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研究生: 葉再甫
Tsai-Fu Yeh
論文名稱: 商業模式重塑 - 半導體零件代理商倍微科技轉型品牌之路
Business Model Remodeling—Transformation of PCT from Semi-conductor Component Agent to IC Brand
指導教授: 王孔政
Kung-Jeng Wang
口試委員: 林久翔
Chiuhsiang Joe Lin
Yun-Huei Lee
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
論文出版年: 2017
畢業學年度: 105
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 49
中文關鍵詞: 危機與變革管理資源基礎觀點商業模式重塑關鍵成功因素電子零件通路商
外文關鍵詞: Crisis and Change management, Resource-based View, Business Model Remodeling, Key Success Factor, Electronic Component Distributor
相關次數: 點閱:497下載:9
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  • 全球半導體產業藉由併購整合等手段增加企業營收、取得專利技術、擴大市場占有率、降低營運成本,使企業在合併後更具競爭力。而處在半導體電子產業供應鏈中游的電子零件通路商,在面臨代理產品線減少的市場競爭下必須採取因應策略,有電子零件通路商轉型為整體方案提供商或跨入電子製造商,也有廠商不斷藉由併購或合組控股公司增加代理產品線、共用營運平台來擴大集團營收、降低營運成本而成為產業龍頭。本個案公司倍微科技為台灣半導體電子零件代理商,其所代理的IC廠商遭併購後引發企業危機,因個案公司擁有良好的財務體質及資源基礎,成功的轉型為IC品牌商,開創不同於其他電子通路商的企業轉型策略。本論文包含個案內容和教學指引兩部分,透過個案內容讓讀者解析電子零件代理商經營的潛在風險及危機管理,並藉由個案探討企業的轉型決策及企業如何利用本身資源基礎做為轉型的關鍵成功因素,本個案隱含的管理理論與議題為危機與變革管理、代理商與品牌經營的商業模式、企業轉型過程的資源基礎重塑及轉型的關鍵成功因素。期望本個案能對讀者或相關產業同業在企業經營決策思考能有所啟發及助益。

    Enterprises in the global semiconductor industry utilize merger and acquisition integration to increase corporate revenue, acquire patent technology, expand market share, reduce operating costs and achieve other objectives so as to enhance corporate competitiveness after integration. In the face of market competition resulting from decreased demand for product line agents, electronic component distributors located midstream along the semiconductor electronics industry supply chain must formulate and adopt response strategies. Some businesses have been converted into total solution providers or have forayed into electronics manufacturing, while others have become industry leaders by means of mergers and acquisitions or the establishment of joint holding companies, thereby increasing the number of agent product lines, augmenting group revenue through the sharing of operating platform, and reducing operating costs as well as other strategies. The company (PCT) analyzed in this case study, Professional Computer Technology Limited, is an electronic component agent in Taiwan’s semiconductor industry that successfully transformed itself into an IC brand following a corporate crisis incurred by the acquisition of the IC manufacturer for which it acted as agent. By means of its sound financial system and adequate resource base, PCT was able to formulate a business transformation strategy that differs from those of other electronic distributors. This thesis is comprised of two sections, case content and teaching guide.
    The case content provides readers with an analysis of the potential risks and crisis management of electronic component agents, while the business transformation decisions made and how corporations utilize their own resource base as a key success factor are investigated in the subsequent study. The management theories and issues exhibited through this case study include crisis and change management, business models of agents and brand operations, resource-based remodeling in the process of business transformation and the key success factors of that transformation. It is the author’s hope that this case study will provide readers or industry peers with insight that better enables their strategic thinking in terms of business operations.

    摘 要 I ABSTRACT II 誌 謝 IV 圖目錄 VI 表目錄 VII 第一章 個案本文 1 1-1 序曲 1 1-2 電子暨半導體產業概況 2 1-3 倍微公司現況 6 1-4 倍數成長 「微」機四伏 12 1-5 風暴再襲 15 1-6 風雨生信心 20 1-7 居安思危 21 第二章 個案教學指引 26 2-1 個案總覽 26 2-2 教學目標與適用課程 27 2-3 學生課前準備及討論問題 28 2-4 個案背景 28 2-5 個案分析 29 2-6 教學建議 43 2-7 板書規劃 44 參考文獻 48

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