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研究生: 張智珽
Chih-Ting Chang
論文名稱: 回顧性論文在知識傳播中所扮演的角色:以電子旅遊文獻為例
The role of review articles in knowledge diffusion: A case of eTourism literature
指導教授: 劉顯仲
John S. Liu
口試委員: 莊暢
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 科技管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Technology Management
論文出版年: 2015
畢業學年度: 103
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 76
中文關鍵詞: 電子旅遊回顧性論文主路徑分析引證網路中介分析知識傳播
外文關鍵詞: eTourism, review article, brokerage analysis
相關次數: 點閱:461下載:23
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Academic articles are endowed with different roles when the researchers adopts different approaches to express the research outcome. Most of the academic article can be divided into three types, i.e. theoretical researches, empirical researches, and review researches. Theoretical and empirical researches always have specific focuses and evidence so the contribution in knowledge is more concrete than review research. In contrast, the contribution of review researches are controversial. As knowledge has accumulated by all different types of research by time, review researches have the characteristic of integration, in which we can quickly understand the development of some research fields. Whether the review research is playing a critical role in the process of knowledge diffusion drives us to explore further in this study
This study applies several methods to explore the path of knowledge development and the role of review papers. The main path analysis is used to discover the core knowledge flow trajectory and critical academic articles. Edge-betweenness clustering classifies a large number of data into several groups. Brokerage analysis explores the mediated relation in knowledge diffusion by five broker types. We collect the academic articles in the field of electronic tourism as our research context, and explores the role of review articles in knowledge diffusion. The dataset includes 1202 papers which are collected from SCOPUS database.
This study finds that review articles are indispensable in the knowledge diffusion process. Review articles urge readers on studying diverse knowledge to achieve the result of knowledge diffusion. Review researches link extensive knowledge such as the pivot of knowledge diffusion and integrate knowledge cross sub-field thus play a critical role in knowledge diffusion

摘要I 致謝III 圖目錄VI 表目錄VII 壹、緒論1 1.1研究背景1 1.2電子旅遊2 1.3研究目的與問題3 貳、相關研究4 2.1回顧性文獻4 2.2知識傳播之中介角色8 2.3電子旅遊10 2.3.1 消費者觀點10 2.3.2 業者觀點11 參、研究方法12 3.1研究架構12 3.1.1 資料來源13 3.1.2 資料蒐集與關鍵字檢索13 3.2主路徑分析16 3.2.1 資訊流量17 3.2.2 路徑追蹤20 3.2.3 主路徑分析之操作技術23 3.3中介角色理論24 3.4集群分析25 肆、研究發現與結果26 4.1資料統計26 4.2中介角色分析27 4.3集群分析29 4.3.1 回顧性論文之知識群組解析29 4.3.2 電子旅遊之應用探討29 4.4知識傳播軌跡42 伍、研究結論52 5.1回顧性論文52 5.2電子旅遊研究發展概述53 5.3研究建議54 5.3.1 資料蒐集54 5.3.2 延伸研究55

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