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研究生: 陳柏丞
Bo-Cheng Chen
論文名稱: 都會區低矮建物之液化風險與損害評估
Seismic Liquefaction Risk and Damage Assessment of Low- rise Building in Urban City
指導教授: 盧之偉
Chih-Wei Lu
口試委員: 葛宇甯
Louis Ge
Chih-Chieh Lu
On-Lei Annie Kwok
Shih-Hao Cheng
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 營建工程系
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 113
中文關鍵詞: 土壤液化離心機沉陷量傾角傾斜方向評估公式
外文關鍵詞: DBLEAVSE, Simplified method, Tilt angle, Tilt direction
相關次數: 點閱:477下載:0
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Since the liquefaction disaster occurred in the Annan District of Tainan in the 0206 Meinong earthquake, the Taiwan government has promoted drilling and borehole placement to improve the accuracy of liquefaction potential maps and develop intermediate-level liquefaction potential maps, further more to avoid economic losses caused by liquefaction disasters. Liquefaction risk assessment of the urban cities has been promoted. This research discussed the liquefaction behavior of low-rise buildings and shallow foundations based on the distribution patterns of high-density buildings in today's metropolitan areas. At first, presented a review of the research results of past literature through field surveys, centrifuge tests, and numerical analysis, and further discuss the "settlement", "tilt" and "tilt direction" of the foundation caused by liquefaction. The approximate ratio (rp) parameter was proposed for discussion, and an effective stress program DBLEAVES of the finite element numerical analysis tool was used. To verify the feasibility of the material parameters used by the numerical model, simulating the centrifuge test results by Kyoto University was used to verify the model and then establish a model of a configuration of two adjacent foundations for finding a relationship of settlement and tilt. Finallty, the relational formula produced by the research is substituted into the damage assessment analysis of the building and combined with process of liquefaction risk assessment. This study used a demonstration area to demonstrate proposed methodology by this study.

論文摘要 I 致謝 III 圖目錄 VI 表目錄 IX 主要參數符號表 X 第1章 緒論 1 1.1 研究動機與目的 1 1.2 研究內容 2 第2章 文獻回顧 4 2.1 土壤液化原理 4 2.2 現地液化調查案例 5 2.3 基礎液化行為分析研究 8 2.3.1 離心機既振動台分析 9 2.3.2 數模之基礎沉陷量 12 2.3.3 基礎傾斜行為 15 2.3.4 建物傾斜方向性 18 2.4 小結 21 第3章 離心機試驗與數值分析驗證 22 3.1 地工試驗內容 22 3.1.1 試驗材料 23 3.1.2 試體箱及模型配置 24 3.2 試驗結果與探討 25 3.3 數模分析驗證 27 3.3.1 數值方法 27 3.3.2 砂土模型理論 28 3.3.3 離心機試驗-數值驗證 31 第4章 淺基礎間距互制之液化行為 38 4.1 分析模型要點及架構 38 4.1.1 分析要點 38 4.1.2 分析模型架構 39 4.2 數值分析結果探討 44 4.2.1 超額孔隙水壓行為分析探討 45 4.2.2 加速度行為分析探討 56 4.2.3 兩相鄰基礎液化行為之簡易機制探討 66 4.3 液化引致基礎沉陷、傾斜 69 4.3.1 液化致基礎沉陷探討 69 4.3.2 液化致基礎傾斜探討 81 4.3.3 兩相鄰基礎傾斜方向探討 88 4.4 分析總結 95 第5章 研究區域液化潛勢風險評估展示及應用 97 5.1 緣起 97 5.1.1 研究區域-人文地質背景 97 5.2 液化風險評估及損害度評估 98 5.2.1 分析資料 98 5.2.2 分析步驟及方法 101 5.3 預期成果展示 106 第6章 結論與建議 108 參考文獻 111

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