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研究生: 王守裕
Shou-Yu - Wang
論文名稱: 探討體驗線索對服務體驗品質和顧客滿意度之影響-以動物輔助治療為例
The Effects of Experience Clues on Service Experience Quality and Customer Satisfaction – Evidence from Animal-assisted Therapy
指導教授: 宋同正
Tung-Jung Sung
口試委員: 董芳武
Fang-Wu Tung
Hsu, Yen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 設計系
Department of Design
論文出版年: 2017
畢業學年度: 105
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 117
中文關鍵詞: 動物輔助治療體驗線索服務體驗品質顧客滿意度服務設計
外文關鍵詞: Animal-Assisted Therapy
相關次數: 點閱:685下載:46
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    近年來,在台灣動物輔助治療(Animal-Assisted Therapy , 以下簡稱AAT)逐漸受到重視,特定領域專家正努力投入此類服務的研究或推廣。如今,AAT卻面臨到了如何提供安全、有效和高品質服務的挑戰。過往相關研究多注重在治療成效,鮮少從設計觀點探討如何提供一個好的AAT服務體驗。基本上,除了能提供好的服務內涵外,一個好的體驗線索亦會影響顧客服務體驗品質與滿意度。基此,以動物輔助治療為例,本研究旨在探討體驗線索對服務體驗品質與顧客滿意度的影響。
  依據服務設計流程,本研究共區分為三大階段。第一階段為「探索與定義」階段,目的在觀察與了解AAT服務流程與現況,並將結果發現繪製成顧客旅程地圖。然後,透過利害關係人的訪談,本研究確認出AAT服務中不同之體驗線索並且發掘9項服務缺口。再者,為了解顧客對AAT服務的感受,本研究針對50名有參與AAT經驗受測者進行問卷調查。第二階段為「設計發展階段」,針對4項關鍵服務缺口,本研究提出兩個具可行性之新體驗線索設計方案。第三階段為「成果評估階段」,本研究將兩個不同新體驗線索設計方案:A為實體紙本版,B為手機APP版,以觀看模擬影片方式分別邀請40名受測者 (A、B方案各20名),進行問卷填寫。隨後,本研究再針對調查結果進一步探討體驗線索對服務體驗品質及顧客滿意度之影響。

  In recent years, Animal-Assisted Therapy (AAT) has gained more and more attention in Taiwan. Experts in different fields have devoted themselves to promote the AAT services. However, AAT is facing with the challenges of how to provide safe, effective and high quality service. Past studies highlight the importance of the treatment, but little research explores discuss how to provide a good AAT service experience from the perspective of service design. Basically, experience clues can not only help service providers to build good service, but also have an impact on service experience quality and customer satisfaction. Taken as an example of AAT, the purpose of this study is to explore the effects of experience clues on service experience quality and customer satisfaction.
  According to the service design process, this study is divided into three stages. In the first “exploration and definition” stage, observation method was used to observe and understand the AAT service process in order to draw out the customer journey map. Then, this study interviewed with stakeholders to identify the different experience clues in AAT service. And, 9 service gaps were identified from the observation and interview results. In order to verify the status of the current AAT service, 50 valid questionnaires were collected from 50 teachers who have participated in the AAT service. In the second “design development” stage, this study used the co-design method to confirm 4 critical service gaps, and came out with two feasible experience clues design proposals. The third stage is the “proposal evaluation” stage. This study used two videos to demonstrate the service scenario of experience clues design proposal A and B (A as paper version and B as APP version). Then, this study invited 40 teachers (each version with 20 teachers) to fill out the questionnaire. Furthermore, this study explored the effects of experience clues on service experience quality and customer satisfaction.
  The findings of this study reveal: 1) AAT services contains 10 experience clues; 2) there are significant differences in experience clues, service experience quality and customer satisfaction between original service and new experience clue designs; 3) there are no significant differences in experience clues, service experience quality and customer satisfaction between experience clues of A and B design proposals. Based on experience clues perspective, the study further proposes the research suggestion and design guidelines for the future development of AAT service.

一、緒論 1 1.1 研究背景與動機 1 1.2 研究目的 2 1.3 研究範圍 2 1.4 重要名詞解釋 4 1.5 概念性研究架構與流程 5 二、文獻回顧 8 2.1 動物輔助治療 8 2.1.1 動物應用於治療之歷史 8 2.1.2 HAB執行模式 9 2.1.3 動物輔助治療 11 2.1.4 常見的動物輔助治療種類 13 2.1.5 動物輔助治療的療效 16 2.1.6 台灣動物輔助治療發展現況 16 2.2 體驗線索 18 2.3 服務體驗品質 19 2.3.1 服務體驗品質定義 19 2.3.2 服務體驗品質衡量 20 2.4 顧客滿意度 21 2.4.1 顧客滿意度 21 2.4.2 顧客滿意度衡量 21 2.5 服務設計 23 2.5.1 服務設計定義 23 2.5.2 服務設計流程與工具 23 2.5.3 服務缺口 26 2.6 研究架構 28 三、研究設計 29 3.1 研究步驟 29 3.2 探索定義階段 30 3.2.1 觀察法 30 3.2.2 訪談法 31 3.2.3 問卷調查法 33 3.3 設計發展階段 34 3.4 成果評估階段 36 四、研究發現 37 4.1 探索定義階段發現 37 4.1.1 動物輔助治療服務現況 37 4.1.2 體驗線索 40 4.1.3 問卷調查結果分析 42 4.1.4 服務缺口 48 4.1.5 小結 49 4.2 設計發展階段 50 4.2.1 界定關鍵服務缺口 51 4.2.2 新體驗線索設計方針 52 4.2.3 新體驗線索設計概念 53 4.2.4 新體驗線索設計方案說明 54 4.2.5 小結 64 4.3 成果評估階段發現 66 4.3.1 新體驗線索設計方案A、B服務模擬 66 4.3.2 問卷調查分析 67 4.3.3 小結 79 4.4 研究討論 80 4.4.1 新體驗線索設計方案與舊體驗之差異 80 4.4.2 新體驗線索設計方案A與B之差異 81 五、結論與建議 82 5.1 研究結論 82 5.2 研究建議 85 5.2.1 設計應用建議 85 5.2.2 後續研究建議 86 參考文獻 87

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