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研究生: 邱泓智
Hung-Chih Chu
論文名稱: 以球擠光與球拋光製程作壓鑄用模具鋼之表面精加工研究
Surface Finish of the Die Casting Mold Tool Steel Using Ball Burnishing and Spherical Polishing Processes
指導教授: 修芳仲
Fang-Jung Shiou
口試委員: 陳炤彰
Chao-Chang Chen
Dong-Yao Sheu
Pai-Shan Pa
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 機械工程系
Department of Mechanical Engineering
論文出版年: 2006
畢業學年度: 94
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 148
中文關鍵詞: 8407-MS壓鑄用模具鋼球擠光球拋光田口式實驗計劃法最佳拋光參數
外文關鍵詞: 8407-MS die casting mold tool steel, ball burnishing process, spherical polishing process, Taguchi’s matrix experiments, optimal spherical polishing parameters
相關次數: 點閱:562下載:1
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The objective of this research is to improve the surface roughness of the 8407-MS die casting mold tool steel using the ball grinding, ball burnishing and spherical polishing surface finish processes on a machining center. The optimal plane surface ball burnishing and spherical polishing parameters have been determined after conducting the Taguchi’s L9 and L18 matrix experiments, analysis of variation (ANOVA), and the full factorial experiments, respectively. The optimal plane ball burnishing parameters for the used tool steel were the combination of the burnishing force of 250N, the burnishing speed of 200mm/min, the feed of 20μm, and the burnishing path orthogonal to the grinding direction. The optimal plane spherical polishing parameters for the used tool steel were the combination of the WA abrasives of Al2O3 with grid no. 6000, the feed of 80 mm/min., stepover distance of 60μm, depth of penetration of 40μm, the grinding speed of 22,000 rpm, and the polishing path parallel to the burnishing direction. The surface roughness of the test specimens could be improved from about Ra 0.521μm to Ra 0.064μm (Rmax 0.773μm) in average using the optimal plane surface ball burnishing parameters. The surface roughness of the burnished specimen can be further improved to Ra 0.017μm (Rmax 0.194μm) using the optimal plane surface spherical polishing process with the determined optimal plane surface polishing parameters. Applying the optimal plane surface ball grinding, ball burnishing and spherical polishing parameters sequentially to a fine milled freeform surface carrier of an Enter key for the 8407-MS die casting mold tool steel, the surface roughness of Ra 0.036μm (Rmax 0.378μm) on the freeform surface is obtainable.

中文摘要.........................................................................................I Abstract……………………………………………………………….. III 誌謝…………………………………………………………….............. V 目錄................................................................................................VI 圖索引.................................................................................XII 表索引.........................................................................................XVII 第一章 緒論.................................................................................... 1 1.1 研究動機及目的.................................................................1 1.2 文獻回顧............................................................................2 1.3 研究方法與論文架構........................................................9 第二章 研磨加工、球擠光、拋光與表面粗糙度之相關理論介紹...............................................................................11 2.1 研磨加工之原理........................................................11 2.2 球擠光加工之原理………………………………………….13 2.2.1 球擠光之簡化塑性變形理論………………….............14 2.2.2 擠光力.......................................................................15 2.2.3 進給…………………………………..