found that, if demand grows 7 % annually, without capacity expansion, there would be a shortage capacity in 2011. By expanding the capacity 5 million tonnes, with demand growth 7 % annually, the firm can cover the market demand until 2017. On the other hand, under slow growth in economic condition, with planned capacity expansion, firm can always satisfy the demand at least until 2020.
The second case study is demand forecasting and terminal capacity expansion for the air passenger. This study is used to develop a model to forecast air passenger demand and to evaluate some scenarios related to runway and passenger terminal capacity expansion to meet the future demand. We combined between structure and parameter scenarios to generate more robust sensitivity analysis. In the structure scenario, we modified the structure of airfare impact and add new structure to determine the flow of passenger in terminal building. As parameter scenario, we developed optimistic and pessimistic scenarios to predict the future of air passenger demand. We found that airfare impact, level of service impact, GDP, population, number of flights per day and dwell time play an important roles in determining the air passenger volume.

摘 要 I ABSTRACT II ACKNOWLEDGEMENT III CONTENTS IV LIST OF FIGURES VII LIST OF TABLES IX CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Demand forecasting and capacity expansion 1 1.2 Research purpose 1 1.3 Research objective 2 1.4 Research scope 2 1.5 Research questions 2 1.6 Hypothesized system behavior over time 2 1.7 Research contribution 3 1.8 Outline of document 4 CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 5 2.1 Demand forecasting 5 2.2 Capacity expansion 8 2.3 Related research on demand forecasting and capacity management 10 2.4 Systems thinking 13 CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM DYNAMICS 16 3.1 System dynamics definition 16 3.2 System dynamics terminology and tools 17 3.2.1 Fundamental concepts of system dynamics 18 3.2.2 System dynamics modeling tools 21 3.3 Model boundary 21 3.4 Why use system dynamics 22 3.5 The system dynamics modeling process 24 3.5.1 Ford’s eight-step system dynamics modeling process 26 3.5.2 Sterman’s five-step system dynamics modeling process 28 3.6 Model validation 30 3.6.1 Types of models and model validity 31 3.6.2 Aspects of formal model validation 32 3.7 System dynamics software 35 CHAPTER 4 DEMAND SCENARIO ANALYSIS AND PLANNED CAPACITY EXPANSION(Case Study 1: Cement Manufacturing) 37 4.1 A Brief history of cement industry 37 4.2 Base model development of demand scenario analysis and planned capacity expansion 38 4.2.1 Order sub-model 40 4.2.2 Production sub-model 42 4.2.3 Inventory sub-model 43 4.2.4 Planned capacity sub-model 43 4.3 Parameter estimation (case study 1) 44 4.4 Model validation of cement demand 45 4.4.1 Base model run results 45 4.4.2 Validation of simulation based model 48 4.5 Scenario development of case study 1 50 4.5.1 Structure scenario 50 Demand is expected to grow 7% annually, without capacity expansion 50 Demand is expected to grow 7% annually, with planned capacity expansion 53 4.5.2 Parameter scenario 56 Optimistic scenario 56 Pessimistic scenario 59 4.6 Conclusion of case study 1 63 CHAPTER 5 DEMAND FORECASTING AND TERMINAL CAPACITY EXPANSION (Case Study 2: Air Passenger) 64 5.1 A brief history of air travel demand 64 5.2 Base model development of air passenger demand forecasting and passenger terminal capacity expansion 66 5.2.1 Airfare impact sub-model 68 5.2.2 Level of service impact sub-model 70 5.2.3 Population sub-model 70 5.2.4 GDP sub-model 71 5.2.5 Runway utilization sub-model 71 5.3 Main relationships of the model 72 5.4 Parameter estimation (case study 2) 72 5.5 Base model run results of case study 2 73 5.6 Model validation of air passenger demand 77 5.7 Scenario development of case study 2 80 5.7.1 Structure scenario 80 5.7.2 Parameter scenario 81 Optimistic scenario 81 Pessimistic scenario 82 5.7.3 Scenarios run results 83 5.8 Conclusion of case study 2 91 CHAPTER 6 CONCLUSION AND FURTHER RESEARCH 93 6.1 Conclusion 93 6.2 Further Research 95 REFERENCES 96 VITA 102

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