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研究生: 蔣乃瑕
Nai-hsia Chiang
論文名稱: 企業併購後母公司對子公司的知識移轉案例之研究 -- 以"資訊應用工具"建置為例
The process analysis research of knowledge transfer from HQ after enterprize merger and acquisition - A Case of IT applications setup
指導教授: 李國光
Gwo-Guang Lee
口試委員: 周子銓
Tzu-Chuan Chou
Jung-Chi Pai
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 資訊管理系
Department of Information Management
論文出版年: 2007
畢業學年度: 95
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 64
中文關鍵詞: 知識移轉
外文關鍵詞: knowledge transfer
相關次數: 點閱:301下載:9
查詢本校圖書館目錄 查詢臺灣博碩士論文知識加值系統 勘誤回報


One of the characteristics of knowledge-based economy nations is knowledge sharing. To make more value from HQ knowledge database is very important after company merger and acquisition.
To speed up the growth of enterprise and enhance its competition, Merger is one of the best ways. Therefore Information Technology (IT) will be the tool to help those activities betweens. The purpose of this research is to analysis one case of IT applications setup. What the sequence and what the methodology and what the challenge are.
The main purpose of this research is as follows:
1. Collecting the contents of knowledge transfer via three steps, first and middle and final steps.
2. Analysis knowledge transfer type through knowledge transfer adjust tree.
3. Summarize the gating on knowledge transfer project and to record the gating removal methods.
There are several suggestions from this research.
1. It should get the support from top managers when knowledge transfer project up. And need recognize the efforts of each teammate.
2. Based on the degree of IT tools, project need be splits into three stages.
3. The cost spending under the deployment need shared by usage.
4. Once the inquiry IT knowledge is over HQ capability, to establish another new knowledge base on subsidiary is must.
5. The TOC is the key factor of project deployment. To save money is an important thing.

摘 要 I ABSTRACT III 誌 謝 IV 第一章緒論 I 1.1 研究背景與動機 I 1.2 研究目的 I 1.3 研究流程 2 第二章文獻探討 3 2.1資訊科技的應用 3 2.1.1資訊科技的概念 3 2.1.2資訊科技的內容 4 2.2資訊科技的導入 5 2.2.1資訊科技導入模式 5 2.2.2資訊科技的發展應用三時期 6 2.3 知識移轉 8 2.3.1知識的定義及分類 8 2.3.2知識移轉的定義 10 2.3.3知識移轉的類型 11 2.3.4知識移轉的障礙 14 2.4 結語 15 第三章個案研究方法與設計 16 3.1 個案研究案例與項目說明 16 3.1.1個案研究案例說明 16 3.1.2個案研究項目說明 17 3.2 個案研究方法 19 3.3 研究工具 19 3.3.1編製問卷 19 3.3.2編製正式問卷 23 3.4 實施程序 24 3.4.1調查對象的選取 24 3.4.2問卷調查的實施與回收 24 第四章個案分析與討論 25 4.1 個案狀況與問題分析 25 4.1.1個案狀況 25 4.1.2甲公司的資訊投資問題探討 26 4.2 知識移轉項目的探討 26 4.2.1資訊應用工具建置「資訊基礎建設」大類分析 27 4.2.2資訊應用工具建置「應用軟體」大類分析 33 4.2.3資訊工具之整體應用分析 36 4.3 甲公司(個案)知識移轉過程分析 38 4.3.1甲公司之知識移轉類別分析 38 4.3.2甲公司之知識移轉障礙分析 43 4.3.3結語 46 第五章結論與建議 47 5.1 研究結論與貢獻 47 5.1.1研究結論 47 5.1.2研究貢獻 49 5.2研究建議 50 5.2.1對個案的建議 50 5.2.2對後續研究的建議 51 附件-1:問卷格式 52 附件-2:問卷 53 參考文獻 63

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