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研究生: Enerelt Rentsendorj
Enerelt Rentsendorj
論文名稱: Effects of Tax Avoidance on Multinational Mining Corporation Profitability
Effects of Tax Avoidance on Multinational Mining Corporation Profitability
指導教授: 郭啟賢
Chii Shyan Kuo
口試委員: 陳崇文
Chung Wen Chen
Shih Hao Lu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理學院MBA
School of Management International (MBA)
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 61
中文關鍵詞: Tax AvoidanceMining Tax AvoidanceMultinational mining corporation profitabilityPotential GrowthDiversificationLeverage
外文關鍵詞: Tax Avoidance, Mining Tax Avoidance, Multinational mining corporation profitability, Potential Growth, Diversification, Leverage
相關次數: 點閱:449下載:0
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This paper investigates the relationship between tax avoidance and multinational mining corporation profitability. This research examines the possible moderating effect of potential growth, level of diversification, and a level of leverage on multinational mining corporation profitability by avoiding taxes. The sample comprises 25 multinational corporations in the mining sector and covers from 2014 to 2018.
First, I found significant positive direct evidence that multinational mining corporation during the sample period is more likely to increase firm performance by engaging in tax avoidance. Results were consistent with non-conforming tax avoidance. The finding confirmed that multinational mining corporations increase their profitability to avoid income taxation by using international tax avoidance channels. Otherwise, Mining parent corporations have located in different host countries. Having subsidiaries in many countries allows using many differential tax rates between a parent company and subsidiaries for reducing their tax liability. Mining corporations can minimize tax liability, increasing profitability by lowering effective tax rates.
In addition, I found negative direct evidence of cash tax avoidance and firm profitability. Cash tax avoidance (conforming tax avoidance) reduces taxable and financial income, showing a negative relationship between tax avoidance and firm profitability. It was consistent with notion that strict regulatory constraints reduce profit shifting and transfer pricing. As a result it leads to reduce multinational corporation profitability.
Further, I found a moderating impact of a lower level of potential growth strengthens the relationship between multinational mining corporation profitability and tax avoidance. The finding was consistent with my hypothesis: multinational mining corporation profitability does have a relationship with the potential growth of corporations when there is non-conforming tax avoidance. The results did not support whereas conforming tax avoidance exists. Younger multinational mining corporations might have a better opportunity to increase profitability when taxpayers use exempted tax regimes.
Moreover, I found that moderating effect of a higher level of diversification allows engaging in tax avoidance activities. These results are consistent with the high level of diversification that influences positively on multinational mining profitability. Multinational corporations with a higher number of subsidiaries in the mining industry tend to increase profitability by avoiding taxes.
Finally, the result is consistent with a lower level of leverage strengthens firm profitability by engaging in non-conforming tax avoidance while existing conforming tax avoidance result is insignificant.

This paper investigates the relationship between tax avoidance and multinational mining corporation profitability. This research examines the possible moderating effect of potential growth, level of diversification, and a level of leverage on multinational mining corporation profitability by avoiding taxes. The sample comprises 25 multinational corporations in the mining sector and covers from 2014 to 2018.
First, I found significant positive direct evidence that multinational mining corporation during the sample period is more likely to increase firm performance by engaging in tax avoidance. Results were consistent with non-conforming tax avoidance. The finding confirmed that multinational mining corporations increase their profitability to avoid income taxation by using international tax avoidance channels. Otherwise, Mining parent corporations have located in different host countries. Having subsidiaries in many countries allows using many differential tax rates between a parent company and subsidiaries for reducing their tax liability. Mining corporations can minimize tax liability, increasing profitability by lowering effective tax rates.
In addition, I found negative direct evidence of cash tax avoidance and firm profitability. Cash tax avoidance (conforming tax avoidance) reduces taxable and financial income, showing a negative relationship between tax avoidance and firm profitability. It was consistent with notion that strict regulatory constraints reduce profit shifting and transfer pricing. As a result it leads to reduce multinational corporation profitability.
Further, I found a moderating impact of a lower level of potential growth strengthens the relationship between multinational mining corporation profitability and tax avoidance. The finding was consistent with my hypothesis: multinational mining corporation profitability does have a relationship with the potential growth of corporations when there is non-conforming tax avoidance. The results did not support whereas conforming tax avoidance exists. Younger multinational mining corporations might have a better opportunity to increase profitability when taxpayers use exempted tax regimes.
Moreover, I found that moderating effect of a higher level of diversification allows engaging in tax avoidance activities. These results are consistent with the high level of diversification that influences positively on multinational mining profitability. Multinational corporations with a higher number of subsidiaries in the mining industry tend to increase profitability by avoiding taxes.
Finally, the result is consistent with a lower level of leverage strengthens firm profitability by engaging in non-conforming tax avoidance while existing conforming tax avoidance result is insignificant.

ABSTRACT 1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 3 Table of contents 4 LIST OF TABLES 6 LIST OF FIGURES 7 Chapter 1. INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Research Background 1 1.2 Research problem 5 1.3 Research Purpose 5 1.4 Research Contribution 6 1.5 Research outline 6 Chapter 2. Literature review 7 2.1. Tax Avoidance 7 2.1.1. Agency theory 7 2.1.2. Political cost theory 8 2.1.3. International business theory 9 International taxation system 10 2.1.4 Main Channels of International Tax avoidance 12 2.1.5 Mining tax avoidance 13 Mining tax system 13 Mining tax avoidance channel 15 2.2 Multinational Corporation Profitability 18 2.2.1 Mining industry and profitability 20 2.3 Theoretical framework 21 2.3.1 Hypotheses Development 21 CHAPTER 3. Research Methodology 28 3.1 Research Approach and Design 28 3.2 Data Collection Method 29 3.3 Definitions of Variables 30 3.3.1 Dependent Variable 31 3.3.2 Independent variable 32 Measurement of Tax avoidance 32 3.3.3 Moderate variables 33 Potential growth 33 Diversification on multinational corporation 34 Leverage on multinational corporation 34 3.3.4 Control variables 34 3.4 Data analysis Method 36 3.4.1 Descriptive Analysis 36 3.4.2 Multiple Regression model 36 CHAPTER 4. DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS 40 4.1 Data and Sample selection 40 4.2 Descriptive statistics 41 4. 3 Regression Analysis 42 4.3.1 Tax avoidance effects on mining MNC profitability test result 42 4.3.2 Moderating effect of potential growth 45 4.3.3 Moderating effect of diversification 46 4.3.4 Moderating effect of leverage 48 CHAPTER 5. Conclusion and Recommendations 50 5.1 Conclusion 50 5.2 Limitation of Study 53 5.3 Recommendation of Study 54 REFERENCES 55

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