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研究生: 許陞銘
Sheng-Ming Hsu
論文名稱: 利用自動索引程式及人工智慧建立自動化網絡系統預測住宅總用電量
Utilizing Web Crawler and Artificial Intelligence to Build Automatic Web-based System for Predicting Household Electricity Consumption
指導教授: 周瑞生
Jui-Sheng Chou
口試委員: 周瑞生
Jui-Sheng Chou
Min-Yuan Cheng
Hui-Ping Tserng
Chien-Cheng Chou
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 營建工程系
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 169
中文關鍵詞: 節能減碳綠能產業智慧電網住宅用電人工智慧資料探勘自然啟發式優化法自動索引程式自動化系統網路平台資訊系統
外文關鍵詞: energy-saving, green energy industry, smart grid, residential electricity, artificial intelligence, data mining, natural-inspired optimization, web crawler, automatic system, web-based system
相關次數: 點閱:598下載:0
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電能的發展與使用,給予人們便利舒適的生活,然為提升舒適度而大量耗費不必要之能源,使能源危機與全球暖化等議題出現,並已危害部分生態圈發展,全球正積極推動節能減碳以緩解此症狀。住宅用電佔比台灣總用電約20%,其用電彈性相較工業、服務業等部門彈性更大,表節能潛力高。希冀藉提供實際及未來用電資訊,輔佐政府制訂節能政策方向;此外,政府所營運之台灣電力公司與綠能產業,需搭配智慧電網得知各地用電狀態,以利配電,而民眾可藉此平台監督節能計畫落實成果。有鑑於此,本研究望建立一自動化網路系統平台,提供各縣市住宅用電資訊。經文獻回顧,本文以縣市為蒐集基本單位,以月份為時間基本單位,資料集共含20個縣市,總長度為72個月,每一筆資料含17個影響住宅用電因子與住宅總用電量。應用資料探勘技術以預測未來住宅用電需求,此技術包含(1)線性回歸模型;(2)分類回歸樹;(3)支援向量基;(4)人工神經網路;(5)表決法;(6)重複採樣平均表決法,經交叉驗證得出Bagging-ANNs表現最佳,後續加入自然啟發式優化法PSO提高模型精準度與穩定性,建立混合模型PSO-Bagging-ANNs,其預測值與實際值間相關係數(correlation coefficient, R)為0.999、絕對誤差(mean absolute error, MAE)為2,059,993kWh、方均根誤差(root mean square error, RMSE)為5,311,887kWh、平均絕對值誤差率(mean absolute percentage error, MAPE)為1.17%。全台住宅每月總用電平均約為2億kWh,絕對誤差約為0.02億kWh,精準率可達1%。各評估指標顯示,此模型精準度優良,可提供有效資訊以供參考。自動化系統網路平台為基於此模型並結合自動索引程式建立,而後加入自動化排程,茲以提供各縣市每月住宅用電資訊。

The development and use of electrical energy give people a convenient and comfortable life. However, people consume a large amount of unnecessary energy to increase comfort, creating an energy crisis and global warming, and damaging some ecological circles. The world is actively promoting energy saving and carbon reduction to alleviate this problem. Residential electricity comprises about 20% of Taiwan's total electricity consumption, and has greater electric elasticity than electricity for industrial and business uses, representing high energy-saving potential. This study aims to assist government to formulate the direction of energy conservation policies. Additionally, the Taiwan power company and green energy industry, which are both operated by government, need to utilize the smart grid to realize the state of electricity consumption, in order to facilitate distribution. The public can use this platform to supervise the implementation of energy conservation plans. Accordingly, this investigation establishes an automated network system platform, providing information on residential electricity consumption in each county and city. After literature review, this collected data from 20 counties and cities each month over a period of 72 months. The data included 17 influence factors with residential electricity consumption during a month as a dependent variable. Data mining technology was employed to forecast future residential electricity demand. The forecasting systems adopted in this work were (1) linear regression, (2) classification and regression tree, (3) support vector machine/regression, (4) artificial neural networks, (5) Voting method and (6) Bagging method. Bagging-ANNs achieved the best performance among the tested models. A natural-inspired optimization method, namely PSO, was then applied to enhance the accuracy as well as stability of Bagging-ANNs, to develop a hybrid ensemble model, PSO-Bagging-ANNs. The correlation coefficient between prediction values and actual values was 0.99; the mean absolute error was 2,059,993kWh; the root mean square error was 5,311,887 kWh, and the mean absolute percentage error was 1.17%. The average of monthly electricity consumption in Taiwan is about 200,000,000kWh. The MAE is about 20,000kWh. The accuracy rate of the model is up to 1%. Evaluation indicators show that the proposed model is accurate, and provides effective information for reference. An automatic web-based system based on this model and combined with a web crawler and scheduled to run automatically to provide information on monthly residential electricity consumption in each county and city.

摘要 Abstract 致謝 目錄 圖目錄 表目錄 第一章 緒論 1.1研究背景 1.2研究動機與目的 1.3研究流程與論文架構 第二章 文獻回顧 2.1影響家庭用電量之因素 2.2人工智慧應用於能耗預測與監測 2.3 基於網路系統與自動化對能源管理之優點 第三章 研究方法 3.1自動索引程式 3.1.1原始資料蒐集 3.1.2數據集與預測因子整理 3.2機器學習演算法及優化法 3.2.1單一模型 3.2.2複合模型 3.2.3混和模型及優化法 3.3 模型驗證及誤差評估準則 3.3.1交叉驗證法 3.3.2誤差評估準則 3.4平台設計與施作 第四章 資料蒐集與模型建立 4.1資料蒐集 4.2模型建立與交叉驗證 4.2.1基準模型比較 4.2.2加入優化法建立混合模型 4.3分析結果與討論 第五章 平台建立與展示 5.1資料預測及視覺化 5.2平台建立與展示 5.3住宅能耗資訊貢獻 5.3.1基於政府面 5.3.2基於廠商業者面 5.3.3基於民眾面 第六章 結論與建議 參考文獻 附錄一、自動索引程式原始程式碼 附錄二、Python模型交叉驗證程式原始碼 附錄三、MATLAB模型交叉驗證程式程式碼 附錄四、混合模型建立程式原始碼 附錄五、自動化系統平台程式原始碼 附錄六、自動化系統平台建立流程

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