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研究生: 王思馨
Szu-Hsin Wang
論文名稱: 行動裝置使用者介面之欄位數量及排版型式設計研究
A Study on the Column Number and Layout Style of the Mobile User Interface
指導教授: 陳建雄
Chien-Hsiung Chen
口試委員: 張文智
Wen-Chih Chang
Chih-Fu Wu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 設計系
Department of Design
論文出版年: 2015
畢業學年度: 103
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 185
中文關鍵詞: 行動裝置排版型式欄位搜尋績效偏好
外文關鍵詞: Mobile device, Layout style, Column, Search performance, Preference
相關次數: 點閱:375下載:74
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第一部分為觀看3.5吋螢幕介面設計,探討不同相簿與相片排列型式之主觀評價,本研究以立意抽樣方式共邀請25位設計相關背景與27位非設計相關背景之受測者 (男性26位、女性26位) 以組內實驗方式進行四種面向之主觀偏好評量,分別為易視性、易達性、美感偏好以及滿意度與愉悅度。本研究結論為:(1)於小螢幕尺寸的智慧型行動裝置上,相簿的排列型式以大張照片的顯示方式於四種面向中較條列式佳;(2)於小螢幕尺寸的智慧型行動裝置上,相簿與相片介面設計應盡量避免過多的附加資訊如相片數量、留言數、瀏覽次數等,造成使用者觀看時主觀偏好與滿意度下降;(3)照片排列的型式須注意是否與操作方向吻合。
第二部分以立意抽樣方式共邀請72位受測者 (41位設計背景與31位非設計背景之受測者;男性35位、女性37位) 以組內實驗方式進行圖片搜尋任務,並於實驗後進行主觀評估,實驗分成4吋與10.1吋兩種操作情境,自變數為欄位數量與排版型式,欄位數量為2欄位、3欄位與4欄位三個水準,排版型式為瀑布牆型式與矩陣型式兩款,因此本研究採2 (受測者背景:設計背景與非設計背景) × 3 (欄位數量:2、3與4欄位) × 2 (介面排版型式:矩陣型式與瀑布牆型式) 實驗設計,依變數為搜尋圖片之反應時間並探討NASA-TLX工作負荷評估與進行介面主觀偏好評估。實驗結果顯示:(1)由NASA-TLX之「精神負荷」校標分析中,操作小尺寸螢幕的介面明顯需要較高的精神與專注;(2)行動裝置介面設計上,由於介面空間有限,不適當的欄位分割數量除了造成操作績效表現不佳之外還會降低使用者對於介面的主觀偏好感受並增加心智負荷程度;(3)於4吋螢幕介面設計中,採用3欄位的瀑布牆設計型式能有最佳的圖片搜尋績效;而2欄位與3欄位瀑布牆型式能有較高的主觀偏好;(4)於4吋螢幕介面設計中,3欄位瀑布牆型式與2欄位矩陣型式能有較低的工作負荷感受;(5)於10.1吋螢幕中採用4欄位設計型式,矩陣與瀑布牆設計型式皆有較佳的操作績效;(6)於10.1吋螢幕介面設計中,因為介面空間較充足,因此不論採用哪種排版型式皆可,但欄位分割的數量同樣會影響操作績效與使用者的主觀偏好。

