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研究生: 曾筠惠
Yun-Hui Tseng
論文名稱: 任務型導向教學對小學第二語言英語學習者口說焦慮與口說能力的影響
Effects of Task-Based Language Teaching on Speaking Anxiety and Speaking Performance of EFL Students in Elementary Schools
指導教授: 鄧慧君
Huei-Chun Teng
口試委員: 蔡玫馨
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 人文社會學院 - 應用外語系
Department of Applied Foreign Languages
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 76
中文關鍵詞: 任務型導向教學小學英語學習者口說能力口說焦慮
外文關鍵詞: TBLT, Elementary EFL Learners, Speaking Performance, Speaking Anxiety
相關次數: 點閱:597下載:0
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  • 隨著語言教學方法從傳統教師為中心的方式,轉變為學生為中心溝通式的方法,研究者不斷測試任務型導向教學對語言學習的影響。此外,臺灣預計於2030年轉型成為雙語國家,英語教師們致力於改善學生的口說能力。這項研究探討任務型導向教學對臺灣年輕第二語言英語學習者口說焦慮與口說能力的影響。本研究受測對象為38位來自北臺灣一所小學五年級的第二語言英語學習者。研究工具包括口說焦慮問卷、小學全民英檢口說測驗以及半結構性訪談。受測者先完成問卷及口說測驗的前測,接著接受10週的任務型導向教學課程。課程結束後,受測者再完成後測以了解他們口說能力的進步情形及口說焦慮是否有降低。最後,有7位自願者接受半結構性訪談並分享他們對於課程的看法。研究結果顯示受測者在修習課程後大幅提升口說能力。僅管口說焦慮沒有明顯差異,受測者指出他們非常享受任務型導向教學,因其有趣且具互動性。除此之外,部份學生提到他們十分喜歡配對及小組任務,並且認為在這個狀態下比較願意開口練習。總結來說,此研究建議任務型導向教學有助提升小學英語學習者的口說能力。

    As language teaching pedagogies move from traditional teacher-centered ways to a more student-centered, communicative way, researchers have been testing out the effects of task-based language teaching (TBLT) on language learning. Moreover, English teachers in Taiwan are dedicated to improving students’ speaking skills as Taiwan set out to become a bilingual country by 2030. Thus, this study examines the effects of TBLT on speaking anxiety and speaking performance of young EFL learners in Taiwan. A total of 38 grade five EFL students from an elementary school in northern Taiwan participated in the study. Three instruments were adopted in the study, including a speaking anxiety questionnaire, a mock GEPT kids speaking test, and a semi-structured interview. The participants took pre- speaking tests and speaking anxiety questionnaires. Then, students performed information-gap tasks, picture description tasks and listening tasks in a ten-week TBLT lesson. They also made group oral presentations. After the treatment, participants completed post speaking tests and speaking anxiety questionnaires to see their improvements in speaking performance and reduction in speaking anxiety. Finally, seven participants volunteered to join the semi-structured interview to provide their thoughts on the lessons. The study results show great improvements on learners’ speaking performance after the treatment. While there is no significant difference in students’ speaking anxiety, interviewees reported that they enjoyed the TBLT lessons more because the lessons were fun and interactive. In addition, some students pointed out that they enjoyed the pair and group work and felt more comfortable speaking under this condition. With these evidences, this study suggests that the TBLT method is beneficial to improving speaking performances of Elementary EFL Learners.

    CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1 Background of the Study 1 Purposes of the study 2 Significance of the Study 2 Definition of Key Terms 2 CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW 4 Overview of Task-Based Language Teaching 4 Introduction to Speaking Performance and Speaking Anxiety 5 Previous Research of TBLT and Speaking Anxiety 9 Related Studies on TBLT and Speaking Performance 13 Statement of the Research Gap 15 CHAPTER THREE METHODOLOGY 17 Participants 17 Instruments 17 Procedures 19 Lesson Plans 20 Data Analysis 24 Pilot Study 25 CHAPTER FOUR RESULTS 27 Results of Speaking Anxiety Scales 27 Items of Speaking Anxiety Questionnaires 27 Results of Speaking Tests 29 Results of the Interview 30 CHAPTER FIVE DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION 33 Summary of the Study 33 Discussion of the Results 34 Implications of the Study 36 Limitations of the Study 38 Conclusion 39 REFERENCES 41 APPENDICES 45

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