研究生: |
章聰誠 Cong-Cheng Zhang |
論文名稱: |
改進Yolov7在交通號誌偵測任務-以台灣交通號誌資料集為例 Improving Yolov7 in traffic sign detection task - A Case Study of Taiwan Traffic Signs Dataset |
指導教授: |
Shan-Hsiang Shen |
口試委員: |
Shan-Hsiang Shen 花凱龍 Kai-Lung Hua 陳永耀 Yung-Yao Chen |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
電資學院 - 資訊工程系 Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering |
論文出版年: | 2024 |
畢業學年度: | 112 |
語文別: | 英文 |
論文頁數: | 34 |
中文關鍵詞: | 交通號誌偵測 、注意力機制 、空間至深度卷積 |
外文關鍵詞: | YOLO, Traffic Sign Detection, Attention Module, Space To Depth Convolution |
相關次數: | 點閱:726 下載:0 |
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The purpose of this study is to improve the accuracy of YOLOv7 on traffic sign detection, and use the NTUST Taiwan traffic sign dataset I collected as the experimental object. The dataset contains a total of 29 types of traffic signs, including urban roads, mountain roads, and highways. Since the preset application scenario of the traffic sign detection system is self-driving cars, and the demands of this application scenario require good response speed and the ability to recognize signs at long distances, as a one-stage object model, YOLOv7 already has excellent performance and detection speed, however, the problem encountered in long-distance detection is to locate and identify signs with a small amount of information. Since YOLOv7 is based on CNN, the classic convolution layer and maximum pooling layer are constantly iterated to handle small objects. However, the feature of small objects are gradually lost in this process. To address this issue, I introduce the SPD convolution module to retain the feature of small objects as much as possible. Additionally, I incorporate an attention mechanism to make the model focus more on the objects. Finally, I add a detection head specifically designed for small objects. At the same time, Gaussian noise is added to the detection head during training to enhance the robustness of the model. Through the aforementioned modifications, the YOLOv7 mAP50 was successfully increased from 59.5% to 84.7%.
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