The purpose of this study is to investigate image-based user interface design of users’ performance and preference with different layout styles for mobile devices. The experiment is planned into two stages.
The first stage experiment is to investigate users’ subjective evaluation for small application interface of album layout style of mobile devices with 3.5 inch display. A total of 52 participants (25 with design background and 27 without design background) were invited for the experiment by purposive sampling method. The experiment was conducted using the within-subjects design. Participants were asked to evaluate 6 stimulations in four aspects including visibility, accessibility, aesthetic preferences, and pleasure. The results indicated that: (1) For those smart mobile devices with small screen sizes, large photo layout design was better than the list style layout. (2) The user interface design of small screen sizes should avoid showing excessive information, such as the number of photo, the number of message, and viewing frequency. These may decrease user preference and result in lower satisfaction. (3) Photos should be arranged in the direction of task operation and follow user’s visual direction. These generated results can provide guidelines for designers to design better user interfaces for future use.
In the second stage of experiment, a total of 72 participants (41 with design background and 31 without design background; 35 males and 37 females) were invited for the experiment by purposive sampling method. The experiment was also conducted using the within-subjects design. Two independent variables adopted in experiment were column numbers and layout styles. The column number of 2, 3 and 4 columns were examined. Two different layout styles were used, i.e., grid and waterfall. Therefore, this experiment is a 2 (participant background, i.e., design vs. nondesign) × 3 (column number, i.e., 2, 3, and 4 columns) × 2 (user interface layout style, i.e., grid vs. waterfall) design. Both 4 inch and 10.1 inch screen sizes were used separately in the experiment. The dependent variables were reaction time of searching target picture, NASA-TLX evaluation, and participants’ subjective preference. The results showed that: (1) In terms of the effort analysis of NASA-TLX, interacting with small screen interface requires higher efforts than interacting with large screen. (2) Since mobile device did not have enough space to display all information, inadequate column numbers may decrease users' task performance, lower their subjective preference, and increase their mental loading. (3) In the 4-inch screen size, the user interface designed with 3 columns and adopted the waterfall layout style might result in better task performance. In addition, the user interface designed with 2 or 3 columns and adopted the waterfall layout style might result in better subjective preference. (4) In the 4-inch screen size, the user interface designed with 3 columns and adopted the waterfall layout style, and the user interface designed with 2 columns and adopted the grid layout style might cause lower workload. (5) In the 10.1-inch screen size, the user interface designed with 4 columns and adopted both the waterfall and grid layout styles might result in better task performance. (6) Since the screen size of a tablet may provide more space than the screen of a smart phone, these two types of user interface layout styles can be adopted to help facilitate users' interactions. However, the number of column still have strong effects on users' task performance and their subject preference.

摘要 i Abstract ii 致謝 iv 圖目錄 viii 表目錄 xi 第一章 緒論 1 1.1研究背景與動機 1 1.2研究目的 2 1.3研究範圍與限制 3 1.4研究架構與流程 4 第二章 文獻探討 6 2.1應用程式發展 6 2.1.1手機應用程式 6 2.1.2 社群網路服務(SNS)變遷 7 2.2技術沿革 8 2.2.1智慧型行動裝置 8 2.2.2螢幕演變與解析度 9 2.2.3螢幕比例 (Screen Ratio) 12 2.2.4觸控式螢幕介面與技術 13 2.3互動設計 14 2.3.1互動設計定義 14 2.3.2知覺與認知歷程 15 2.3.3心智模式 16 2.3.4使用性評估 18 2.4介面設計 20 2.4.1使用者經驗 20 2.4.2介面設計準則 22 2.4.3圖形使用者介面 24 2.4.4排版型式 25 2.4.5小結 34 第三章 研究方法與步驟 36 3.1研究架構與步驟 36 3.2實驗對象與研究方法 37 3.3評估工具 39 第四章 前導性實驗 41 4.1前導性實驗研究架構 41 4.2前導性實驗樣本 42 4.2.1現有介面樣本分析 42 4.2.2介面主觀偏好實驗設計 43 4.2.3前導性實驗問卷設計 44 4.2.4實驗步驟與設備 45 4.3前導性實驗對象 46 4.4前導性實驗結果 47 4.4.1介面主觀偏好實驗結果分析 47 4.4.2相簿介面主觀偏好分析 48 4.4.3相片介面主觀偏好分析 55 4.5介面主觀偏好實驗小結 62 4.5.1前導性實驗結果 62 4.5.2後續建議與規劃 62 第五章 驗證實驗與結果分析 64 5.1驗證實驗研究架構 64 5.2實驗樣本 65 5.2.1介面樣本設計 65 5.2.2實驗設備 69 5.2.3任務操作實驗設計 70 5.3受測者樣本 74 5.4實驗結果與分析 75 5.4.1任務績效分析-於4吋螢幕 75 5.4.2 NASA-TLX評量分析-於4吋螢幕 80 5.4.3介面主觀偏好分析-於4吋螢幕 101 5.4.4任務績效分析-於10.1吋螢幕 108 5.4.5 NASA-TLX評量分析-於10.1吋螢幕 111 5.4.6介面主觀偏好分析-於10.1吋螢幕 130 第六章 結論與建議 137 6.1前導性實驗結果 137 6.2驗證實驗結果 138 6.2.1於任務操作績效 138 6.2.2於NASA-TLX工作負荷程度 140 6.2.3於介面主觀偏好及事後訪談 142 6.2.4總結 151 6.3後續研究發展與建議 155 英文文獻 156 中文文獻 162 網路文獻 163 附錄一 165 附錄二 167

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