………………..16 2.2.4 擠光速度…………………….………………………….17 2.2.5 擠光球材質………………….………………………….17 2.3 拋光加工原理……………………………………………..18 2.3.1 磨料……………………………………………………..19 2.3.2 轉速……………………………………………………..20 2.3.3 進給速率………………………..……………………..20 2.3.4加工間距………………………..……………………..20 2.3.5 壓深……………………………………………………..21 2.4 表面粗糙度介紹……………………………………………..22 2.4.1 表面狀況之定義………………………………………..22 2.4.2 表面粗糙度參數之表示法……………………………..23 第三章 田口式實驗計劃法.............................................................24 3.1 田口實驗計畫法簡介........................................................25 3.2 參數設計..........................................................................26 3.3 因子的分類......................................................................28 3.3.1 信號因子(Signal factor).............................................28 3.3.2 雜音因子或干擾因子(Noise factor)............................28 3.3.3 可控因子(Control factor)...........................................29 3.4 品質損失函數...................................................................30 3.5 信號雜訊比(Signal to noise ration)...................................32 3.6 變異數分析…………………………………………………..34 3.7 直交表介紹…………………………………………………..37 3.8 最適條件下的最佳值預估與確認實驗……………………..40 3.9誤差項百分比( )……………..…………………………….41 第四章 實驗方法與程序................................................................42 4.1 實驗方法……………………………………………………..42 4.2 試件材料介紹與試件設計…………………………………..47 4.2.1 試件之材料特性…………..........................................49 4.2.2 試件材料之熱處理…………......................................49 4.2.3 試件之設計………….................................................51 4.3 擠光工具與擠光加工參數…………………………………..52 4.4 拋光夾具與拋光加工參數…………………………………..54 4.5 3D自由曲面載具之建構……….…….…………………..57 4.6 實驗設備…..…………………………………………………60 4.6.1 MV-3A立式綜合切削中心機…………………………...60 4.6.2 切削動力計……………………………………………..60 4.6.3 電動研磨機……………………………………………..62 4.6.4 觸發式MP700探頭……………………..……………..63 4.6.5 磨料循環系統槽………………………………………..64 4.6.6 表面粗糙度量測儀……………………………………..65 4.6.7 Cyclone掃描式三次元量床……………………………66 4.6.8 光學顯微鏡……………...……………..……………….67 4.6.9 原子力顯微鏡……………..……………………………67 4.6.10 KEYENCE彩色雷射3D立體形狀量測顯微鏡………68 4.7 實驗程序……………………………………………………70 第五章 實驗結果與數據分析……………………………………….72 5.1 擠光加工之直交表實驗…………………………..…………72 5.1.1 S/N ratio之計算………………………………………...74 5.1.2 ANOVA變異數分析…………………………………….77 5.1.3 表面粗糙度預測值…………………….……………….81 5.1.4 擠光之全因子實驗…………………………………….82 5.1.5 擠光之驗証實驗……………………………………….84 5.2 擠光加工參數對表面粗糙度的影響………………………86 5.2.1 擠光力之影響…………………………………….…….86 5.2.2 進給之影響……………………………..………………87 5.2.3 間距之影響……………………………..………………88 5.2.4 擠光路徑之影響………………….……………………89 5.3 拋光加工之直交表實驗……………………………………90 5.3.1 S/N ratio………………………………………………..93 5.3.2 ANOVA變異數分析…………………………………...95 5.3.3 表面粗糙度預測值……………………………………97 5.3.4 拋光之全因子實驗……………………………………98 5.3.5 拋光之驗証實驗………………………………………100 5.4 拋光加工參數對表面粗糙度的影響………………………102 5.4.1 磨料之影響……………………………………………102 5.4.2 拋光路徑之影響………………………………………102 5.4.3 轉速之影響……………………………………………103 5.4.4 進給之影響……………………………………………104 5.4.5 間距之影響……………………………………………104 5.4.6 Z軸進深之影響………………………………………105 5.5 光學顯微鏡與原子力顯微鏡下之表面組織………………106 5.5.1 光學顯微鏡下研磨、擠光與拋光加工後之表面組織..106 5.5.2 原子力顯微鏡下量測之表面狀況……………………108 5.6 最佳擠光與拋光參數應用於3D自由曲面加工……..…...113 第六章 結論與建議………………….………………………………129 6.1 結論…………………………………………………………129 6.2 未來展望……………………………………………………130 參考文獻……………………………………………………………...132 附錄(一) 表面粗糙高度預估公式之推導………………………...138 附錄(二) CNS3-3所規定之各種加工方法所能得到的中心線平均粗糙度範圍……………………………………………………...139 附錄(三) F分佈表……………………………………………….140 附錄(四) 主軸固定器設計圖………………………………………..143 附錄(五) 常見的表面粗糙度表示法………..……………..………..144 作者簡介……………………………………………………………...148

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